


1.Thanksgiving is a beloved American Holiday. As the name suggests, on this holiday people are thankful for all the blessings in their lives. They are grateful for family, friends, food and a roof over their head. These are just the basics but this festival tells us to be humble and grateful.


This ‘First Thanksgiving’ was celebrated in 1621 when the first harvest of the British Pilgrims was successful. In 1620, their crops failed and half of the pilgrims starved to death. Then the Wampanoag tribe, taught them how to farm and after it’s success the tribe was invited to feast known as the First Thanksgiving.

这个“ 第一次感恩节 ”是在1621年英国香客第一次收获成功时庆祝的。1620年,他们的农作物失败了,一半的朝圣者饿死了。然后,Wampanoag部落,教他们如何农场和成功后,部落被邀请称为第一个感恩节盛宴。

2.The meaning of Thanksgiving depends to some extent on where you are living. In Canada, the first Thanksgiving was on the shores of Hudson’s Bay circa 1610 when Henry Hudson and his crew gave thanks for surviving the landfall on its shores after discovering Hudson strait.


The next record of a Thanksgiving was in the 1820s when Upper Canadians chose November 11 to celebrate the British/Canadian victory over the American army at Crysler’s Farm. The date and nominal reason were later changed for diplomatic reasons and we currently celebrate it on the third Monday in October which approximates the end of our harvest season in most of Canada. It is a time for family gatherings and is largely secular now.


3.Thanksgiving is just not a festival, it is a national Holiday in America, Every year it is to be celebrated on 4th Monday of November every year, it is huge day for celebrations . The special part of thanksgiving day are as follow”


a.The Macy’s Parade in thanksgiving day


b.Delicious foods that are to be cooked on this day


c.Huge helium ballons and large number performing bands representing their states





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