《生物专业英语(Biology English)》学习技巧









3.1 专业英语辞汇特色:


(1) 技能辞汇多

(2) 二次技能辞汇(sub-technical words)多

(3) 特用词多

(4) 功效词如:介词,连词,短语,代词多

(5) 专业辞汇的构词法中以派生词至多,合成词其次,有必定量的转换词。

Photosynthesis (光互助用)

microtubule (微管)

microfilament (微丝)

Electrophoresis (电泳)

DNA(deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸)

CoA (Coenzyme A)

UV (Ultra-violet)

AIDS ( acquired i妹妹unodeficiency syndrome)

3.2 生物学专业辞汇(词根)

1. 暗示数目的词素

1)haplo, mono, uni 单,一,独

haploid 单倍体;

monoxide 一氧化物;

《生物专业英语(Biology English)》学习技巧插图

2)bi, di, dipl, twi, du 二,双,两,偶

bicolor 双色;

dichromatic 双色的,二色的,二色性的

diplobacillus 双杆菌;

dikaryon 双核体;

twin 孪生;

dual 两重的;

3)tri 三,丙

triangle 三角;

triacylglycerol [trrslɡli:s’rl] 三酰甘油

tricarboxylic acid cycle 三羧酸轮回;

4)quadri, quadru, quart, tetr, tetra 四

quadrilateral [kwɑ:drltrl] 四边的;

quadrivalent [kwdr’velnt] 四价的;

quadruped [kwɑ:druped] 四足动物;

tetrode [‘tetrod] 四极管;

tetracycline [tetr’sakln] 四环素;

5)pent, penta, quique 五

pentose [‘pentos] 戊糖;

pentagon [pentgɑ:n] 五角形;

pentane [‘penten] 戊烷;

quintuple [‘kwntjpl] 五的,五倍的;

pentomer 五邻粒;

6)hex, hexa [‘heks], 六

hexose [‘heksos] 已糖;

hexapod [‘hekspd] 六足动物;

hexapoda [hek’spd] 虫豸纲;

hexamer [‘heksm] 六聚体;

7)hepta, sept(i) 七

heptane [‘hepten] 庚烷;

heptose [‘heptos] 庚糖;

heptoglobin 七珠卵白;

8)oct 八

octopus [ɑ:ktps] 章鱼;

octagon [ɑ:ktgɑ:n] 八角形;

octane [ɑ:kten] 辛烷;

octase [k’tes] 辛糖;

9)enne, nona 九

nonapeptide 九肽;

enneahedron [enr’hi:drn] 九面体;

10)deca, deka 十

decapod [‘dekpd] 实足目动物;

decahedron [dkhidrn] 十面体;

decagram 十克;

11)hecto 百

hectometer 百米;

hectoliter 百升;

hectowatt 百瓦;

12)kilo 千

kilodalton (KD) 千道尔顿;

kilobase 千碱基;

kiloelectron volt [volt] 千电子伏特;

13)deci 十分之一,分

decimeter [‘desmi:t] 分米;

decigram 十分之一克;

14)centi 百分之一

centipoise [‘sentpz] 百分之一泊(粘度单元)

15)milli 千分之一,毫

millimole [‘mlmol] 毫摩(尔)

milliliter 毫升

16)micro 百万分之一,微,细小,微量

microgram 微克;

microogranism 微生物;

microecology 微生态学;

micropipet [makr’papt] 微量移液器

17)nano 十亿分之一,毫微,纳

nanosecond 十亿分之一秒;

nanometer 纳米;

18)demi, hemi, semi 半

demibariel 半桶;

hemicerebrum 大脑半球;

semiopaque 半透明;

semi-allele 半等位基因;

semi-conductor 半导体;

19)holo 全,总体,彻底

holoenzyme 全酶;

holoprotein 全卵白;

holocrine [‘hlkrn] 全(质分)泌

20)mega 庞大,兆,百万

megaspore 大胞子;

megabasse 兆碱基;

megakaryocyte 巨核细胞;

megavolt 兆伏;

megalopolitan 特大都会;

21)macro 大,庞大,多

macrophage 巨噬细胞;

macrogamete 大配子;

macroelement 常量元素;

macromolecular 大份子;

22)poly, multi, mult 多,复合

polyacrylate 聚丙烯酸酯;

polymerase 聚合酶;

multichain 多链的;

multinucleate 多核的;

multicistronic mRNA 多顺反子mRNA

multicopy 多拷贝;

