


First, some important points about the Toefl iBT before the preparation:


1.Toefl is not a competitive exam (like GRE/GMAT), but a test of [English] language ability alone. Its a simple pass or fail kind of thing as there is a threshold- that's it.

Toefl 不是竞争性考试(如GRE / GMAT),而是测试英语语言能力的考试。它很简单,不是通过就是失败,因为它有一个门槛 – 就是这样。

2.It does not test the quality of grammar, vocabulary and a person's ability to reason logically or understand abstruse prose in English.It merely tests whether a person can read and understand in English well enough for people to reasonably understand what they mean. This is tested in the reading and listening sections.The speaking section does not penalize an accent, as long as a listener-evaluator can understand what you're saying, like in a typical campus or business environment.


3.The writing section does not ask for your reasoning or knowledge of any topic (like how the GRE does), but checks if you can write a brief essay in English describing something.


As a result, it's usually an easy and high scoring exam for many people (especially native and semi-native English speakers). 


With this in mind, the test preparation depends entirely on who is taking the test:


1.If the test taker is someone for whom English is truly a second-language, then the only realistic preparation possible is to actually learn English. If one is not habituated with reading, listening to, speaking and writing in English or lives in a country where English has very limited use daily (maybe in Japan, France, Germany) – then it will take time to develop one's English abilities. It might be fruitful to learn it directly rather than spend on expensive Toefl prep material from ETS. It will take many months to come up to the requisite level.

如果测试者是以英语为第二语言的人,那么唯一可行的现实准备就是学习英语。如果一个人不习惯阅读,听力,口语和写作英语或生活在英语使用受限的国家(也许在日本,法国,德国) – 那么需要时间来提高自己的英语能力。直接学习英语可能是更有成效的,而不是花费在ETS昂贵的Toefl准备资料上。要达到要求的水平需要好几个月的时间。

2.If one is a native or a semi-native speaker (like many Indians), then the test will be a cinch. The ability to read any English newspaper  is enough to ensure the score you'd need to score well. 





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