
本文属于文化范畴,是一篇书评,摘自《business week》(商业周刊)2012年6月21日。由elizabeth l. cline写的overdressed,介绍了cline写的一本批判当下“快时尚”服装品牌的书,认为h&m、zara和优衣库等便宜的“快时尚”品牌对时装界、消费者本身乃至环境和社会都有不良影响。
25. what is the subject of the text?
[a] satire on an extravagant lifestyle.
[b] challenge to a high-fashion myth.
[c] criticism of the fast-fashion industry.
[d] exposure of a mass-market(面向大众) secret.
备选项[b]、[c]、[d]的交集是: 衣服。从高档时尚、快速时尚业、大路货三个层面进行分析 。但第一个词的方向不一样: challenge(挑战)、exposure(暴露)是中性的,没本质的区别,criticism(批判)是负面的。[c]与[b]、 [d]相关性小。
对于相对的答案,选其中一个层面,[c] criticism of the fast-fashion industry.正确的概率大于50%,肯定先选[c];备选项[b]、 [d]区分度不大。
1、开门见山:文章的中心往往在一段,有百分之八十的可能,从第一段1 in the 2006 film version of the devil wears prada, miranda priestly, played by meryl streep, scolds her unattractive assistant for imagining that high fashion doesn’t affect her.中 找到scold sb for doing sth.与[c]中 criticism意思相近。正确的答案可能是:[c] criticism of the fast-fashion industry.
2、抛砖引玉时:中心在第一段的段尾与第二段的段首句,第一段② priestly explains how…是对①句的解释,是承接关系。我们找二段① this top-down conception of the fashion business couldn’t be more out of date,or…后面不看,浪费时间。 “时装业自上而下的理念最过时了”。这半句话也是批评,25题答案是[c]。
couldn’t be more=the most,否定+比较级=最高级。
3、用“加一”的方法:看看在题干中是否已经泄露秘密21. priestly criticizes her assistant for her(普瑞斯特利批评她的助手是因为其); 22. according to cline, mass-market labels urge consumers to(根据克莱恩的说法,大路货督促消费者们);其中criticize与[c] criticism of the fast-fashion industry.有关联。为什么不选mass-market(大路货都是衣服)这个信息,因为与[b]高档时尚、[c]快速时尚业区分不大。
21. priestly criticizes her assistant for her
【解读题干】根据中心,her assistant不fashion而挨批。
22. according to cline, mass-market labels urge consumers to
urge to鼓励(某人)
urgent adj.紧急的; 催促的
23.the word “indictment” (para. 2) is closest in meaning to
【解读题干】词意题不是平白无故地问你,它是与中心一致。中心是对时尚业的批评,indictment,望文生义,in=into、 dict=to say、 -ment后缀,indictment的意思是:进去说。根据文题同序,22题也定位在第二段。
24. which of the following can be inferred from the last paragraph?
25. what is the subject of the text?
21. priestly criticizes her assistant(助手) for(原因) her(0.657)
[a] lack of imagination.
[b] poor bargaining skill.
[c]obsession with high fashion
[d] insensitivity to fashion(对时尚不灵敏)(doesnt affect=insensitivity)
be obsessed with痴迷于…; 迷了心窍;
本文的中心是criticism of the fast-fashion industry. “对于快速时尚业的批评”。根据选项,只有[c]obsession with high fashion、[d] insensitivity to fashion中有fashion,c、d方向相反(从相反的选项中选答案),与中心粘边,答案从cd 中二选一。文中“for imagining that high fashion doesnt affect her。”与[d] insensitivity to fashion相匹配。
解题思路: criticize,在文可能是以blame…on, accuse sb (of sth), scold sb. for doing sth.的形式出现。
从priestly 、assistant点入手,在一段①句。
定位在…scolds her unattractive assistant for imagining that high fashion doesnt affect= insensitivity,in=im=not,都是否定;high fashion=fashion,答案只能是[d]。
obsession [?b?se?n] n.着魔,萦绕; 使人痴迷的人(或物);(ob 在…中+sess 坐…坐在中间;-ion名词后缀),这来自古老的传说,美人鱼坐在岸边勾引美男子到河边将其溺死食之。
insensitivity [?n?sens? , sens, sent , =feel)
【1段】① in the 2006 film version of the devil wears prada, miranda priestly, played by meryl streep, scolds her unattractive assistant for imagining that high fashion doesn’t affect her. ② priestly explains how the deep blue color of the assistant’s sweater descended over the years from fashion shows to departments stores and to the bargain bin in which the poor girl doubtless found her garment.
