



Sample Email:

To: jane@PEmachine.com

cc:kana@PEmachine.com;thomas@PEmachine.com; nolan@PEmachine.com

From: Sandy@PEmachine.com

Subject: Meeting

Hi Everyone:

We will be having a meeting next Friday from 2.30pm-4.30pm in Room 3.(我们将于下星期五在3号房间开会,时间2.30pm-4.30pm)

All supervisors are expected to attend. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the upcoming tourist season. As you probably have heard, this could be our busiest season to date. There are already twentybus tours booked from Japan, and fifteen walking tours booked from North America.(所有主管都要出席。会议的目的是对即将到来的旅游旺季进行讨论。你们可能听说过,这可能是我们迄今为止最忙的季节。已经有20个来自日本的旅游团预订了巴士,还有来自北美洲的15个团预定了徒步旅行。)

We are also expecting Korean and Australian tours in late summer. Please make arrangements to have other staff members cover your duties during the meeting.(我们也期待着夏末来自韩国和澳大利亚的旅游团。另外,在会议期间,请安排好其他员工的工作。)

Thank you,




Sample Notice:


LOCATION: Room 3 (地点:3号房间)

DATE: Friday, May 5th(日期:5月5日,星期五)

TIME: 2:00 PM-4:00 P.M.(时间:下午2点到4点)

FOR: Supervisors only(参会者:各部门主管)

SUBJECT: Tourist Season(主题:旅游季)

Please note that ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY! 请注意出席是强制性的!


Sample Agenda:

1. Welcome, Introduction: Sandy and Stella (5 minutes)

2. Minutes from previous meeting: Jane (10 minutes)

3. Japan Tours: Sandy (15 minutes)

4. N.A. Tours: Sandy (15 minutes)

5. Korean Tours: Sandy (15 minutes)

6. Australian Tours: Sandy (if time allows 10 minutes)

7. Feedback from last year: Everyone (15 minutes)

8. Vote on staff picnic: Everyone (15 minutes)

9. Questions/Closing remarks/Reminders: Everyone (5 minutes)


Sample Personal Request:

Sandy: Hi Jane, did you get the email about next week's meeting?(简,你收到下周召开会议的电子邮件了吗?)

Jane: Yes, I'll be there.(是的,我会准时参加的)

Sandy: Great. I'd like to put you in charge of reviewing the minutes from last meeting for us.(好极了.我想让你负责审查上次会议的记录。)

Jane: Sure, I can do that. I think there is a copy of the minutes in my file.(没问题。我想我的档案中就有一份记录。)

Sandy: Thanks, you'll have ten minutes to remind us of what we discussed last meeting. This will be good for Stella to hear. Stella will be our new private tours coordinator.(谢谢,你会有十分钟的时间提醒我们上次会谈的内容。这对斯特拉来说是好消息。斯特拉将是我们新的私人旅游协调员。)


Sample Email:

To: jane@PEmachine.com

From: Sandy@PEmachine.com

Subject: Minutes

Hi Jane,

I just wanted to make sure that you would be available to review last month's minutes and present them at Friday's meeting. We have a new staff member joining us, so I'd like to give her a chance to see where things have been going since the last meeting.(我跟你想确定一下,你能把上个月的会议回顾一下,并在星期五的会议上陈述出来吗。有一个新的职员要加入我们,所以,我想给她一个机会,看看自从上次会议以来,事情进展到哪一步了。)

If you have any concerns about this, let me know.(如果你对此有任何顾虑,请告诉我。)






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