
1 card up one’s sleeve 锦囊妙计,心中有数,a secret plan, idea, or advantage in reserve。例:he always has a card up his sleeve for finding a way to resolve a puzzle. 他总能找到妙计想法解决难题。
2 in the cards, 将来很可能发生的,likely to happen,命中注定(主要用于否定句),not in the cards, 没有希望的。例:marriage is not in the cards for him soon. 他还不会很快结婚。
count on one’s own cards3 count on one’s own cards 有恃无恐,自力更
4 hold all the cards 支配全局,一切尽在掌握之中,hold all the winning cards,稳操胜券,例:the chairman holds all the cards of the situation. 主席全面掌控局势。
5 lay all one’s cards on the table 心眼明亮, 就是摊牌,和盘端出的意思。因为打牌的时候,牌是不给别人看的。这是专门指开诚布公地说明事实,把原来保密的东西公开出来。
hold all the cards6 play
cards close to one’s chest 不能象网络上那样翻译成“近胸打牌”,真实含义是“保守秘密”,不透露任何讯息,什么话都不说,把牌放在胸口,你肯定看不到。
7 play one’s best cards 施展妙手,使出绝招,尽最大努力。
8 play one’s cards badly/poorly 拙于运筹,问题处理不当,办事不高明、不慎重。
9 play one’s cards right 小心从事,运筹帷幄,善于安排,办事精明,做事有心计,
play one’s last card10 play one’s cards well 巧于运筹,use an opportunity well妥善利用机会
11 play one’s last card 使出最后手段,
12 throw up one’s cards 灰心断念,罢手认输
13 it won’t take one long to get one’s hand in at cards. 学会熟练地玩牌不需要很长时间。
throw up one’s cards
