


351.Should I submit my IELTS scores?我要提供雅思成绩吗?

352.I'm majoring in mathematics now.我现在的(主修)专业是数学。

353.What're the subjects for this major?这个专业的课程都有哪些?

354.How can I get admitted by your school?我怎样才能被贵校录取呢? 

355.I want to further my studies at your university.我想在贵校深造学业。

356.How long does it take to finish this diploma program?多久能拿到文凭呢?

357.What materials do you need to apply for your school?申请贵校需要什么材料?

358.How could I make contact with Professor Brown?如何才能与布朗教授取得联系呢?

359.Do you have optional courses for the first semester?第一学期你们有选修课吗?

360.Do you offer both theory courses and practice courses?你们既有理论课又有实践课吗?

361.What should I submit if I want to apply for this major?如果我想申请这个专业,该提交什么?

362.May I know something about the curriculum for this major?我可以了解一下这个专业的课程安排吗?

363.I majored in English and minored in French back in my college.我大学时候的专业是英语,辅修法语。

364.Can I have a part-time job or a summer job in Germany?在德国学习之余做兼职或者寒暑假工的事,可行吗?

365.What are the compulsory courses and optional courses for this major?这个专业的必修课和选修课都有哪些?

366.What qualifications should I possess in order to apply for this major?要申请这个专业,我需要具备哪些资格?

367.Choosing a major I like will facilitate obtaining of the diploma.选择一个他们喜欢的专业将有助于他们获得文凭。

368.May I know something about the first year's curriculum for this major?我可以了解一下这个专业第一学年的课程安排吗?

369.Could you tell me which majors are available for international students?请问贵校的哪几个专业是向外国留学生开放的?

370.I heard that studying in Germany can only study the major or relevant major .听说德国留学只可以学本专业或很相关的专业。

371.Could you tell me which majors In your university are available for international students?请问贵校的哪几个专业是向外国留学生开放的?

372.We have many majors available to Chinese students, such as Literature. Mathematics, Physics, Architecture. 对于中国学生我们有很多专业可供选择,比如说文学、数学、物理学、建筑学。




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