
were in the same boat.我们在同一条船上。
be in the same boat 在同一条船上were investing a lot
of money in research and development so we can stay ahead of the curve/pack.我们在研发方面投入了大量资金,所以我们可以保持领先。
invest a lot of money in 在…方面投入大量资金research and development 研究和开发; 研发stay ahead of the curve = stay ahead of the pack 保持领先were back to square one, unfortunately.不幸的是,我们又回到了原点。
be back to square one (因行动失败而)重新开始,重起炉灶the prototype wasnt successful. we have to go back to the drawing board.样机失败了。我们不得不重新开始。
have to do sth 不得不做某事go back to the drawing board 重新开始;回到起点i think they got the government contract because of a backroom deal.我认为他们可以得到政府合同是因为秘密交易。
government contract 政府合同because of 因为a backroom deal 幕后交易千里之行始于足下。我们一起努力吧!

its important that we do everything by the book.我们做每件事都得按规矩来,这很重要。
by the book 按规则,依照惯例does everything by the book 照章办事go by the book 循规蹈矩the employees complained about the change in policy, but the supervisor refused to cave in.尽管员工们不满政策的改变,但是主管依旧拒绝做出让步。
complain about sth  抱怨某事refuse to do sth  拒绝做某事cave in  让步,屈服apple has cornered the market on mp3 players. they have a large percentage of market share.苹果垄断了mp3播放器市场。他们占有很大的市场份额。
corner the market on sth 垄断某物的市场market share 市场占有率 ; 市场份额he was a diamond in the rough.他是一颗未经雕琢的钻石。
a diamond in the rough 一颗未经琢磨的钻石bill gates built microsoft from the ground up.比尔·盖茨从头开始创建了微软。
from the ground up 从头开始; 完全地,彻底地build sth from the ground up 从头开始建立…learn the business from the ground up 从头学习做生意know sth from the ground up 对某事了解得十分透彻start from scratch 从头开始build sth from scratch 白手起家建立 …您的支持是我坚持的动力。欢迎收藏加复习。继续努力,您已完成近半的阅读啦!

we need to get the ball rolling on this project.我们需要启动这个项目。
need to do sth 需要做某事get the ball rolling on sth 使某事发生the boss gave xiaoming a pat on the back for coming up with such a good idea.老板表扬小明想出了这样一个好主意。
give sb a pat on the back 给某人表扬deserve a pat on the back 值得表扬come up with sth 提出;想出such + a/an + adj. + n. 如此,这样一个…were happy our number of tiktok followers has gone through the roof.我们很高兴我们的抖音粉丝数猛增。
go through the roof 猛增; 飞涨i agree with john 100%. i think he really hit the nail on the head.我百分之百同意约翰的观点。我觉得他说的真的是一针见血。
agree with sb 同意某人hit the nail on the head 一针见血;说到点子上了construction on the new site is in full swing now.新址的建设现在正如火如荼地进行着。
be in full swing 正在全力进行中真正学习的人最帅最可爱了,没错说到就是屏幕前的你。你已学完了五分之三的内容了。

were in the black. — be in the red虽然我们今年过得不太好,但至少我们有盈利。
have a great year 业绩不错;丰收年be in the black 盈利be in the read 亏损i like my new position. im starting to learn the ropes.我喜欢我的新岗位,我正在开始熟悉业务。
start to do sth 开始做某事learn the ropes 学点相关诀窍; 熟悉winning the lottery is a long shot, but millions of people still buy lottery tickets.虽然彩票中奖的概率极低,但是仍有数百万的人在买彩票。
win the lottery 彩票中奖buy lottery 买彩票millions of 数百万的a long shot 一件希望渺茫,不太可能成功的事john is more experienced and well respected, so he had the upper hand in the argument.约翰更有经验而且受人们尊重,所以他在这场争斗更占优势。
well respected 很受尊敬的have
the upper hand in sth 在…上占有优势i have no idea how many branches they have. off the top of my head, id say about 20.我不知道他们有多少家分店。我猜大概有20家左右吧。
have no idea …不知道off the top of sbs head, 凭既有知识;不假思索地感谢您的阅读,欢迎点赞关注。最最重要的是,可以收藏分享,偶尔还可以回来看看。

i think its good to do things out in the open because people get suspicious if you do things in secret.我认为做事情公开好,因为如果你秘密做事,别人会怀疑你。
out in the open 公开; 在户外get sth out in the open = be out in the open 打开天窗说亮话;把话挑明了play out in the open 在户外玩耍get suspicious 起疑心in secret 秘密地;暗地里they gave him the pink slip.他们给他发了解雇通知。
give sb sth = give sth to sth 给某人某物the pink slip 解雇通知单they were putting the cart before the horse.他们那时候真是本末倒置。
put the cart before the horse 本末倒置
we had to sever ties with several of our suppliers due to late shipments.由于延迟发货,我们不得不跟几家供应商断绝关系,结束合作。
have to do sth 不得不做某事serve tie with sb/sth 与…断绝关系several of 几个due to = owing to 由于late shipment 货物迟交;没能按时发货i was trying to learn english, but i got frustrated and threw in the towel.我本来打算要学英语的,但是它太难了,搞得我很受挫,最后只好放弃了。
try to do sth 尝试做某事learn english 学英语get frustrated 感到很沮丧throw in the towel 败下阵来;放弃
