


There are many effective ways to improve vocabulary and listening skills. In general – we need to listen to improve our listening skill. I would suggest this:

有很多有效的方法来提高词汇和听力技巧。一般来说 – 我们需要听,来提高我们的听力技巧。因此我会建议:

depending on your level of English start listening to easy materials – cartoons, children movies ,and then gradually move to something more challenging like audio books for young adults, teens. But as I said – depending on your level – if your English is much better, start with normal audio books for example. 

取决于你的英语水平,首先开始听轻松的材料 – 漫画,儿童电影 ,然后逐渐转向更具挑战性的东西,针对年轻人的青少年有声读物。但是正如我所说,总的来说还是要根据你的水平,如果你的英语好多了,就可以从普通的音频书开始。

use subtitles and transcripts while listening. But be careful – many subtitles which are available freely on internet are full of mistakes


listen to internet radios, e g. BBC – iPlayer Radio Choose your favourite station and enjoy it。

听互联网 收音机,例如 BBC – iPlayer收音机选择您最喜欢的电台,并且享受这个过程

if you want to push it to the next level, try our favorite resource TED: Ideas worth spreading. Every speaker has a different accent and every talk has subtitles and an interactive transcript.





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