1、scold [sk??ld] vt.责骂;vi.责骂; 斥责;
2、affect [??fekt] 影响n.感情(aff=to;fect=do,make对内的影响;to produce a change in sb/sth 影响)
3、effect [??fekt] n.影响; 效果; 印象vt.使发生; 引起(e=out;fect=do,make对外的影响)词组:effect (on sb/sth)
4、descend [d??send] v.下来,下降 ; 下斜; 降临; 突然造访(de向下;scend=climb,表示)
descendant [d??send?nt]子孙,后代(descend下传;ant人)
transcend [tr?n?send]超越,胜过(trans=across;scend=climb)
5、garment [?gɑ:m?nt] n.衣服; 服装
22. according to cline, mass-market labels urge consumers to? do sth。
[a] combat unnecessary waste.
[b] shop for their garments more frequently.
[c] resist the influence of advertisements.
[d] shut out the feverish fashion world.
21题说的是“对时尚不灵敏”,22与时尚有关,与衣服有关的备选答案是b、d,首先看[d] ,[d]shut out the feverish fashion world.中有时尚,但有shut out(排除),若真排除,后面没故事了,排除[d]。看b中有garments是衣服的总称,答案可能是[b] shop for their garments more frequently.
?garment来自古老的法语,gar是装饰,如garden是对庭园的装饰, garment是人的穿衣打扮。
方法二:题干问的是urge sb. to do sth.
同意词有:encourage sb to do sth.;? force …to. ;? promote sb (from sth) (to sth)
根据题干,首先定位到第二段。④“these labels encourage style-conscious consumers to see clothes as disposable, ……, and to renew their wardrobe every few weeks.”(“这些商标(畅销商标)促使有时尚意识的消费者将服装看成是一次性的,……,并且没几周就更新他们的衣橱。”),其中encourage sb to sth.=urge sb dosth ;see sth as sth.把…当作。see clothes as disposable把衣服当成一次性的。
可以看出b选项?“shop for their garments more frequently”的意思是“更加频繁地购买服装”,正好是“renew their wardrobe every few weeks”的同义替换。
【2段】① this top-down conception of the fashion business couldn’t be more out of date or at odds with the feverish world described in overdressed, elizabeth cline’s three-year indictment of “fast fashion”. ② in the last decade or so, advances in technology have allowed mass-market labels such as zara, h&m, and uniqlo to react to trends more quickly and anticipate demand more precisely. ③ quicker turnarounds mean less wasted inventory, more frequent releases, and more profit. ④ these labels encourage style-conscious consumers to see clothes as disposable—meant to(旨在做…事) last only a wash or two, although they don’t advertise that—and to renew their wardrobe every few weeks(没过几星期,表示否定,频率之快). ⑤ by offering on-trend items at dirt-cheap prices, cline argues, these brands have hijacked fashion cycles, shaking an industry long accustomed to a seasonal pace.
couldn’t be more=the most,否定+比较级=最高级
23. the word “indictment” (para. 2) is closest in meaning to(0.401)
[a] accusation.
[b] enthusiasm.
[c] indifference.
[d] tolerance.
