

因而,main body两段的首要内容便可以归纳为



下面咱们以考官满分范文为例,来分析雅思写作地图题的构思规划。(标题来自剑13)首要,该题的规划归于上面所说的第一种,也就是曩昔+曩昔,因而main body最可以触及的时态包括一般曩昔时和曩昔结束时。


The maps illustratesome changesthat were made to a cityhospital’stransport infrastructurebetween the years2007 and 2010.

Overview:对changes进行具体分类,以便main body有些更进一步的打开描绘。这一段一般2句话满足,可包括的内容有最首要/醒意图改变、首要改变的数量等。

It is noticeable thatthree mainmodificationswere

made to the hospital’s vehicle access.These involvedthe building of a new bus station, new roundabouts and new parking facilities.

Main Body

Paragraphs:这一有些是overview的打开,一般区别为2段,每一段又可由3小有些构成:2007年某一有些的描绘(句1和句5);从2007到2010发生的改变(句2和句6);2010年这一有些的描绘(句3和句7)。其间句4为过渡句。此外,在地图题的主体有些中,常用的linking类型多为转机词,如however、no longer等。

(1)Looking at the changes in more detail, we can see thatin 2007there were three bus stops on either side ofHospital Road.//

(2)These wereno longerpresentin 2010, and instead we see the addition of a bus station on the west side of Hospital Road.//

(3)This busstation is accessed via two new roundabouts; the first roundabout is at theintersection of City Road and Hospital Road, while the second is at the otherend of Hospital Road, at the junction with the hospital ring road.

(4)The two maps also show that changes weremade

to public and staff parking areas.

(5)In 2007, staff and visitorsused the same car park, which was situated to the east of Hospital Road andaccessed

via the ring road.

(6)However,by 2010this original car park had become adesignated area for staff parking only. (7)A new car park, located on the eastside of the ring road, provided parking for members of the public.

