






4.boarding gate登机口

5.Departure Gate登机口 

6.Security check安检口

7.boarding pass 登机牌

8.boarding time登机时间

9.economy 经济舱 


11.first class 头等舱

12.premium economy 精选经济舱 

13.to weigh the luggage行李过磅/行李称重

14.hand-baggage(较小)/hand-carried luggage(较大)手提行李


Any check-in bags?你有托运行李吗?

The flight is now boarding!开始登机了!

where should I board?我应该在哪儿登机?

We will start boarding.我们很快就要登机了。

Here is your boarding pass.这是你的登机牌。

Can I get a window seat?我可以坐靠窗座位吗?

Can I see your passport?我可以看看你的护照吗?

Can I get a an aisle seat?我可以坐靠走道座位吗?

I reserved a bassinet for my baby.我预定了一个婴儿摇篮。

Luggage is just under the weight.行李正好在重量限额之内。

Which gate should I get on board?我应该在几号登机口登机?

I'd like to reconfirm my plane reservation please.我想要确认我预定的机位。

I'm checking in for my flight to Shanghai.我要为我到上海的航班办理乘机手续。


Attention please.请注意。

Departing passengers should proceed to gate no.25 immediately.出发乘客请立即前往25号登机口。

This is the final call for Korean Air flight 8350 to Guam.这是大韩航空航班8350前往关岛的最后一次广播。


The plane has arrived.飞机着陆啦!

Can I have some tea?能给我一杯茶吗?

Where is the restroom?洗手间在哪里?

The flight has been delayed.飞机晚点了。

I have a connecting flight.我还需要转机。

When will food be served?用餐是什么时候?

Can I have some coffee?能给我一杯咖啡吗?

Can I have some hot water?能给我一杯热水吗?

Are we on schedule? 我们能按时起飞/落地吗?

Your flight has been canceled.您的飞机已取消。

May I have the landing card?可以给我入境卡吗?

May I recline my seat?我是否可将座位向后倾倒?

Could I have some wet tissue please?请给我湿纸巾。

What kind of drinks do you have? 机上提供哪些饮料? 

Where is the transfer counter?转机手续柜台在哪里?

When are we going to be landing? 飞机到……要多久?

When will the plane depart/take off?飞机什么时候会起飞? 

May I have a deck of playing cards?可不可以给我一副扑克牌?

Can I have a pillow and a blanket? 我可以要一个枕头和毯子吗?

Is it all right to loosen my seat belt?现在可以解开安全带了吗?

Could you tell me how to fill in this form?请告诉我如何填写这张表格? 

I will check the upgrading price list for you right away.我马上为您查升舱价格。

Can you please help me to put my bag on the rack.你可以帮忙把我的行李放在行李架上吗?

Please keep your seat in the upright position and your trayup until after takeoff.麻烦您把座椅竖起来,餐盘收起来,到飞机起飞后才能动。




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