【答案】a 【考点】词义题 方法一:
indictment 是在overdressed《(使)穿得太讲究》——书名是贬义,中对“fast fashion”的态度,不可能是[c]?冷漠、[d]?忍受;[b]?热情,只能是[a]?谴责,这与中心一致,中心是对时尚业的批评,答案只能是a. indictment谴责。
望文生义,in=into; dict=to say; -ment后缀;进去说。望文生义行不通,用传统“夹的方法”:看看indictment出现的句子,这句的前后句,及段主旨。
题干中需要猜测词义的单词出现在第二段的第一句(段主旨)“……the feverish world described in?overdressed, elizabeth cline’s three-year indictment of ‘fast fashion’”。再结合选项可知,“indictment”是elizabeth cline对“快时尚”的一种态度。因此,解答此题的关键在于联系上下文语境,找到elizabeth cline对“快时尚”的态度,即第二段最后一句“by offering on-trend items at dirt-cheap prices, cline argues, these brands have hijacked fashion cycles, shaking an industry long accustomed to a seasonal pace.”(“cline说,通过以特别低的价格销售潮流物品,这些品牌破坏了潮流周期,动摇了这个长久以来习惯于季节周期的产业”。)由“hijack操纵”和“shaking”可知,cline对“快时尚”应该是持否定态度的,所以选项a选项“accusation?(谴责)”是正确答案。
【2段译文】①时装业自上而下的理念太过时了,也与伊丽莎白·克莱因在《过度着装》一书中所描写的狂热世界很不一致。该书历时三年创作完成,记述了克莱因对“快时尚”的控诉。②在过去的十年左右,科技的进步已经使诸如zara、h&m和优衣库之类的面向大众的品牌能更迅速地对潮流做出反应,并且更加准确地预测市场需求。③(资金)周转更快意味着库存浪费减少,新品上市更频繁,利润更大。(22)(23)④有时尚意识的消费者将衣服看作一次性商品,洗一两水后就不能再穿(虽然他们并没有这么宣传),还鼓励他们 没过几周更新他们的衣橱。(23)⑤克菜因认为,这些品牌通过提供廉价而入时的商品,已经控制了时尚流行的周期、 撼动了长久以来习惯以季节为步调的这一行业。
out of date过时的, 陈旧的
at odds with与…不和,与…争吵; 与…发生矛盾
dispose of =get rid of除去;
dispose [d??sp??z] 排列,安排; 使倾向于
dispose of处理,处置;
dispose for布置,安排
accuse …of指责 (ac=to caus=reason )
mean to do sth.=intend to do sth打算(做)…,想要(做)…;
主语是物,用被动:be meant to do sth=be intended to do sth.旨在做…事
★enthusiasm? [?n?θju:zi?z?m] n.热情;热忱;感兴趣的活动;热衷的(en进入+thus=theo神+iasm状态)(进入神的状态→热情)
conception [k?n?sep?n] n.受精,怀孕; 胚胎; 概念; 设想,构想;(con-=together;cept=take/hold/seize)
fashion [?f??n] n.时尚,时装;(fash=fac做;-ion表名词)
odd [?d] adj.古怪的; 奇数的;
feverish [?fi:v?r??] adj.发烧的,有热病症状的;
fever[?fi:v?(r)] n.发热,发烧
indictment [?n?da?tm?nt] n.诉状,起诉书(in进去+dict说话,断言,写)(进去说)
★anticipate [?n?t?s?pe?t] vt.预感; 预见(anti=ante前;cip=take;ate表动词,使…→使向前抓住。)(凡事预则立。)
★precisely [pr??sa?sli] adv.精确地; 恰好地; 严谨地(pre=before;cise=to cut;预先切好的;-ly)
inventory [??nv?ntri] n.存货清单; 财产目录(ven=come,表示)
( in进+ven来,走+tory→进来的全部财产,清单)
disposable [d??sp??z?bl] 一次性的,可任意处理的。(dis-=away,pose=put,-able后缀。)
trend [trend] n.走向; 趋向; 时尚
epidemic [?ep??dem?k] n.流行病; 迅速的传播(epi=among;dem=people;ic……的)
items [?ait?mz] n.一项; 一则; 一件商品(或物品);
dirt-cheap [
brand [br?nd] n.[商]商标(brand表示)商标, 牌子, 烙印
industry [??nd?stri] n.工业; 产业(经济词汇); 工业界; 勤劳
diligence [?d?l?d??ns] n.勤勉,勤奋;
accustomed to [??k?st?md tu:] 习惯于···
【3段】① the victims of this revolution, of course, are not limited to designers. ② for h&m to offer a $5.95 knit miniskirt in all its 2,300-plus stores around the world, it must rely on low-wage overseas labor, order in volumes that strain natural resources, and use massive amounts of harmful chemicals.
