
1.旅行业 the tourist industry; tourist services
2.旅程旅行日程表 itinerary
3.一日三游 three-sights-a-day tour
4.三日游 three-day tour
5.旅行道路 tour route
6.旅行景点 tourist destination
7.旅行黄金周 golden week for tourism
8.世界旅行日 world tourism day
9.标准游 normal tour
10.奢华游 luxury tour

经典线路 classic travel route
12.黄金线路 hot travel route
13.黄金景点 hot travel spot
14.出境游 outbound tourism
15.国内游 inbound tourism
16.自助游 independent travel
do-it-yourself travel
17.随团旅行 group travel
18.旅行顶峰时节 in peak tourist seasons
19.名胜奇迹 places of historic interest and scenic

beauty; historical sites
20.风光区 scenic area; scenic spot
21.如画的风光 picturesque landscape
22.一起的人文景象 unique human landscape
23.星级饭馆 star-grade hotel
24.五星级宾馆 five-star hotel
25.世界文明遗产地 world cultural heritage site
26.非物质文明遗产 intangible cultural heritage
27.风土情面 local customs and practices
28.休化名胜 holiday resorts
29.阳光足够的海滩 sunny beaches
30. 白雪掩盖的滑雪坡 snow-covered ski slopes
31.生态参观 ecotourism
32.天然遗产 natural heritage
