


Example 1:

A: Excuse me,may I ask you a question?

B: Yes.

A: Could you tell me Mr Frank's office.

B: Of course. It's just round the corner on the third floor .

Example 2:

A: What do you think of it?

B: I think it's ok.

A: By next week?

B: Yes.

可能读完例子后,大部分人的反应时,日常英语:Example 1 是日常问路;Example 2 是聊截止日期。那接下来,我分别给两个例子添加上发生时背景介绍,请各位再阅读以下两个例子:

(a business person visiting a supplier’s factory)

A: Excuse me,may I ask you a question?

B: Yes.

A: Could you tell me Mr Frank's office.

B: Of course. It's just round the corner on the third floor .

(two colleagues discussing an important deadline)

A: What do you think of it?

B: I think it's ok.

A: By next week?

B: Yes.


Business English is an umbrella term for a mixture of general everyday English, general business English, and English for Specific Purposes(ESP). It is not limited to words or phrases that only appear in some special business world.

一、General everyday English,既通用类日常口语。涉及到生活中的方方面面。比如说:购物、点餐、乘坐交通方式等。

二、General business English, 既通用类商务英语。我们在市面上会看到各个出版社出版的商务英语书籍,比如大家最常见的BEC,Market Leader等。下面的例子就是典型的商务英语:

1.Sales have fluctuated since we introduced the new sales strategy.

2.The team is responsible for the China project.

3.They've terminated the contract.



1.Can we talk about the parts afternoon?(in machine)

2.Maybe we need to revisit the escalation clause? (in real estate)

以上是从语言层面的理解,社交、购物、面试、旅行、打电话、做计划……这些都发生在特定的商务环境,为特定的商务目的。但是通常情况下商务交流技能不只是停留在语言层面。比如说演讲者需要演讲技能更好的将演讲内容传达给听众;电话接线员需要更好的电话沟通技巧。这个时候商务英语使用者不但需要知道语言层面知识,更需要技巧方面。这就需要学员学习商务英语的同时一起了解商务英语沟通技能(business communications skills)。也就是Email, presentation, meeting, telephone, negotiation.





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