
为什么本站一直在推出旅游常用英语口语、日常英语口语、留学英语口语系列,因为只有大量的英语口语输入,才能有输出,才能提高英语口语能力。不断输入旅游常用英语口语 ,嘴巴才能说出口语!想要学好旅游常用英语口语,首先脑子里有相关的语言储备,你可以找老师学习,这样能系统、快速、高效学好旅游英语;你也可以选择自学,当然这条路要求较高。以下是关于机场广播的出国旅游常用英语口语。


111.Please go to gate 7 for boarding.请至7号门登机。

112.This flight is delayed by two hours because of the bad weather.因为天气的原因,航班延误两小时。

113.This service has now been canceled due to fog.因为起了大雾的原因,本航班取消。

114.Flight NB8888 from Beijing will arrive here at 15:30.由北京飞来本站的(中原航空)NB8888次航班将于15点30分到达。

115.Flight A334 to Canada is now boarding.飞往加拿大的A334航班现在开始登机。

116.Please have your boarding pass and ID ready for boarding.请准备好您的登机牌和身份证。

117.American Airlines flight AA001 to London Heathrow is now boarding at gate 39.前往伦敦希思罗的美国航空AA001航班现在正在登机,登机口在39号。

118.Flight MI803 to Malaysia is now boarding at gate No.8. Please board at gate No.8. Thank you.去往马来西亚的MI803航班现在正在8号口登机。请前往8号登机口登机。谢谢。

119.Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has turned off the Fasten Seat Belt sign, and you may now move around the cabin.各位旅客您好,安全带灯号已经熄灭,现在您可以离开座位、使用洗手间。

120.British Airways flight BA188 to London Heathrow has been delayed and will now be departing at 21:20. Could passengers please go to gate 38.前往伦敦希思罗的英国杭口BA188航班被延误了,它将在21:20起飞。请乘客们前往38号登机口登机。

121.Passengers for flight GA642 to Rome, please go to Gate 26.搭乘GA642前往罗马的旅客请至26号门登机。

122.This is an announcement for all passengers traveling on the 9:25 flight TOM 1223 to Rome.搭乘TOM1223班次9:25前往罗马的所有旅客请注意,

123.Would Mr. Gaston Meyer traveling on the 12:45 Sabena flight SN 604 to Brussels report to the airport information desk, please.请搭乘比利时航空SN604班次12:45 前往布鲁塞尔的Gaston Meyer 先生,至机场服务台报道。

124.This is an announcement for passengers traveling to Amsterdam on flight KL 1050.请搭乘KL1050班次前往阿姆斯特丹的旅客注意,

125.Will all passengers with express boarding tickets and passengers traveling with young children,若您持有贵宾卡或是与小孩同行,

126.May I have your attention, please. Thai Airlines flight TG 635 to Bangkok is now boarding. Passengers in the first class, please proceed to the boarding gate now.各位乘客请注意。飞往曼谷的泰航TG635班,已经开始登机。请头等舱的旅客前往登机门。

127.Attention, please. Due to weather condition, all flights to Taipei will be delayed.  We truly regret the delay. Thank you for your cooperation and patience. We will inform you of the new departure time as soon as possible. Thank you. 各位旅客请注意,由于气候不佳,所有飞往台北的班机都将延后起飞。我们对此深表谦意,并感谢您的配合与耐心。我们将尽快通知您的新班机的起飞时候,谢谢。

128.Ladies and gentlemen, we are approaching an area of turbulence. For your own safety, please go back to your seat and fasten the seat belts. Thank you.各位旅客请注意,本班机即将行经乱流区。请您回到您的座位,并系好安全带。

129.Attention please,Any passenger willing to delay departure until tomorrow ,please come to the counter to talk to the Airlines representative, we are offering a free round-trip international ticket to any two people that will accept delaying departure until tomorrow请注意了,任何愿意推迟至明天登记的旅客,请到柜台与美国航空代表洽谈,我们将提供免费的国际往返机票给任何两位愿意延缓至明天登记的旅客

130.Attention passengers on US Airlines 123 to Los Angeles, we are sorry to announce that the flight will be delayed one hour.We are sorry for this inconvenience 乘坐美国航空123号航班的旅客注意了,班机将会延迟一小时,由此造成的不变,我们深感歉意。




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