

5-2 Text A: Speaking Chinese in America?

Pre-reading activities?

?I like your … (e.g. "I like your hat.") / I love your … (e.g. "I love your shoes."

When we like the way they look.

Thank you

Japanese culture. When you compliment people on their belongings, they feel they have to give them to you. But in American culture, the appropriate response is to say "thank you".


1.?Examples can be:

(a) n. + 很 + a. (e.g. 你的裙子很漂亮。) ? ?

(b) 我很喜欢 + n. (e.g. 我很喜欢你书房的摆设。)

2.?Yes, the traditional way Chinese people respond to a compliment is different from the American way. Rather than saying "thank you", we Chinese tend to say something to show that we or the object we own is not that good. For example, we may say "哪里" (meaning "it is nothing"). But in modern days, many people have adopted the English way of responding to a compliment. They say "thank you" very often too.


Reading comprehension?

1.?Because she thought her Sau-sau just pretended to be polite. (Her Sau-sau ate up the dish in the end although she said she didn't want it at first.)

2.?They should say directly whether they want to have anything or not, rather than refuse for the sake of politeness even if they in fact want to eat it.

3.?It said that Chinese language and culture are very indirect and polite.

4.?They thought that she was not respectful if she questioned them. ?

5.?Her parents were very clear when they demanded her to do something, but Americans generally think the Chinese language is discreet. ?

6.?To support her opinion that to understand the difference between languages and behavior just through literal translation may lead to wrong generalizations.

(OR: To support her opinion that it is dangerous to view the gulf between different languages and behavior through translation.) ?

7.?She feels that it is annoying because such a description does not express new ideas, honest emotions or considered thought. ?

8.?They answer "yes" or "no" by saying something specific to what is asked because there is no one word in Chinese for "yes" or "no".

(OR: They express "yes" or "no" by referring directly to the proposition being asserted or denied.)

Critical thinking:

1.?I think there are three things we can do to avoid misunderstandings of foreign cultures. Firstly, we can look for information about those cultures on the Internet. There are many websites that introduce foreign countries' geography, languages and customs, so we can do some research online to get the necessary information. Secondly, we can visit foreign countries, which will enable us to experience their cultures in person and understand them better. Thirdly, we can make friends with foreigners who are traveling or are living in our country. Communicating with them in daily life will help us know their customs, and hence we are less likely to misunderstand people from their countries.

2.?? Yes, I know some stereotypes of Europeans and European languages. Here are a few examples: French people are romantic, and the French language is beautiful; Italians are fashionable, and Italy has the best cuisine in the world. I have watched many movies in which French people are indeed romantic, although I have never met any French in person. A common scene in the movies is that a French man gives flowers to his girlfriend or wife, or two persons meet by chance and fall in love quickly. ? ?

? No, I have never read about or heard of any stereotype of a foreign country, its people, or its language. I think people in different countries or cultures of the world have more similarities than differences. For instance, we all consider such values as honesty, diligence and patriotism important qualities of being a good man or a good citizen, no matter which country we live in or what language we speak. Hence, I think there are no essential differences between peoples or cultures, and I don't have any stereotype of any foreign country, its people, or its language.

3.?Chinese people generally use expressions like "possibly no" or "I'm afraid it won't work" to say "no" to others. This makes them less direct in giving rejections. However, when people with greater authority or power say "no" to those in a lower status (e.g. parents to children), they can be very direct and straightforward, e.g. "absolutely no".

4.?? I will try to adapt my habits to local norms. For example, I will follow their rules of dining, body language and gift giving. ? ?

? I would prefer to maintain Chinese traditions. Modern people value cultural diversity, so, I think people of the foreign country I live in will respect my choice.

5.?I would like to learn Italian. This is because I love Italian culture, especially the arts of the Italian Renaissance period. If I could speak the Italian language, it would be easier for me to travel to Italy, visit its museums and appreciate famous art works. In addition, I'm very interested in Italian opera. Whenever I watch it on TV or hear it on the radio, I admire the beauty of the music and the language, but I don't understand the meaning of the lyrics. I always wish I could know what the singers express in their songs without having to rely on translations or subtitles. Learning Italian will certainly get me closer to this goal.

5-3 Text A: Language focus?

Words in use???fabricate ??nominal ??temporal ??reciprocal ??denotes ??consecutive ??spectators ??muttering ??composite ??malicious

Word building: Practice?















conserve???unbuttoning ??authoritative ??consultative ??imaginative ??quantitative ??unveil ??assertive ??unsettled ??decisive ??digestive ?qualitative

Banked cloze???exterior ??insights ??complete ??course ??inconsistencies ??offended ???gestures ??ornaments ??sense ?distinctive

Expressions in use???got to the point ??are attached to ???would have starved to death ??If anything ??were suspicious of ??wandered around ??on the side ??was representative of

5-4 Structure analysis & writing?

Structured writing: Practice?

I had never been more anxious in my life. This was the first time I traveled all by myself. I did not speak English well and had difficulty understanding people. Now, standing at the international section of the airport, I was nervous and scared, not knowing what I would have to face. As it turned out, I had the most frustrating experience of my life.


I looked around, and nothing was familiar. A pile of questions pounded in my head. Where was the ticket counter? Where was customs? How could I find the boarding gate? The more I thought, the more worried I got.


I tried to ask for help, but all my words came out wrong. I saw a woman sitting in the corner, so I went up to her timidly.


"Excuse, lady. Where ticket counter?" I asked in broken English, pronouncing "ticket counter" as something like "tin can".


"Tin can? What do you need it for?" the woman asked back, with a confused face.


"Ticket, paper, flight," I yelled and waved my hands in a flying manner.


She looked at me, even more confused. "Tin, flying?"