2. 暗示色彩的词素

1)chrom 色彩

chromophore [‘kromfor] 生色团

chromosome 染色体;

chromatography 色谱法;

2)melan, melano, nigr 黑

melanoma 黑素瘤;

melanin 玄色素;

melanophore 玄色素细胞;

3)xantho, flavo, fla, flavi, lute 黄

xanthophyl [‘znθfl] 叶黄素

xanthous 黄色的,黄色人种

xathine 黄嘌呤;

flavin(e) 黄素;

flavone 黄酮;

lutein 黄体素,叶黄素;

flavin adenine dinucleotide(FAD) 黄素腺嘌呤二核苷酸;

4)erythro, rub, rubrm, ruf 红

erythrocyte [rθrsat] 红细胞

erythromycin 红霉素;

erythropoitin(EPO) 促红细胞天生素

5)chloro, chlor 绿,氯

chlorophyll 叶绿素;

chloride 氯化物;

chloramphenicol [klrm’fenkol] 氯霉素;

6)cyan, cyano 蓝,青紫色,氰

cyanophyceae 蓝藻纲;

cyanobacteria 蓝细菌;

cyanide [sanad] 氰化物;

7)aur, glid, chrys 金色

aureomycin 金霉素;

chrysose [kr’sos] 金藻淀粉

chrysanthemum 菊花;

glid stone 金沙石;

glid 镀金;

8)leu, leuco, leuk, leuko, blan, alb 无色,白色

leucine 亮氨酸;

leukaemia=leucosis 白血病;

bleaching powder 漂白粉;

albomycin [‘lbmi:sn] 白霉素


1)endo, ento 内,在内

endocrine 内排泄;

endocytosis 胞吞感化;

endogamy 嫡亲滋生;

endolysin 内溶素;

entoderm 内胚层;

2)ec, ect, exc, extra 外,外面,概况

ectoblast 外胚层;

ectoparasite 外寄生生物;

extract 抽取,浸出;

3)meso 中,中心

mesosphere [mezsfr] 中圈,中层

mesoplast 中胚层质;

4)intra, intro, inter 在内,向内

intra-allelic interaction 等位基因内互相感化;

intracellular (细)胞内的;

Interurban 都会之间

5)centri, centro, medi, mid 中间,中心,中心

centrifuge 离心;

centriole [‘sentrol] 中间粒;

centrosome 中间体;

centrogeng 着丝基因;

6)epi, peri 上,外,旁

epidermal growth factor(EGF) 表皮发展因子;

epibranchial 上鳃的;

perilune [‘perlu:n] 近月点;

7)sub, suc, suf, sug 下,低,小

suborder 亚目;

submucosa [sbmju:’kos] 粘膜基层

subclone 亚克隆;

subcellular 亚细胞;

subsection 末节,分部;

8)super, supra 上,高,超

superconductor 超导体;

superfluid 超流体;

superoxide 超氧化物;

supramolecular 超份子的;

9)hyper 跨越,过量

hypersensitive 过敏的;

hyperelastic 超弹性的;

hypertension 高血压;

hyperploid 超倍体;

10)hypo 下,低,次

hypoglycaemia 低血糖;

hypotension 低血压;

hypophysis 脑下垂体;

11)iso 等,不异,同

iso-osmotic 等渗的;

isopod 等足目动物;

isotope 同位素;

12)oligo,olig 少,低,寡,狭

oligohaline 狭盐性;

oligogene 寡基因;

oligomer 寡聚体;

oligophagous [ol’gfgs] 寡食性

oligarchy [ɑ:lgɑ:rki] 寡头政治

13)eury 多,宽,广

eurythermal [jr’θml] 广温的

euryhaline 广盐性;

eurytopic species 广幅种;

14)ultr 超

ultra-acoustics [kustks] 超声学

ultra-structure 超微布局;

ultroviolet 紫外线;

15)infra 下,低,远

infralittoral 远岸的;

infrahuman 类人生物;

infrared 红外线的;

infrastructure 根本布局,根基布局

4. 暗示摄食的词素

1)–vore 食……动物,

-vorous 食……动物的

algivore 食藻动物;

carnivore [kɑ:rnv:(r)] 食肉动物

herbivore 食草动物;

omnivore 杂食动物;

-phage 吃(食)食……生物(体)

