
??losing the language of the koran



arabic is being swamped by english



it might have been a party just for westerners. young men snogged in the corridor. girls downed tumblers of wine. the real shock, though, was the hubbub of voices. though this was a gathering of young emiratis, almost everyone was chatting in english. nowadays it is becoming the dominant tongue of the gulf.



on paper arabic is one of the world’s most successful languages. over 400m people speak it. but arabs speak a plethora of dialects. poor education in arabic is eroding its purity, as english spreads. many primary-school children chatter in a hybrid of english and arabic. “within a century it may be a dead language,” laments a british former diplomat who is expert in arabic.



the language’s decline reflects recent history. civil wars have forced millions out of education. baghdad and damascus, once citadels of arab nationalism and culture, have been ravaged by violence.?



“language reflects how powerful you are,” says ebtesam al-ketbi, an?emirati?scholar. “the chinese, japanese and koreans have all kept their languages. we haven’t.” “people running our countries often don’t speak good arabic any more,” laments a bahraini.

阿联酋学者埃布特萨姆·凯特比说:“语言反映了你有多强大,中国人、日本人和韩国人都保留了自己的语言,而我们却没做到。” 一位巴林人哀叹道:“管理我们国家的人不再会说流利的阿拉伯语了。”


english is the gravest threat. in 2017 the arab youth survey, taken by a pollster in dubai, found that gulf arabs already use it more than arabic. saudi arabia has become the most recent gulf state to teach schoolchildren english from the bottom class up.?



a large minority of gulf citizens’ children go to private schools where english is the main language of tuition. ms kebti says “no one can stop” the spread of english. a world bank study reported last year that even by the time they are in their fourth year at school, many arab children struggle to write a?coherent?sentence in arabic.



the fragmentation of arabic is a feature of arab disunity. an array of dialects with their different vocabularies, syntax and accents has infiltrated such bastions of standard arabic as parliaments, television shows and publishing houses. to bolster circulation, publishers are printing more books in dialect.?



in 2019 nadia kamel won a top literary prize in egypt for a novel in dialect. television news channels still broadcast in standard arabic, so many arabs prefer to get their news from social media, often in dialects written in latin characters. disney now dubs its films in egyptian dialect. expressions of love are said to sound stilted in the official lingo.



champions of arabic are trying to fight back. arabic will, of course, remain the language of the koran. “we think arabic is more living than latin because of its presence in the media, sermons and speeches,” says hossam abouzahr, founder of the living arabic project, an online platform that strives to
revive the language. “latin survived in the churches for centuries despite having no native speakers,” he notes hopefully.

阿拉伯语的拥护者们正试图反击。当然,阿拉伯语仍将是《古兰经》的语言。致力于复兴阿拉伯语的在线平台“让阿拉伯语充满生命力” 的创始人胡萨姆·阿布扎尔说:“我们认为阿拉伯语比拉丁语更具生命力,因为它出现在媒体、布道和演讲中。”他满怀希望地指出:“尽管没有人以拉丁语为母语,但拉丁语在教堂里流传了几个世纪。”




plethora [?pleθ?r?] n. 太多;过多;泛滥

erode [??ro?d] v. 腐蚀;侵蚀

infiltrate [??nf?ltre?t] v. 渗透;渗入;浸润


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