


飞机票 endorsements/restrictions

航班号 flight no.

起点城市 from

座舱等级 class

起飞日期 date

机号 plane No.

311.I booked it yesterday.我昨天订的。

312.It'll be under Emma.它是Emma订的。

313.What's the boarding time?什么时候登机?

314.Your seat is confirmed.您的座位已确认过了。

315.Which fight do you prefer?您想要哪一个航班?

316.Do I need to change train?我还需要转火车吗?

317.Morning flights preferably.最好是上午的航班。

318.I'd like a refund on this ticket.我想要退这张票。

319.Is there any difference in price?票价有什么不同?

320.I would like to buy a train ticket.我想买一张火车票。

321.I'll have the ticket sent to you.我会让人把机票给您送去。

322.When do you intend to leave Shanghai?您想什么时候离开上海?

323.I'd like to sit in the front of the plane.我要坐在飞机头部。

324.I need to cancel my flight to NewYork.我需要取消我去纽约的航班。

325.Do I have to confirm my plane reservation?我必须确认我预定的机票吗?

326.I'd like to change this ticket to the first class.我想把这张票换成头等车。

327.Do you know the date and the reservation number?你知道航班日期和预定号吗?

328.I booked a round ticket to Korea yesterday.昨天我订了去香港的往返机票。

329.I bought a round trip bus ticket to cut the budget.我买往返火汽车票来降低预算。

330.Please arrive at the airport one hour before departure.请在起飞前一小时到达机场。

331.Mavis bought a round trip plane ticket to Melbourne.Mavis买了一张去墨尔本的往返机票。

332.My school will cover the round-trip cost to America.我学校会支付我去美国往返行程的费用。 

333.I want to go economy,and I'd prefer a morning flight.我想买经济舱的票,另外我喜欢早上的飞机。

334.The round trip ticket says we have to go back before 10 PM.这张往返票表明,我们晚上10点前得回来。

335.I'd like to book a one way airline ticket from New York to Shanghai. 我想预订一张从纽约到上海的单程机票。




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