-phagous 吃(食)……的

phage 噬菌体;

phagocyte 吞噬细胞;

zoophage [‘zu:fɑ:d] 食肉动物

saprophage 腐食者;

5. 暗示动物分歧器官和组织的词素

1)cephal, capit, cran 头,头颅

2)cyte 细胞

3)carn, my, mya, myo 肉,肌肉

4)haem, haemat, hem, aem, sangul 血

5)soma, corp 体,身体

6)some, plast 体,颗粒

7)hepa, hepat 肝

heparin 肝素;

hepatopancreas 肝胰腺;

hepatocyte 肝细胞;

hepatoma 肝癌;

8)ren, nephr 肾

adrnal 肾上腺的;

nephridia 肾管;

nephron 肾单元;

9)card, cord 心

cardiotoxin 心脏毒素;

cardiovascular center 血汗管中枢

electrocardiogram 心电图;

concord 一致,调和;

10)ophthalm, ocell, ocul 眼

ophthalmology [ɑ:fθlmɑ:ldi] 眼科学;

ophthalmia 眼炎;

ophthalmologist 眼科专家

11)branchi 鳃

filibranch 丝鳃;

lamellibrnch 瓣鳃;

sencondary branchium 次生鳃;

12)brac, brachi 腕,手臂

brachiolaria 短腕幼虫;

brachionectin 臂粘连卵白;

bracelet 手镯;

13)dent, odont 牙齿

dentin 牙质;

odontphora 齿舌;

odontoblast 成牙质细胞;

14)plum 羽

plumatus 羽状的;

plumule 绒毛;

plumage (鸟的)羽毛;

15)foli, foil 叶

follicle 滤泡;

foiling 叶形;

foliage 叶子;

foliose 多叶的;

3.3 专业英语语法特色:


Because most plants are able to undergo photosynthesis, they do not depend on other organisms for energy.

1 长句多(可以使句意表达严谨)

Biology is such a broad field, covering the minute chemical reactions inside our cells, to broad scale concepts of ecosystems and global climate change.







一、 找出全句的主语、谓语和宾语,从总体上掌控句子的布局。

二、 找出句中所有的谓语布局、非谓语动词、介词短语和从句的指导词。

三、 阐发从句和短语的功效,比方,是不是为主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句等。如果状语,它是暗示时候、缘由、成果、仍是暗示前提等等。

四、 阐发词、短语和从句之间的互相瓜葛,比方,定语从句所润饰的先行词是哪个等。

五、 注重插入语等其他成份。

六、 注重阐发句子中是不是有固定词组或固定搭配。

例1. Behaviorists suggest that the child who is raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which develop his or her capacity for appropriate responses will experience greater intellectual development.


例2. For a family of four, for example, it is more convenient as well as cheaper to sit comfortably at home, with almost unlimited entertainment available, than to go out in search of amusement elsewhere.



(1) 次序法。当英语长句的内容的论述条理与汉语根基一致时,可以依照英语原文的次序翻译成汉语。

例1. Even when we turn off the beside lamp and are fast asleep,electricity is working for us,driving our refrigerators,heating our water,or keeping our rooms air-conditioned.


例2. But now it is realized that supplies of some of them are limited, and it is even possible to give a reasonable estimate of their “expectation of life”, the time it will take to exhaust all known sources and reserves of these materials.


(2)逆序法。英语有些长句的表达顺序与汉语表达习气分歧, 乃至彻底相反, 这时候必需从原文后面起头翻译。

例1. Aluminum remained unknown until the nineteenth century, because nowhere in nature is it found free, owing to its always being combined with other elements, most co妹妹only with oxygen, for which it has a strong affinity.


例2. It therefore becomes more and more important that, if students are not to waste their opportunities, there will have to be much more detailed information about courses and more advice.



例1. The number of the young people in the United States who can`t read is incredible about one in four.


例2. Television, it is often said, keeps one informed about current events, allow one to follow the latest developments in science and politics, and offers an endless series of progra妹妹es which are both instructive and entertaining.


(4) 综正当。上面咱们讲述了英语长句的逆序法、次序法和分句法,究竟上,在翻译一个英语长句时,其实不只是纯真地利用一种翻译法子,而是请求咱们把各类法子综合利用,这在咱们上面所举的例子中也有所表现。


例1. People were afraid to leave their houses, for although the police had been ordered to stand by in case of emergency, they were just as confused and helpless as anybody else.