massive [?m?s?v] adj.巨大的;
【4段】① overdressed is the fashion world’s answer to consumer-activist bestsellers like michael pollan’s the omnivore’s dilemma. ② “mass-produced clothing, like fast food, fills a hunger and need, yet is non-durable and wasteful,” cline argues. ③ americans, she finds, buy roughly 20 billion garments a year—about 64 items per person—and no matter how much they give away, this excess leads to waste.
excess [?k?ses]过度,过剩(ex=out;cess=go)
dilemma [d??lem?] n.窘境,困境; 进退两难;
( di两个,双+lemma论点,争论)(二种争论→进退两难)
★be in a dilemma左右为难; 两难;
i am in a dilemma about whether to study abroad or stay at home.
【5段】① towards the end of overdressed, cline introduced her ideal, a brooklyn woman named sarah kate beaumont, who since 2008 has made all of her own clothes——and beautifully. ② but as cline is the first to note, it took beaumont decades to perfect her craft; her example can’t be knocked off.
knock off草率完成
24. which of the following can be inferred from the last paragraph?(0.336)
[a] vanity has more often been found in idealists.
[b] the fast-fashion industry ignores sustainability.
[c] pricing is vital to environment-friendly purchasing.
[d] people are more interested in unaffordable garments.
【答案】c 【考点】推理判断,做法是:1、第一句,段主旨;2、中间转折。3、最后一句,归纳总结。
【解析】根据题干,定位到最后一段。解题关键在于“vanity is a constant; people will only start shopping more sustainably when they can’t afford not to”, can’t afford与钱有关,[c] pricing is vital to environment-friendly purchasing也与钱有关。
意思是“每个人都很虚荣,这很常见。但消费者付不起太多东西的时候,他们才会以更加可持续的方式去购物。”这句的关键词是“afford”和“shop more sustainably”,对应于c项中的“pricing is vital to”和“they can’t afford”。
【6段】① though(让步状语后一般不考) several fast-fashion companies have made efforts to curb their impact on labor and the environment—including h&m, with its green conscious collection line—cline believes lasting change can only be effected by the customer. ② she exhibits the idealism common to many advocates of sustainability, be it in food or in energy(whether it should be in food or in energy) . ③ vanity is a constant; people will only start shopping more sustainably when they can’t afford not to(shop ?more sustainably).
impact on对…冲击
curb [k?:b]:a horses bit with an attached chain or strap to check ?the horse(用来控制马的链子,皮绳。)
n.? 限制,抑制; 勒马绳,马衔索; (人行道的)镶边; (证券的)场外市场;
vt.? 制止,束缚; 给(马)扣上马衔; 给…加路缘; 在…处设井栏;
vanity [?v?n?ti] n.虚荣,浮华; 自负; 空虚(van=empty,表示-ity表名词)(心里空空→虚荣心)
in vain [in vein] 白费地; 徒劳无益地
vanity box [?v?niti b?ks] 女人藏化妆品的小手提包( 时常带在身边,不时地美一下,虚的。)
★vacation [v??ke??n] n.假期,休假; [古] 空出(vacate空出, +ion表名词)
★constant [?k?nst?nt] adj.? 不断的,持续的;n.? [数]常数,常量(con=together;stant=stand;)(始终站着→固定的)
instant [??nst?nt] n.瞬间,顷刻; 速食食品adj.立即的; 迫切的(in=into;stant=stand;)
(站在里面的东西,表示就在面前→紧迫的, 瞬间)(说曹操,曹操就到。)
★sustainable [s??ste?n?bl] adj.可持续的; 可以忍受的(sus=under;tain =hold)(在下面握住→支撑)
★afford to[??f?:d tu:] (买)得起(某物);
25. what is the subject of the text?(0.592)
[a] satire on an extravagant lifestyle.
[b] challenge to a high-fashion myth.
[c] criticism of the fast-fashion industry.
[d] exposure of a mass-market secret.
[d]?对于大规模市场秘密的揭示 【答案】c 【考点】主旨大意
