



141.You deserve it.你受之无愧。

142.You shouldn't have!你不必送的。

143.How thoughtful of you!您真贴心。

144.That's very nice of you.你真是太客气了。

145.It's the least I could do.小小心意,不足挂齿。

146.I want to buy some souvenirs.我想买一些纪念品。

147.I have a small gift for you.我有个小礼物给你。

148.I'm so glad you like it.我很高兴你很喜欢这份礼物。

149.Can you go any lower on the price?价格能便宜一点吗?

150.I'd like something unique to America.我想买美国特有的东西。

151.These fans are unique to China.这些扇子是中国才有的。

152.Thank you. I will treasure it forever.谢谢!我会永远珍惜这份礼物的。

153.Here is a belt for you. Hope you like it.送你一条皮带,希望你会喜欢它。

154.Here's a little something for you. Open it.我有个小礼物要送你。打开吧。

155.I want to buy something special for my friends.我想帮朋友买一点特别的东西。

156.Here is a little something as a token of my affection.这儿有份小礼物略表心意。

157.These are real typical Chinese souvenirs.这些都是真正具有典型中国特色的纪念品。

158.Suzhou silk is velvety and the color is brilliant.苏州丝绸很柔软,颜色也很鲜艳。

159.There is a counter selling all kinds of souvenirs. 有一个柜台出售各种纪念品。

160.Here’s a souvenir for you. I bought it from NewYork.给你个纪念品,这是我从纽约带回来的。 

161.Let's go buy some  necklace as souvenirs for them.我们去买点项链给他们当作纪念品吧。 

162.If you can buy all of them ,I can give you a discount.如果你能全部买下来,我能给你打折。

163.Chinese embroidery is reputed for its hight quality and design.中国刺绣以其质量优良和图案美丽而享有美誉。

164.It's a piggy bank. Why didn't you bring me a better souvenir?存钱筒。你为什么不帮我带个更好的纪念品回来呢?

165.I want to buy something for my husband as a souvenir.Any suggestions?我想买个东西给我先生当纪念品。能否给个建议?

166.It's a token of my love. And I needed something that was easy to carry.这是我的一份心意。而且我需要带一些容易携带的东西。

167.These Chinese brushes are used by professional artists, so I think you will love it.这些是专业画家用的中国画笔,所以我想你会喜欢的。



169.Bill, please.结账

170.Which do you prefer?您喜欢哪一样?

171.May I order, please?我可以点餐了吗?

172.It has a very rich taste.它口味很浓的。

173.Muslim can't eat pork.穆斯林不能吃猪肉。

174.There're many varieties.有很多种类的菜肴。

175.May I see the wine list?可否让我看看酒单?

176.It's a very filling dish.那是一道量很多的菜。

177.This dish is to his taste. 这道菜合他的口味。

178.This dish has no flavor.这道菜完全吃不出味道。

179.Do you have a menu in chinese?是否有中文菜单?

180.Do you have today's special?餐厅有今日特餐吗?

181.May you show me the menu?你可以给我看看菜单吗?

182.He heaped food on the plate.他把食物堆放在盘子里。

183.Chinese tea is world-famous.中国的茶叶世界闻名。

184.It's a famous chinese liquor .这是一种有名的白酒。

185.This just doesn’t taste of anything.这个根本没味道。

186.Be at home. Help yourself, please.别客气,请自己来。

187.Why not try our buffet dinner?要不要试试我们的自助餐?

188.Could you recommend some good wine?是否可建议一些不错的酒?

189.I think the dish is too bland.不好意思,我觉得这道菜太淡了。

190.It's a traditional product of Pakistan.这是巴基斯坦的传统产品。

191.We have buffet-style and a la carte dishes. 我们有自助式和点菜。

192.It has a history of more than 3,000 years.它的历史有三千多年之久。

193.May I have the menu, please?/ Please show me the menu.请给我菜单。

194.I want to buy some tea of high quality to bring home.我要买点茶叶带回家。

195.We have boxes of green tea in different quantity.我们有大小不一的盒装绿茶。

196.Can I have a hamburger with double beef, please?我想要一个汉堡,带双层牛肉?

197.Do you want to buy typical Chinese product and specialities?你想买点中国土特产吗?

198.I can recommend you some famous Chinese-style pastry.我可以为你推荐一些中国有名的糕点。

199.Wines stored in jars are most typical of Chinese cultural flavors.坛装酒最能体现中国文化风味。

200.Food in a cafeteria is usually cheaper than that in a restaurant.自助餐馆里的饭菜一般比普通饭馆的要便宜。




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