


1.Traveling alone is a somewhat different experience. I enjoy it at times. I go to museums that might bore other people and give myself hours to look around at anything that interest me, reading all the plaques, taking “arty” pictures.


2.I write postcards when I am travelling. Something I always do when I travel alone, I love sending postcards to myself and people back home.


3.I spend quite sometime figuring to what to eat and where to eat. I like reading reviews from people who have visited the restaurants and find out what are the to-try-dish or special street food. I might not be back to the same place again.

我会花很多研究吃什么、去哪吃。 我喜欢看一些去过某个餐厅的食评,找到什么是一般的菜,什么是独特的美味的食物。 我不会去同一个地方吃饭。

4.I’m drawn to art galleries and will check out the artwork. If there’s an art walk (most cities have them on first Thursday or Friday), I’m doing it. If the artists are present, I’ll chat them up about their work.

我喜欢去画廊,看一些艺术品。我被绘制到艺术画廊,并且会查看艺术作品。 如果有 art walk(大多数城市在第一个星期四或星期五都有),艺术家也在场的话,我会跟他们聊聊她们的作品。

5.Taste local cuisines that are famous in that particular area (i.e. Viennese coffee and Sachertorte at Hotel Sacher in Vienna, Vietnamese spring rolls in HaNoi; hot dogs at a hot dog cart in NYC; etc)





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