


Some people think the increasing business and cultural contact between countries brings many positive effects. Others say it causes the loss of national identities. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.



Some people claim that instead of bringing certain

benefits, such as strengthening the mutual understanding among people from different cultural backgrounds with both business and cultures thriving, increasing such contact incurs the loss of national identities. Overall, I tend to think otherwise.

Body 1

Admittedly, frequent business collaboration and cultural interaction may moderately render some cultures, especially those in rural areas, withering away. This is mainly because, with globalisation in trade accelerating unprecedentedly, companies from unprivileged regions have easier access to witnessing how giants from developed countries function. Taking full advantage of such opportunities, the underdeveloped businesses will have every reason to imitate the manufacturing modes or products of the advanced ones for the sake of raking in more profits, which sometimes is coupled with abandoning their traditional pillar industries. As to cultures, such is human nature that people tend to gravitate to novelty, so it is a commonplace that individuals, especially youngsters, are more likely to be attracted by exotic cultures instead of domestic ones which are often regarded as clichéd. Naturally, the influence of their own cultures will be undermined. However, such loss of national identities can be avoided as long as governments issue certain policies, such as setting festivals, to raise citizens’ awareness of cultural confidence.

Body 2

As a matter of fact, behind business and cultural communication are more gains, among which the most evident one is that it creates more understanding among people from diverse cultures. It is through world trade and global cultural festivals that individuals get the chance to communicate directly with people from other cultures and backgrounds,

getting to understand a nation and a culture better than before, which thus eliminates the tension caused by cultural bias or misunderstanding. In terms of business, international trade not only provides developed countries with cheaper but finer materials from developing countries but also helps the latter to gain more money that can be used to improve their infrastructure and public service, which therefore can achieve a win-win result.
