

Name:Wally ID:2005275

Course:THiNK Level 1

Co妹妹ents from Buddies:

Wally is a 6 year old student who is doing THiNK. I believe this is exceptional. He is always on time for his lessons, has never missed a class and is very enthusiastic about learning with IQBar. He takes on new and difficult activities easily, never gives up and does extremely well with THiNK material which is aimed at older students. Wally deserves all the gratification and praise for being such a wonderful, hard working student.


Wally 是个6岁的学生,正在进修THINK,这其实不常见。他老是定时上课,从未错过任何课程,而且很是热中在桥吧的进修。即使碰到比力坚苦的问题,他也不抛却,即使碰到面向年长学生的THiNK课程内容,也能很好表示。Wally很是超卓,他的勤恳值得赞美。——Leah

Name:Kevin ID:2110049

Course:Picaro Level 4

Co妹妹ents from Buddy:

It is my pleasure to nominate Kevin for an award. He is an inspiration of dedication and hard work. We began our lessons together on CGE where he worked very hard and EXCELLED. He changed over to Picaro and his reading, pronunciation, sentence structure, tense use and comprehension of gra妹妹ar are astounding. He works incredibly hard. He applies new work done in the next lesson. He practises and is NEVER agitated when he is corrected. He developed into a young man that is able to converse well about everyday topics using great gra妹妹ar, self-correction and confidence. Well done Kevin!!!



Name:Amber ID:2172887

Course:Picaro Level 1

Co妹妹ents from Buddy:

In the beginning, Amber was a very shy and reserved, 5 year old student. She would barely speak unless spoken to or unless a question was asked. Since then Amber has grown tremendously whereby she attends lessons more than three times in a week, she speaks continuously and always expresses herself. She is also always punctual whereby she’s on time for her lessons, she always completes her homework and has started dancing in class whenever we listen to a song! Lastly, she challenges herself whereby she chooses to write sentences for homework in order to practice her spelling and writing skills. What truly inspired me about her (besides her hardworking attitude), was when she started having her lessons on her own, without her parents and only asks them for assistance should she find something difficult to express. It has been a great pleasure and honor to teach her and I strongly feel that she deserves to be praised for her hard work.



Name:Madeline ID:2022260


Co妹妹ents from Buddy:

Madeline is an exceptional student. She is never late and is always well prepared. She is extremely creative and does the most amazing drawings in each of our lessons. I have had the privilege of teaching her each day and can definitely see such an improvement, especially with her self-confidence.


Madeline 是一名精采的学生。她从不迟到,并且老是筹备充实。她极富缔造力,每堂课中都绘出惊人的画作。我有幸天天教她,看到她的前进,特别是自信念的提高,我很是欢快。——Lauri

Name:Amy ID:2300314


Co妹妹ents from Buddy:

Amy has progressed from a shy little girl to a confident student, who is ready for every lesson ahead of time. Her homework is always done meticulously, with drawings and uploaded. She enthusiastically takes part in all the activities and beams with pride at what she can accomplish. She is truly a delight in every lesson and the model student!



Name:Mark ID:2152028


Co妹妹ents from Buddy:

Mark is an exceptional student! He is always on time and always does his homework, he does his best in every class and excels, but aside from his exceptional work ethics, he is the most cheerful and outgoing student he is always able to put a smile on my face and we always have a good giggle in class. Mark really is a gem of a student and I feel he deserves to get praised for his dedication and most of all his amazingly cheerful disposition. I have taught Mark for a few months now and I truly adore him, its students like Mark who remind me every day of why I love doing what I do.


Mark是一名精采的学生!他老是准时来到课堂,并完成功课;每节课都极力而为,表示超卓。他不单进修当真,他仍是最开畅,最外向的学生,老是带着笑貌来到讲堂,咱们在上课时一块儿 ‘傻笑’。Mark真的是一位珍宝,我认为他的尽力和他所使人诧异的开畅性情都值得称颂。我已教了Mark几个月了,我真的很崇敬他,恰是像Mark如许的学生让我爱上教书,爱上我的职业。——Jamie

Name:Fire ID:2192448

Course:Picaro Level 1

Co妹妹ents from Buddy:

Fire started out as a very shy student. He was reluctant to co妹妹unicate, as if he was scared to make a mistake. However, he kept on working very hard in every lesson, engaging and focusing throughout. Through the past couple of months, I have seen him grow and become more confident. He is not scared to answer anymore, even if he is not 100% sure. We recently had to learn about verbs and nouns. It took him a few lessons to understand the difference, but the moment he grasped it, was magical. I could see the relief in his eyes, and the joy on his and his mum’s faces was priceless. He is always on time, and he does his homework diligently. It’s a privilege to walk this road with Fire.



Name:Dora ID:2160590

Course:Picaro Unit 2

Co妹妹ents from Buddy:

Dora is such a bright young girl. I have had the privilege to watch her learn and develop her language skills for almost a year now. I can see such a wonderful change, not only with her speaking but with her reading skills. She is very dedicated to her studies, she has never been late for a lesson. I feel very lucky to have her as a student and can’t wait to teach her next.


Dora是个聪慧的女孩。我有幸见证了她曩昔一年英语进修和说话技术上的成长,不但是她的白话,仍是她的浏览能力。她很是尽力进修,上课从不迟到。我很荣幸有她作为我的学生,很等待与她将来的课程。 ——Lauri


Course:Picaro Level 2

Co妹妹ents from Buddy:

Dean began as a very timid and shy Bready unable to use sentences. From the moment we started working together he is ALWAYS in class, waiting with homework done. If he is asked to write a word 5 times to practise spelling, he writes the word 5 times. If he needs to practise a sentence, he writes the sentence and will be able to use the sentence in the next lesson. His dedication has made him develop into a Bready that is able to engage and use sentences. He applies what he has learnt in the previous lesson in the next lesson. He is and will be an inspiration to MANY Breadies as an example of what dedication and eagerness bring….AN IQBAR SUPERSTAR!!!


是他必要操练一个句子,他会写下这个句子,并鄙人一堂课下一节课上操练利用这个句子。他的当真与尽力,让他很快把握了利用整句表达。他踊跃将在上一课中学到的常识利用到下一课。他是不少学员的楷模,鼓励其他孩子尽力测验考试进修整句表达,他是桥吧的明星。 ——Human




Co妹妹ents from Buddy:

Jerry began as a very shy student who really lacked confidence in his abilities. Since last September, this amazing young boy has blossomed into the most incredible student! Every single lesson with him is pure delight, he works so hard and is making wonderful progress. He has adapted to Picaro from CGE wonderfully and is now making rapid progress. I would particularly like to nominate Jerry for
his homework-he goes above and beyond every single week! This week he has made a video to show me different places of interest in his home city. To see a once, shy boy now happy to spend time in front of the camera is just incredible! He is a privilege to teach and he deserves an award for just being so amazing!









Picaro Level 3







