Balanced Harmony
人心所抵达的中正、调和的状况。人的喜、怒、哀、乐等情感的活动及其在言行上的体现契合礼的需求,不失偏颇进而抵达一种调和的状况,就是 “中和”。
Balanced harmony is an ideal state of human mind. When people’s emotions such as joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness are expressed in an unbiased way in keeping with the rites, a state of mind featuring balanced harmony is achieved.
When joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness are not yet expressed as a response to other things, they are in a state of balance. When they are expressed in words and deeds in accordance with the rites, harmony is achieved. Balance is the foundation under heaven, while harmony is the universal rule under heaven. If a ruler can achieve balanced harmony, both heaven and earth will be in their proper places, and all things will prosper and thrive.
Seek Common Ground While Setting Aside Differences
The term means to seek points of agreement while maintaining difference of opinion. Scholars of the Warring States Period such as Hui Shi (370?-310? BC) and Zhuangzi (369?-286BC) believed that differences and antitheses between all things are relative, and that commonalities exist within differences.
When there are major commonalities and minor differences, or minor commonalities and major differences, it is called “minor commonality and differentiation.” When things are totally identical or totally different, it is called “major commonality and differentiation.”
Harmony but Not Uniformity
The term means achieving overall harmonious co-existence on the basis of respecting differences and diversity. Uniformity and harmony are two different attitudes to treating and accommodating social groups. Uniformity means obliterating differences in everything while harmony is to keep and respect the differences. Allowing different things to complement and supplement
each other will create a harmonious whole full of vitality and creativity.
Harmony begets new things; while uniformity does not lead to continuation.
Be on Alert Against Potential Danger When Living in Peace
One should always be on alert against potential danger in time of peace. All ambitious
rulers in history hoped to maintain enduring stability. They often reminded themselves not to indulge in pleasure and comfort, but to conduct diligent governance, work hard to make their country prosperous, and resolve social conflicts in a timely manner so as to prevent them from developing into crises.
If one keeps thinking about danger that could emerge, then there can be safety; if one keeps reminding oneself of the possible outbreak of war, then there can be peace; if one keeps thinking about the possible fall of the nation, then the nation can be preserved.
Do Away with the Old and Set Up the New
Do away with the old and set up the new. Ge (革) and ding (鼎) are two trigrams in The Book of Changes .
Ge trigram signifies doing away with the old; ding trigram symbolizes setting up the new.
《中华思维文明术语(前史 哲学 文艺)》是国务院附和树立的“中华思维文明术语传达工程”的作用之一,以学生和教师等集体为读者目标,为其研读、了解和翻译中华思维文明有关内容供给精确声威、拨乱横竖的参阅。