趣味托福学习 维多利亚的秘密2015英语翻译(图)


Victoria’s Secret维多利亚的秘密内衣秀正在腾讯视频直播,维密秀中英双语字幕完整版尽请期待!


维多利亚的秘密中文释义:Victoria’s Secret


1.Victoria’s Secret is an American retailer of women’s wear, lingerie andproducts.


2.Has been working for high profile fashion labels including Victoria’sSecret, Guess, Sisley’s and Sports Illustrated.

一直高调的工作,包括时装品牌维多利亚的秘密, 猜猜, 西斯莱的和体育画报.

3.We supply a wide variety of Victoria Secrets lip glosses and lotions at awholesale price.

趣味托福学习 维多利亚的秘密2015英语翻译(图)插图



维多利亚秘密Victoria’s Secret简介英文版:

Victoria’s Secret was started in San Francisco, California, in 1977 byTufts University and Stanford Graduate School of Business alumnus RoyRaymond,[3] who felt embarrassed trying to purchase lingerie for his wife in adepartment store environment. He opened the first store at Stanford ShoppingCenter in Palo Alto, and quickly followed it with a mail-order catalog and threeother stores.[3]

Victoria’s Secret at Briarwood Mall in

Ann Arbor, MichiganThe stores were meant to create a comfortableenvironment for men, with wood-paneled walls, Victorian details and helpfulsales staff. Instead of racks of bras and panties in every size, there weresingle styles, paired together and mounted on the wall in frames. Men couldbrowse for styles for women and sales staff
趣味托福学习 维多利亚的秘密2015英语翻译(图)插图(1)
would help estimate the appropriatesize, pulling from inventory in the back rooms.

In 1982, after 5 years of operations, Roy Raymond sold the Victoria’sSecret company, with its six stores and 42-page catalogue, grossing $6 millionper year, to Leslie Wexner, creator of The Limited, for $4 million.[4] TheLimited kept the personalized image of Victoria’s Secret intact. Victoria’sSecret was rapidly expanded into the U.S. malls throughout the 1980s. Thecompany was able to vend a widened range of products, such as shoes, eveningwear, and perfumes, with its mail catalog issued eight times annually. By theearly 1990s, Victoria’s Secret had become the largest American lingerieretailer, topping one billion dollars.[5]

Beginning in 1995, Victoria’s Secret began holding the annual Victoria’sSecret Fashion Show, which is broadcasted primetime on American television. Theshow is a lavish event with elaborate costumed lingerie, varying music, and setdesign according to the different themes running within the show. The showattracts hundreds of celebrities and entertainers, with special performersand/or acts every year.

On July 10, 2007, Limited Brands sold 75% of The Limited clothing chain tofirm Sun Capital Partners to focus and boost sales growth on Victoria’s Secretlingerie stores and Bath & Body Works units, which provided 72% of revenuein 2006 and almost all the firm’s profit.[6] There are 1,000 Victoria’s Secretlingerie stores and 100 independent Victoria’s Secret Beauty Stores in the US,mostly in shopping centers. It sells brassieres, panties, hosiery, cosmetics,sleepwear, and other products. Victoria’s Secret mails more than 400 million ofits catalogs per year.[1] Under pressure from environmentalist groups,Victoria’s Secret’s parent firm and a conservation group have reached anagreement to make the lingerie retailer’s catalog more environmentally friendlyin 2006. The catalog will no longer be made of pulp supplied from any woodlandcaribou habitat range in Canada, unless it has been certified by the ForestStewardship Council. The catalogs will also be made of 10 percent recycled paperfrom post-consumer waste.[7]

Victoria’s Secret is now attempting to build its image with a fairlyconservative, middle-class shopper in mind, avoiding any connotations ofsleaziness that lingerie might carry.[5][not in citation given]

The company gained notoriety in the early 1990s after it began to usesupermodels in its advertising and fashion shows. Throughout the past decade, ithas turned down celebrity models and endorsements.[8]

For men, Victoria’s Secret launched a “Very Sexy For Him” set, whichincludes cologne and aftershave. Adding to their men’s collection, they haveincluded two more colognes for men. An extension of the “Very Sexy For Him 2″and its newest, “Vertical”.[citation needed]




维多利亚的秘密(Victoria’s Secret)隶属美国知名中高档服装生产商Limited Brands集团,性感是Victoria’sSecret的代名词,她不仅是全美,更是全世界内衣界的龙头,她优雅,热情,挑逗的在伸展台上影响着全球三十亿女性人口的“内在美学”,同时也在香水、配饰、化妆品等领域散发出让人无法抗拒的魅力。在全美,超过1000家的分店都在销售由超级名模代言的Victoria’sSecret性感内衣?

维多利亚的秘密(Victoria’sSecret)成立于20世纪70年代初,自成立那天起,公司的名字就一直成为了魅力、浪漫、纵容及女式内衣的代名词,公司每天每分钟内衣的销量达600多件。总裁GraceNichols把 Victoria’sSecret描述成“一位生活方式的商家,即时装商是众多顾客生活的组成部分。我们给予顾客的是:魅力、美丽、时尚及一点儿浪漫。我们清楚什么时装最适合女性的身体和情感受需求”。Victoria’sSecret的设计队伍创造了空前的成功记录。它创造性地引进了新产品生产线,如“第二层皮肤缎面”(Second SkinSatin)、主要用棉制品做的“性感形体服”及“完美外形”公司的乳罩产品尤其畅销,所以公司计划每年开发一种新的乳罩款式。据估计,三十岁以下的女性所用乳罩的50%均是该公司的产品?






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