


1. Bald Head Island, North Carolina秃头岛,美国北卡罗来纳州

Home to North Carolina's oldest standing lighthouse, Bald Head Island is just two miles from Southport, Bald Head Island and its surrounding waters were once a refuge for infamous pirates such as Blackbeard and Stede Bonnet.Bald Head is also home to one of the state's largest communities of nesting sea turtles as well as "Old Baldy," North Carolina's oldest lighthouse still standing.

北卡罗来纳最古老的灯塔就在秃头岛上,秃头岛及其周围的水域曾经是Blackbeard和Stede Bonnet等臭名昭著的海盗的避难所,绰号“绅士海盗”。秃头岛也是该州最大的筑巢海龟区域之一,也是北卡罗来纳州最古老的灯塔仍然矗立的地方。

2. Rottnest Island, Western Australia洛特尼斯岛,西澳大利亚

Visitors can snorkel shallow reefs among Western Buffalo Bream and spotted Red Lipped Morwong, sip a beer al fresco while basking in waterfront views, or snap a selfie with a quokka, photogenic little marsupials that exist primarily on Rottnest and whose perceived grins have earned them a name as the "happiest animals on Earth."

One of the island's main allures is the ease of finding your own quiet spot, even during the summer peak season — when visitors reach 15,000-plus a day.

游客可以在西部水牛城鲷鱼之间潜水浅礁,能看到红色的Lipof Morwong,在眺望海滨景色的同时,喝一杯啤酒,沉醉在海滨美丽的景观,拍一些只生活在洛特尼斯岛上的短尾矮袋鼠,这些短尾矮袋鼠会咧嘴笑因此得名“地球上最幸福的动物”。


3. Gaya Island, Malaysia加雅岛,马来西亚

Board a speedboat in Kota Kinabalu — the capital of Malaysia's Sabah State — and just 15 minutes later, you're on Gaya Island. It's a tropical oasis of mangrove forests and white sand shores.Despite its proximity to the mainland, Gaya is a paradise for snorkelers and divers. Its waters are particularly impressive: calm, translucent and teeming with hundreds of colorful marine species such as blue-ringed octopus and clown stars as well as the occasional whale shark in season (November to February).

The island makes up a large part of Malaysia's Tunku Abdul Rahman National Park and is home to miles of hiking trails and ample wildlife, including bearded pigs and proboscis monkeys.

在马来西亚沙巴州的首都亚庇哥打基登上一艘快艇 – 只要15分钟,你就在加雅岛上。这是红树林和白沙岸组成的热带绿洲。尽管靠近大陆,加雅岛也是潜水员和潜水员的天堂。它的水域令人印象深刻:平静,半透明,有数百种五颜六色的海洋物种,如蓝环章鱼和小丑星,以及季节性(11月至2月)的鲸鱼鲨鱼。

该岛占马来西亚Tunku Abdul Rahman国家公园的很大一部分,并拥有数英里的登山路径和许多野生动物,包括马来胡子猪和长鼻猴。

4. Cozumel, Mexico科苏梅尔岛,墨西哥

Cozumel is a favorite with diving enthusiasts thanks to its clear waters and stunning coral reefs.Although cruise ships flock to San Miguel — the main hub on Mexico's largest Caribbean island — the bulk of Cozumel remains largely undeveloped, and it's here that the real fun begins.Remarkably clear turquoise waters and spectacular coral reefs surround the island, attracting divers and snorkelers who come to see spotted eagle rays and endemic toadfish.There's also Chankanaab National Park, part of the island's larger National Marine Park, where you can get close and friendly with dolphins and manatees.


5. Angel Island, San Francisco天使岛,美国旧金山

The island served as the "Ellis Island of the West" for millions of immigrants from 1910 to 1940. There's a paved, six-mile path around the island's perimeter that's ideal for cycling (bring your own or rent one on arrival), a five-mile hiking trail resulting in 360-degree views from its highest point at 788-foot tall Mount Livermore and another hiking trail that includes access to a former US Civil War-era camp.Ferries run from San Francisco to the island's Ayala Cove daily throughout summer. Once on the island, tram tours are also available.





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