虽然差人已接到号令, 要作好筹备以应付告急环境, 但人们不敢出门, 由于差人也和其别人同样手足无措和力所不及。

例2. Taking his cue from Ibsen`s A Doll`s House, in which the heroine, Nora, leaves home because she resents her husband`s treating her like a child, the writer Lu Xun warned that Nora would need money to support herself; she must have economic rights to survive.


2 被动语态利用频仍(描写客观);

It has been found experimentally that the ratio of the amounts of adenine(腺嘌呤) to thymine [‘θami:n] (胸腺嘧啶), and the ratio of guanine(鸟嘌呤) to cytosine(胞嘧啶), are always very close to unity for deoxyribose nucleic acid (DNA)

3 名词性词组多;分词利用频仍;介词短语多(可以使说话简练);

Gene therapy involves the repair or correction of the machinery。


4 专业术语多;缩略词多;合成词多;插图,表格,公式,数字所占比例大。







(1) 识记专业辞汇,扩展浏览范畴

(2) 巩固英语语法根本,把握科技英语的说话特色

(3) 针对利用体裁增强翻译、写作操练



BA (Biological Abstracts);Science (USA);Nature (GB.)




On-Line Biology Book

Scope of field in Biology

Biology:The science of living organisms, concerned with the study of embryology [embriɑ:ldi](胚胎学), anatomy [ntmi](剖解学), physiology [fziɑ:ldi], cytology [satɑ:ldi], morphology [m:rfɑ:ldi], taxonomy, genetics, evolution, and ecology .生物学

Biochemistry:The study of the chemical substances that occur in living organisms, the processes by which these substances enter into or are formed in the organisms and react with each other and environment, and the methods by which the substances and processes are identified,characterized, and measured (Chemical processes associated with living things. )生物化学

Anatomy [ntmi]:The branch of morphology concerned with the gross (总的) and microscopic structure of animal, especially humans.剖解学

I妹妹unology:The division of biological science concerned with the native or acquired resistance of higher animal forms and humans to infection with microorganisms.免疫学

Biophysics:The hybrid science involving the methods and ideas of physics and chemistry to study and explain the structures of living organisms and the mechanics of living processes.生物物理学

Cytology:The branch of biological science that deals with the structure, behavior, growth, and reproduction of cells and the function and chemistry of cells and cell component.细胞学

Ecology:The study of the interrelationships between organisms and their environment.生态学

Embryology:The study of the development of the organisms and the zygote [zagot](受精卵), or fertilized egg.胚胎学

Evolution:The processes of biological and organic change in organisms by which descendants(儿女) come to differ from their ancestors, and a history of the sequence of such change. 生物进化

Genetics:The science concerned with biological inheritance(遗传), that is, with the causes of the resemblances and differences among related individuals.遗传学

Histology [hstɑ:ldi]组织学

The study of their structure and chemical composition of animal tissues as related to their function.

Molecular biology:The branch of biology which attempts to interpret (诠释) biological events in term of the molecules in the cell.份子生物学

Taxonomy:The science of animal and plant classification.分类学

Physiology:The branch of biological science concerned with the basic activities that occur in cells and tissues of living organisms and involving physical and chemical studies of these organisms.心理学

Microbiology:The science and study of microorganisms, especially bacteria and rickettsiae(源自哈瓦德·泰勒 立克次,美国病理学家, 1871-1910年) and of antibiotic substances.

Virology [varɑ:ldi] :The science that deals with the study of viruses.病毒学

Mycology[makɑ:ldi]:A branch of biological science concerned with the study of fungi [fnda].真菌学

Botany [bɑtni] :The branch of biological science that focuses on the study of plants and plant life, including algae; deals with taxonomy, morphology, physiology, and other aspects.植物学

Paleontology [peliɑntɑldi] :The study of life in the geologic past as record by fossil remains.古生物学

Paleobotany:The study of fossil plants and vegetation of the geologic地质的past.古植物学

Zoology:The science that deals with the taxonomy, behavior, and morphology of animal life.动物学

Vertebrate zoology:A branch of zoology concerned with the taxonomy, behavior, and morphology
《生物专业英语(Biology English)》学习技巧插图(1)
of vertebrate animals.脊椎动物学

Invertebrate zoology :A branch of zoology concerned with the taxonomy, behavior, and morphology of invertebrate animals.无脊椎动物学
