



1. 参考词汇:模型制作 model making
2. 词数80左右(文章开头已给出,不计入词数);
3. 不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。
students in our school are free to choose some special courses according to their interest.

强身健体:build up one’s body
鼓励合作:encourage cooperation
了解科学:learn about science/ get closer to the science
提高兴趣:improve your interests/ help you become more interested
英语戏团:english drama training
practice oral/ spoken english
学习表演:learn to act/ learn how to act

tips: 在翻译成句时,题目给的内容是非常有限的八个字,逐字翻译文章会没什么文采,有时候甚至字数不够。所以我们可以思考“为什么,怎么样”,来补充更多相关细节,让句子变得丰满。
(1) 我们学校给学生提供了足球课程。踢足球可以让你强身健体。多做运动,有利于身体健康。
our school provides students with football training class. playing football can build up our body. doing more exercises will keep you healthy.
(2) 鼓励合作有利于培养团队精神。
encouraging cooperation can develop the teamwork spirits.

(1) 模型制作,能给你提供一个机会,让你更好地了解科学,从而提高对它的兴趣。
model-making course can be one of your chances to get closer to the science and help you become more interested in it.
(2) 在这里,你可以参加英语戏团课程。在课程里面,你将会学到怎么样表演地更加生动和更加自信。另外,通过这个课程,你可以不断练习口语,从而提高流畅度。
there is
an english drama training course for you. in this course, you will be able to learn to act more vividly and confidently in public. besides, you can practice your oral english so that you can improve your fluency of speaking.
(3) 建议的课程:
reading course is also preferred by many students because it can enable you to widen your horizons and expand your knowledge.

first of all, ……
in addition, / besides,……
what’s more, / furthermore, ……
last but not least,……
另外,还有一些我们非常熟悉的,比如 and, but, because, then, also, therefore等词,可以让句子与句子直接更加流畅。
(1) in my opinion,
(2) in my view,
(3) as far as i’m
(4) from my point of view,
(5) as for me,
(6) as to me,
(7) personally speaking,
______ , our school provides students with football training class. playing football can build up our body _____ doing more exercises will keep you healthy.______,encouraging cooperation can develop the teamwork spirits. _____model-making course can be one of your chances to get closer to the science and help you become more interested in it. ___, there is an english drama training course for you. in this course, you will be able to learn to act more vividly and confidently in public. besides, you can practice your oral english so that you can improve your fluency of speaking.______, reading course is also preferred by many students because it can enable you to widen your horizons and expand your knowledge.
?first of all; and; also; in addition; what’s more / furthermore; as far as i’ m concerned/ in my opinion; in my view/ as to me / as for me / from my point of view / personally speaking(注:第四个空不建议用besides,因为下文出现了)

(1) a good teacher and great friend
→ an excellent teacher and wonderful friend
(2) play football and play chess
升级版1:play football as well as play chess
升级版2:not only play football but also play chess
升级版3:play football and play chess as well
(1) as far as i’ m concerned, reading course is also preferred by many students because it can enable you to widen your horizons and expand your knowledge.
as far as i’ m concerned, reading course is also preferred by many students because it can enable you to not only widen your horizons but also expand your knowledge.
(2) in addition, model-making course can be one of your chances to get closer to the science and help you become more interested in it.
in addition, model-making course can be one of your chances to get closer to the science as well as help you become more interested in it.
(1) 定从,状从,宾从,被动;
(2) 比较级句型: the + 比较级,the +比较级。
(3) 倒装:only when we / if we / by doing……, can we…….
(4) btown句型(“我们的变态”句型)
b: because/ but/ by doing……
t: there be / there’ s no doubt that (毫无疑问)/ that’s why i …….
on the one hand , ……, on the other hand,……
w: what’s more,/ when/ what impresses me most is that……
n: no one can deny that ……(无可否认)
nothing is more important than …….
(5) ……is a good way/ choice to do…….
(6) it‘s + adj. for sb. to do…….
(7) as the saying goes,…….

(1) 原句:playing football can build up our body and doing more exercises will keep you healthy.
there is no doubt that playing football can build up our body. the more exercises you do, the healthier you will be.
(2) also, encouraging cooperation can develop the teamwork spirits.
also, encouraging cooperation is a good way to develop the teamwork spirits
(3) in this course, you will be able to learn to act more vividly and confidently in public.
in this course, you will be able to learn how to act more vividly and confidently in public.

as the saying goes, all work no play makes jack a dull boy. i hope we students will have a more colorful school life.

students in our school are free to choose some special courses according to their interest.
first of all, our school provides students with football training class. there is no doubt that playing football can build up our body. the more exercises you do, the healthier you will be. also, encouraging cooperation is a good way to develop the teamwork spirits. in addition, model-making course can be one of your chances to get closer to the science as well as help you become more interested in it. what’s more, there is an english drama training course for you. in this course, in this course, you will be able to learn how to act more vividly and confidently in public.besides, you would like to practice your oral english so that you can improve your fluency of speaking.
as far as i’m concerned, reading course is also preferred by many studentsbecause it can enable you to not only widen your horizons but also expand your knowledge.
as the saying goes, all work no play makes jack a dull boy. i hope we students will have a more colorful school life.

