「往常英语口语8000句」8-7 碰头分手与陌生人攀谈常用口语句子

您是哪里人?where are you from?my country has a lot of mountains… (我的家乡有许多山……)
oh, yeah? where are you from? (哦,是吗?您是哪儿人?)
i’m from japan. (我是日自己。)

我是加拿大人。i’m from canada.
我从加拿大来。i come from canada. *①i’m from canada.和②i come from canada.的意思几乎相同。可是②富含两种意思:一种是“自加拿大来,但并非是加拿大籍”;另一种意思是“我是加拿大人”。
i was born in canada. (我出世在加拿大。)
chicago is my hometown. (我的故乡是芝加哥。)

你觉得日本怎么样?how do you like japan?= what do you think about japan?

我很喜爱。i like it.
是个好当地。it’s a good place.
你都去过日本的哪些当地?where have you been in japan?
你如今住在哪儿?where do you live now?
我住在东京。i live in tokyo.
您是来休假的吗?are you here on vacation? *on business是“因公”,on vacation是“休假”。
= are you vacationing?
= are you here for a vacation?
= is this a pleasure trip?
= are you here on business or for pleasure? (您来这是作业仍是玩耍?)

「往常英语口语8000句」8-7 碰头分手与陌生人攀谈常用口语句子插图

业的。i’m here on business.= my trip is business related. (我的旅行和作业有关。)
= i’m on a business trip.

您往日本多长时刻了?how long have you been in japan?i just arrived last week. (上星期刚来。)
about three years. (大约3年支配了。)

4个月支配。about four months.
你习气日本的日子了吗?are you used to life in japan? *be used to “习气”,留心“d”不发音。
no, not yet. (没有,还不习气。)
= have you gotten used to life in japan?
= have you grown accustomed to japan?

你在日本待到啥时分?how long will you be in japan?until next month. (呆到下个月。)
= how long do you plan to stay?

呆到12月。until december.
你说日语吗?do you speak japanese?unfortunately, no. (很怅惘,我不会。)
= can you speak japanese? (你能说日语吗?)
= are you a japanese speaker?

只会一点儿。a little.= just a little.
= some. (一点儿。)

我一点儿都不会说。i can’t speak japanese at all. *not…at all “一点都不……”。

我会一点儿往常会话。i know (everyday) conversational japanese.
你是在哪儿学的日语?where did you
「往常英语口语8000句」8-7 碰头分手与陌生人攀谈常用口语句子插图

learn japanese?
在学校。at school.
我自学的。i learned it on my own. *on my own “自学”、“靠自个的力气”。
= i learned it by myself.
*by oneself “一自个”、“靠自个的力气”。

你啥时分过生日?when’s your birthday?it’s may 24th. (5月24日。)
