「往常英语口语8000句」11-5 心里表达关怀对方常用口语句子

我帮您收大衣吧。 let me get your coat for you. *主人迎候穿大衣来访的客人时运用。
let me get your coat for you. (我帮您收大衣吧。)
thanks. (谢谢。)
别拘谨,像在自个家相同吧。 make yourself at home. i like your apartment. (我很喜爱您的公寓。)
make yourself at home. (别谦让,像在自个家相同吧。)
很抱愧…… excuse me. *中途离席时。 = one moment,
「往常英语口语8000句」11-5 心里表达关怀对方常用口语句子插图

如今您有空吗? do you have a minute? *要和对方说话时。
= can i talk to you for a minute?
= are you busy now? (如今你忙吗?)
我能跟您说几句话吗? can i talk to you for a minute? can i talk to you for a minute? (我能跟您说几句话吗?)
sure, go ahead. (当然可以,你说吧!)
您先请。 after you. after you. (您先请。)
oh, thank you. (噢!谢谢!)
「往常英语口语8000句」11-5 心里表达关怀对方常用口语句子插图

我帮您一把吧! can i give you a hand? can i give you a hand? (我帮您一把吧!)
that’s all right, thanks. (好的,谢谢。)
对不住,我过一下。 excuse me. excuse me. (对不住,我过一下。)
that’s all right. (您请。)
我承受你的主张。/就照你说的。 i’ll accept your offer.i’ll accept your offer. (我承受你的主张。/就照你说的。)
that’s great! (太棒了。)
对不住,打断一下。 sorry to interrupt you.sorry to interrupt you. (对不住,打断一下。)
yes? (啥事?)
◎真抱愧,这么俄然。 sorry for the short notice. *short notice “急的,俄然的”。
sorry for the short notice. (真抱愧,这么俄然。)
don’t worry about it. (没
「往常英语口语8000句」11-5 心里表达关怀对方常用口语句子插图