At that moment, someone across the hall waved at her. She stood up in hurry and said, "Sorry, I can't help you. I have to go."


I felt awful. I had been in this country for months, and I couldn't even ask for directions.


After I finally checked in at the ticket counter, another problem came up: I could not find customs. My flight would take off in 40 minutes. I dragged my enormous suitcase behind me and came to an elevator. I had no idea which floor to go to. I got on the elevator and pressed button 3 randomly. The elevator slowly climbed up to the third floor and jerked to a stop. I came out and found myself in an empty lobby.


Tears formed in my eyes as I thought I would miss my flight. Just then an old airport employee shuffled around the corner. Seeing that I seemed lost, he smiled kindly and asked, "Do you need help?"


"Yes. I … customs," I said. Tears rushed down my cheeks.


"Don't worry, honey. I will take you there," he comforted me. He took my suitcase and led me up some stairs. After arriving at customs, he led me past all the lines of people and pushed my luggage to the inspection counter.


When I turned around to thank him, he was gone. I never know the wonderful man's name, but I will always remember his generous help. I hope that one day I can do the same for a traveler who suffers from similar frustrations.

5-5 Translation?



Chinese civilization once had a significant influence on world civilization. With the development of our country's economy and the rise of her international status in recent years, Chinese culture, which has a long history, is once again attracting global attention. More and more Chinese cultural elements provide inspiration for and become popular subjects of fashions, literature and movies around the world. This shows that the world needs Chinese culture. It was in this context that China decided to implement the "Culture Exporting" strategy so as to enhance her cultural exchanges with the rest of the world. After several years' efforts, great achievements have been made in this respect. "Culture Exporting" has greatly promoted the development of our cultural industries. It is becoming an effective approach through which China enhances her national image and comprehensive strength.

5-6 Reading skills?


5-7 Text B: Culture makes the business world go round?

Reading comprehension?


1.?In this situation, I may write an e-mail to the manager of that company to ask for his definite answer. I think this will work because he may feel it's difficult to give an answer directly in words, especially if they are going to refuse the terms my company proposes. However, it may be easier for him to do it in writing. In the e-mail, I will also explain to him that it is very important for me to know his decision because it determines what steps my business will take next.

2.?If I were in the position of Kevin Johnston, I would do two things differently. First of all, I would familiarize myself with the UAE culture before my trip. In this way, I would not feel surprised or confused by their "unusual" hospitality after I get there. Second, I would ask the UAE partners when would be an appropriate time to meet and close the deal. Of course I would not do this immediately after I arrive. I would follow their arrangements for tours and meals, but at some point during my stay, I would certainly bring up the topic and do my job. ?

3.?In my view, there are three things for Americans to know if they want to do business successfully in China. One is how to behave properly at the dining table. Chinese people consider dining as an important way to build business relationships, so I will talk about important things about Chinese table manners that Americans need to pay attention to. The second is how to use business cards in China. Americans use business cards too, but they do not have as many rules as us when handling them to others or accepting them from others. Since exchanging business cards is a common activity in social communication, it's necessary for Americans to know the correct way of doing it. Lastly, I will tell them some differences in body language between China and the West. For example, we hug much less than Americans in social settings. In a word, I think Americans need to have some knowledge of Chinese dining manners, rules of exchanging business cards and body language if they want to do business successfully in our country. ?

4.?Like in other Asian countries such as Japan and South Korea, relationship building and face saving are crucial for doing business in China. Relationship is important because Chinese people tend to give opportunities to people they know or have a "relationship" with. They feel they can trust a familiar person more than a stranger. Saving face is the rule that governs people's language and behavior everywhere. For example, a manager generally avoids criticizing an employee's work face to face. ?

5.?I may want to do business in a European country in the future, for example France or Italy. Cultures there are very different from Chinese culture, so I certainly need to do something to get familiar with their customs of doing business. I plan to do this by three means. First, I will live with a local family so that I can learn how to interact with people properly in daily settings. Second, I will take some private lessons to study their language and business manners. And finally, I will search online to find information on the culture, especially business etiquette, of those two countries.

5-8 Text B: Language focus?

Words in use????refund ??friction ??mute ??detained ??extract ??compiles ??convertibles ??mediated ??tactful ??cohesion

Expressions in use???lags behind ??put in charge of ??3 ?take a ?; ?approach to ???singled out ???headed for ??incorporated into ??

7 ??divert???; ?to ???has had an impact on

Sentence structure?

Had they known about his background better, they would not have hired him to work on such an important project. ?

2.?Had the weather been good, we could have stayed overnight at the top of the mountain and enjoyed the magnificent view of the sunrise. ?

3.?Were I to do it over again, I would paint the fence brown to make it match the color of the neighbor's.



why import a large amount from somewhere else every year?

why a time-consuming and expensive flight trip to attend the conference?

Why at a crowded bar so far from home?

5-9 Collocation??P M ??Care ?Com ??B D

culturally???remained ??carefully ??freely ???interwoven ???trusting ?highly ?deeply ???cross-cultural ??prospective ??management ??cultural

5-12 Text exploration?

Words in context???etiquette???consecutive???intolerance???commemorate???



Intangible cultural heritage bears a dual responsibility: keeping the uniqueness of national cultures and maintaining the cultural diversity of the world. It gathers and retains the historical memories of a certain region, country, or ethnic group. More and more people have realized that, for a country or region, the precious intangible cultural heritage is a distinctive and overt symbol of its own culture, and this symbol is not replicate. In recent years, China has continued to introduce regulations and promote international exchanges concerning its intangible cultural heritage, which has been blossoming in the garden of Chinese culture.


5-13 New horizons?

Viewing comprehension?


Language practice???intergenerational ???withdraw ???commentary ??complementary ??initiative ??transmission ??connectors??

