从零初步学口语 我的安康(图)

??throw up — 吐逆

make an
从零初步学口语 我的安康(图)插图

appointment — 约诊

blood pressure — 血压

temperature — 温度

heart — 心跳

blood — 血

get an X ray — 照X光

exercise — 操练,练习

get an injection — 打针

take medicine — 吃药


Please take me to the hospital.请送我到医院。

I think I’d better see a doctor.我想我最佳是去看医生。

My stomach is upset.我胃不舒畅。

I have a pain in my stomach.我肚子痛。

My ears are ringing.我耳鸣。

My body aches all over.我全身都痛。

I have no appetite.我没食欲。

I’m going to throw up.我快吐
从零初步学口语 我的安康(图)插图


I ate too much.我吃的太多了。

I feel very hot.我觉得很热。

I don’t feel well yet.我仍是觉得不舒畅。

I have a sore throat.我喉咙痛。

One of my teeth is hurting.我牙痛。

I’m sneezing and coughing all the time.这段时刻我老是打喷嚏咳嗽。

I feel very
从零初步学口语 我的安康(图)插图


I’m hot, my body aches and I have a cough.我发烧了,全身发软又咳嗽。

Take care.留心。

Do you need to see a doctor?你要不要去看医生?

I have a weak stomach.我的胃不好。

I’m coming down with a cold.我染上了伤风。

Do I need an
从零初步学口语 我的安康(图)插图


Cover your mouth when you cough.糠衷的时分请闭嘴。

Do I have to go to a hospital?我有必要去医院吗?

I’ll take care of it right away.我马上就给你配。

You can pick it up in about an hour.你可以一小时后过来取。
