

unit 6

—————Word building 1

1) decompose

2) composed

3) composite

4) composition

—————Word building 2

1) coverage

2) covered

3) uncover

4) covering

—————Word building 3

1) fascinating

2) fascinated

3) fascination

—————Word building 4

1) grief

2) grievous

3) grievously

—————Word building 5

1) numerical

2) innumerable

3) numerous","innumerable

4) numerically

—————Word building 6

1) nutritional","nutrition

2) nutritiously

3) nutritionist

4) nutritious

—————Word building 7

1) pervasion

2) pervasive

3) pervasively

—————Word building 8

1) pleading

2) pleadingly

3) plea

—————Word building 9

1) supervisor

2) supervision

3) supervision","supervisory

—————Word building 10

1) wording

2) wordy

3) wordless

4) wordily

—————Phrasal verbs 1

1) go with

2) go through

3) go over

4) go without

5) go through

6) go into

7) go without

8) go into

9) go over

10) go with

—————Phrasal verbs 2

1) handed down

2) hand in

3) hand down

4) hand back

5) hand over

6) hand back

7) hand in

8) hand on

9) hand down

10) hand over

—————Collocation 1

1) smell","odor","odour

2) problem

3) poverty

4) pollution

5) threat

6) recession

—————Collocation 2

1) ignore

2) constituted","posed

3) counter","face

4) pose

5) counter","dismiss

6) death

7) terrorist

8) bomb

—————Collocation 3

1) pressure","burden

2) tension

3) homesickness

4) pain

5) pressure","burden

—————Commonly confused words 1

1) adapt

2) adopt

3) adopt

4) adopt

5) adapt

—————Commonly confused words 2

1) sensible

2) sensitive

3) sensible

4) sensitive

5) sensible

—————Commonly confused words 3

1) alive

2) alive

3) living

4) alive

5) living


1) C

2) C

3) C

4) D

5) B

6) C

7) B

8) D

9) D

10) A

11) C

12) A

13) D

14) B

15) C

16) A

17) B

18) D

19) D

20) C

—————Sentence translation

1. 没考虑到危险,那个年轻的士兵毫不犹豫地冲进了着火的房子里救出了那个小孩。

2. 事实上,很少有人注意到他们想要实现的是什么,也很少有人知道他们是否在朝着自己梦想的方向前进。

3. 在站台,我几乎没能认出他就是我的老战友,因为我看到的是一张因衰老和忧虑而布满皱纹的脸。

4. 正如许多中国家庭一样,在许多加拿大家庭,孩子几乎不参与家务劳动。

5. 无论如何努力,我都不能把这可怕的经历从记忆中抹掉。

6. 托马斯爱迪生的个人文件揭示,他的发明并不是灵机一动突然出现的,而是从他之前的工作中慢慢实现的。

7. 美国海军上尉史密斯拿着一块笔记板,核对着满载枪支弹药和食物的卡车。

8. 他们抗拒自己的成长环境,反抗上一代人的道德观念,正如他们的很多同龄人一样。

9. 研究表明,同一个人,在一个不快乐的环境里,就不太会老想着自己的痛苦,而且更能忍受痛苦。

10. 对于工业污染问题,环境保护积极分子请求政府采取必要的强硬措施。

—————Phrase translation

1. can't conceive of anything our bank could do to interfere with her transaction

2. but are unable to identify what that thing is

3. however, try as she might, she can't win

4. nor discontent, nor horror

5. would endanger the soldiers

6. more than enough energy to satisfy global energy needs for an entire year

7. a multitude of minute directions

8. comb through hundreds of applications in a short time of a few months

9. He could have done things differently

10. bursts in at the moment when people are weakest

—————Paragraph translation

1) "The Art of War, the first military treatise in the world, was written by Sun Tzu in the sixth century BC, during the Spring and Autumn Period. The book is a treasure of Chinese classical military culture and an important legacy of the excellent traditional Chinese culture. It is famous for its broad and substantial contents, rich and profound insights, and meticulous and deliberate reasoning. The Art of War epitomizes the quintessence of ancient Chinese military thoughts. Sun Tzu believed that the art of war is of vital importance to the state and is a matter of life and death. Hence it is an issue which can on no account be neglected. Nowadays, The Art of War has spread to the rest of the world. It has been translated into many languages and accounts for a significant part of the world military history.

—————Multiple choice Passage 1

1) A

2) C

3) B

4) D

5) B

—————Multiple choice Passage 2

1) B

2) B

3) C

4) A

5) D

—————Sentence blank filling 1

1. it is influenced by society / it is always conditioned by social conventions

2. the discovery, control and punishment

3. punishment is not carried out directly by individuals / the society is responsible for imposing punishment

4. sacrifices the individual to violence

5. the individual / its people

—————Sentence blank filling 2

1. entertainment

2. most studies exaggerate the effect of media violence on the viewers

3. assert a direct link between violent media and aggressive behavior

4. the definition of violence

5. tone down the criticism

—————Skimming and scanning Passage 1

1) D

2) A

3) J

4) C

5) F

6) G

7) H

8) I

9) K

10) E

—————Skimming and scanning Passage 2

1) D

2) H

3) F

4) B

5) L

6) A

7) M

8) C

9) B

10) J

—————General writing

1) "Living in a dormitory differs greatly from living at home. To stay on good terms with your roommates is of vital importance to a happy and successful life in college.? One key to a successful relationship with your roommates is to be friendly and helpful all the time. A friendly manner can help leave a favorable impression on others. When I first met my roommates in college, I was deeply impressed by their kindness. In turn, I was also very willing to help them when they were in need.? Another key is to be tolerant. In a dormitory, students from different backgrounds and places live together. And each of them may have their own values and living habits. For example, one of my roommates is a morning person who usually goes to bed early and gets up between five and six. While the rest of us are night owls, studying and surfing the Internet till late at night when we can think straight. The difference in living habits doesn't prevent us from having a harmonious relationship and we are very considerate and tolerant to the differences that we have.? ?Last but not least, you should learn to be humorous. A good sense of humor can serve as lubricating oil to lessen any friction. During the years of our living together, my roommates and I have developed our own way of being humorous.? Following these pieces of advice, you will stay on good terms with your roommates and dorm life will be a cherished and unforgettable part of college life.

—————Practical writing

1) "Dear Mr. and Mrs. Barton,? I am writing to convey our sincere congratulations on your upcoming 40th wedding anniversary.? Mr. Willis and I are very delighted to hear that you are celebrating your 40th wedding anniversary this week. It is said that love can turn the cottage into a golden palace, and without respect, love cannot go far. It must be a great source of pleasure to have reached this milestone in your long and happy life together. It must be a great source of pride to be able to look back upon a rich and full life and know you have accumulated so many devoted friends.? Mr. Willis and I send you our warm congratulations, and we hope that there are many more years of happiness ahead for both of you.? Cordially yours, Maggie Willis
