



51.Here is my voucher.这是我的证件。

52.Have a pleasant stay.祝您住得愉快。

53.Here is your key card.这是你的房卡。

54.Do we need to pay deposit?需要付押金吗?

55.Do you have a reservation?你有预订房间吗?

56.Have you made a reservation,sir?请问您有预定吗?

57.Does the room have a hairdryer?房间里有吹风机吗?

58.Can you keep my valuables?你能帮我保管贵重物品吗?

59.We hope you enjoy your stay with us.祝您入住愉快。

60.Is there a safety box in my room?我房间内有保险箱吗?

61.Could I see some ID, please?我可以看一下你的身份证吗?

62.When should I check out?什么时候退房?

63.I have a reservation for name. 我用……的名字预订了房间。

64.Can I have a wake-up call, please? 你们有电话叫早服务吗?

65.The reservation is under the name of Tony.用Tony的名字订的。

66.May I have your room number, please?请告诉我您的房间号码好吗?

67.The elevators are right across the lobby.电梯就在大厅的正对面。

68.Is there anything else I can do for you?还有什么我能为你效劳的吗?

69.May I know are you amember of our hotel?请问你是我们旅馆的会员吗?

70.Do you have a bus service to the airport?你们酒店有机场接送服务吗?

71.I'd like to ask for the laundry service.麻烦你替我把衣服拿去洗一下。

72.Turn right and take the elevator over there.右拐,然后在那里乘坐电梯。

73.Please this way.这边请。

74.Sign here,please.请在这签。

75.Have a nice stay.祝您过得愉快!

76.I'd like to check in.我想办理住房手续。

77.May I have your name,please?您的姓名是?

78.May I have your documents? 可以给我看你的证件吗?

79.Could you sign your name,please?请您签一下名,好吗?

80.I very much hope you will not be disappointed.我衷心希望你会满意。

81.We arranged for you a wonderful suite.我们给您安排了一间豪华套房。

82.If you need theroom service, please dial 1.如果您需要客房服务,请直接播1。

83.It would be my pleasure to show you up personally.能亲自带您去房间是我的荣幸。

84.I have a reservation for a single room.我预定了一间单人间。

85.Would you please complete this registration form?请您填写一下这张登记表,好吗?

86.Could you arrange to have my bags brought down?您是否可以安排把我的行李运下来呢?

87.Could you keep your room key until you check out?请您在住点期间自己保管钥匙,直到离店。

88.I have no reservation. Do you have a single room available? 我没有预定,请问还有单人间吗? 

89.He will take care of your luggage and show you to your room.他负责你的行李并且带您到你的房间。

90.By the way, the breakfast is served between 7 to 10 am.顺便说一句,早餐每天早上7点到10点供应。

91.We have special corporate rates for certain commercial accounts.我们对某些商业团体实行特别价格。

92.Full-day room rate will be added if you check out after 6:00pm.如您在下午6点以后退房将收全天房费。

93.They arrived in Beijing at midnight and checked into Beijing Hotel.他们于午夜抵达北京并登记住进北京饭店。

94.Rates are subject to change by the hotel management without a prior notice.饭店房价若有变更,恕不另行通知。

95.When I checked into my hotel, there were security guards at the front checking people's bags.我入住酒店时,酒店有保安会检查客人的行李。




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