

介词+名词就是一个整体,用来修饰介词前面的词(名词/动词/形容词/副词); 修饰名词它就被看成是形容词,修饰动词/形容词/副词它就被看成是 副词。
学习介词应从它的基本意思入手,在阅读中去积累它在不同语 言环境下由基本意思衍生出的其它扩展意思和抽象意思。
介词就是名词的丫头,和名词一起嫁给了介词前的词,并对他们进行 修饰。名词(短语)作主语时,她的前面就不需要介词。
本文部分例句摘自《杨亮通俗英语语法》,请读者关注 杨亮讲英文!

time 和 on time的区别?
8:00上课,老师要求不准迟到。那in time,on time分别表示什么意思呢?

其实这跟on time(准时)一样,踩点本身就是一种形象的表达,踩在这个时间点上,有接触!有接触就要用on这个介词!

he was born on national day.



成人英语介词初级考点i usually help with the housework at home.
hurry up, jack, i will wait on the bus stop. dont let me wait for you so long.
why does it seem that some parents are not so friendly in their childrens eyes ?
andrew is similar to his father. they are similar in many ways, especially, they are both tall.
winter is coming. the ground will be covered with snow and ice.
john has talent for dancing, he is the most talented dancer of all.
his talent at the keyboard has taken him from shenyang to the world.
he is well-known for making facial expressions(面部表情) and moving around while playing the piano.
most of the movies on right now are action movies and scary movies.
if you are doing your best, dont be afraid of failing. what matters is not the result but the process.
people can freely ride the yellow bike to work, to school. then they can leave the bike for the next rider.
she became a member of the basketball
team, because she has the advantage over others in team work.
one of the secrets to be happy is to try to develop a good relationship with people around you.
one day, when i came back from school, i found my grandpa was sitting quietly in a chair.
the teacher will wait at the bus station. please hurry up.
my sister and i tried paragliding. i felt like i was a bird.
and because of the bad weather, we couldnt see anything below.
emissions of carbon dioxide will increase by around 5% by 2030.
someone who put off paying the bills will lower his credit.
at present, only 70% of people speak mandarin.
i was born on christmas day.
there are seven people in my family including (include) my grandparents.
china is known for paper cutting, and it has been a symbol of chinese culture for hundreds of years.
they are very good at discovering
corona-virus. we come close to 100% sensitivity.
some guards are on duty to guard against accidents.
the kind behavior has an influence on many people.
with rapid economic growth and rising income levels, chinese people have more chances to expand their horizons and life experiences.
i don’t want to compete with you, although we are the competitors in the writing competition.

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