
3. age inappropriateness:
i come from a society that believes in being age-appropriate. at 18, you must be in college. at 22, you must have a job. at 26, you must be married. at 30, you must be ‘well-settled’. well, in germany, my 27-year old friend started a bachelor in computer science, a 32-year old friend has a girlfriend who is 20, another 25-year old friend took a break from her well-paying job because she is planning to travel the world with her husband! shockers when i compare to my friends’ lives in india.

addendum: age consciousness was also an indian phenomena. in germany people are not age-conscious at all! germans don’t impose their seniority based on age. they impose their seniority based on knowledge! i was talking at the same wave-length to a 59-year old colleague as i was to

my 25-year old friend. i have a diverse group of friends whose ages i have hardly cared about. girls never shy away from dating somebody who is 5, 7 or even 10 years older than them (unless they have hair coming out of their noses…or ears!)

4. splitting

up the bill:

(image source: splitting the bill)
“zusammen oder getrennt?”, asks the waiter at the end of our meals. the waiter is asking whether you want to pay the bill as a whole or individually? everyone pays for what they order. going out with friends is so much easier. hell, even splitting up the bill on dates is perfectly alright!

在用餐结束后,一般都会问效能员:“zusammen oder getrennt?”,这是效能员就会问你们是为一切人付款仍是为自个付款。每自个都会给自个点的菜付款。因而和兄弟出外面吃饭就很简略,即就是约会分摊账单也是很挺不错的。
