
原标题:七大学英语上册月考常识点收拾!( 各版别)



Starter Unit 1 Good Morning!


good morning早上好

good afternoon 下午好

good evening晚上好

name list名单

an English name英文名字


(1) Good morning, Alice! 早上好,艾丽斯!

(2)Good afternoon!下午好!

(3)Hi, Bob!你好,鲍勃!

(4)Hello, Frank!你好,弗兰克!

(5)Good evening晚上好!

(6)How are you?你好吗? .

– I’m fine, thanks. How are you? 我极好,谢谢你好吗?

– I’m OK.我极好.



①“Hello! ”“你好”是比照随意、不分时刻的一种问好语。一般用于打招待、打电话标明惊奇或致使对方留心,对方应对仍用“Hello!”


③“Nice to meet you!”“很高兴见到你!”是两个初度碰头、经介绍相识的人彼此打招待的用语。答复时可以说“Nice to meet you, too”或许“Me, too.”标明“见到你很高兴”。

④“How do you do?”“你好!”用于初度碰头,对错正式的打招待用语对方应对语应是“How do you do?”。

How are you?标明问好。

How are you?意为“你好吗?”,为问询对方身体情况的问好语,应对语一般是 “I’m fine. Thank you./ I’m very well. Thank you. I’m OK.

“How are you?”的其他用法:习气上答复完别人的问好后,常可反问对方的身体情况。此时可用“How are you?”,也可用“And you?”“你呢?”来答复。

4. 大写字母的用法:

①在英语中,语句的第一个单词的第一个字母都应大写。如:Sit down, please.请坐。

②字母“I”作人称代词时,意为“我”,在句中任何方位都有必要大写。往常用语“OK”在句中任何方位都大写。如:“I’m a student .”我是一论理学生。Is everything OK?悉数都好吗?


④标明月份、星期、重要节日的名词的第一个字母有必要大写。如:May五月,Monday星期一,New Years Day元旦

⑤影片名、书名、报刊、文章的标题等中的每一个实词(如:名词、动词、描述词、副词、数词)的第一个字母一般大写。如:English Weekly《英语周报》,Titanic 《泰坦尼克号底细》


⑦标明作业、头衔和称号的名词的第一个字母一般要大写。如:Uncle Lee 李叔叔;Doctor Wang王医生

5.字母A.H 的读音及巨细写


Starter unit 2 What’s this in English?

1. 短语归纳:

in English 用英语

an orange一个橙子

spell it 拼写它

a ruler 一把尺子

2. 必背典句

-What’s this in English? 这个用英语怎么说?

– It’s an orange.


– Spell it, please.



3.不定冠词a /an的用法

不定冠词a / an标明微小的“一”的概念,但并不偏重数目,只标明名词为不特定者。“a”用在以子音音素最初的单词或许字母前,“an”用在以元音要素最初的单词或许字母前。


a book一本书 an egg一个鸡蛋


There is a car in the yard.院子里有一辆小轿车。


A horse is a useful animal.马是一种有用的动物.


This is a key.这是一把钥匙。


There is an elephant in the zoo.动物园里有一头大象。


It’s a pleasure to talk with you.和你说话很开心。


have a look看一看

take a walk漫步

have a good time过得开心

4. What’s this in English? It’s an orange.

此句是用来问询“某物用英语怎么说”答复要用“It is..”句型。“this”是指示代词,意为“这,这个”,指近处的人或许事物;“that”也是指示代词,意为“那,那个”,指较远处的人或许事物。

in English意为“ 用英语”,标明“用言语”用介词in。

例: What’s this in Chinese? It’s Jiaozi.这个用汉语怎么说?这是饺子。

5. Spell it, please. 请拼写它.

本句为简略的祈使句,规划为“please +动词短语”。“please”也可放在句尾其前加逗号。

答语大约根据实践情况把单词依照次序拼出来,且每个字母都应大写,中心用连字符联接若不晓得答案一般用“I’m sorry, I don’t know.”来答复。

Starter unit 3 What Color is it?


What color 啥颜色

the key 这把钥匙

color the things给物品涂色

the ruler 这把尺子

the cup 这个杯子


– What’s this? 这是啥?

– It’s V.它是V.

– What color is it?它是啥颜色?

– It’s red.它是赤色的。

3. 定冠词the的用法

The是定冠词,标明特指的人、物或集体,起作用有时恰当于指示代词“this, that, these, those”标明“ 这(个),那(个),这些,那些”。它可以用在名词前,标明特指说话两边的人或许上文中说到的人或许事物。


Give me the book.把那本书给我。


Where is the ruler?尺子在哪里?


This is a pen. The pen is bIack.这是一支钢笔这支钢笔是黑色的。

(4)用在世界上绝无仅有的事物前。如:the sun太阳;the earth 地球;the moon 月亮;the world 世界。

(5)和某些描述词连用标明一类人。如:the old老人;the young 年青人;the poor 穷户。

(6)用在方位名词前。如:the east东方;the west西方

(7)与play连用时用在西洋乐器名词前。如:play the piano弹钢琴

(8)与专有名词连用。如:the Great Wall长城 the Summer Palace颐和园

(9)用在一些固定短语中。如:In the morning/afternoon/evening在早上/下午/晚上

4. color 的用法:


Color the picture green.把那幅画涂成绿色。


6.26个字母里元音字母是:A E I O U

Unit 1 My name’s Gina.


your name你的名字

first name名字

last name 姓氏

her name 她的名字

telephone /phone number 电话号码

in China在我国


1.-Nice to meet you!见到你很高兴!

-Nice to meet you, too!见到你我也很高兴!

2.-What’s your name?你的名字是啥?

– Alan.艾伦。

3.I’m Jenny.我是珍妮。

4. What’s his / her name?他的她的名字是啥?

5. Her name’s Mary.她的名字是玛丽。

6. What’s your first/last name?你的名字/姓氏是啥?

7. -What’s his telephone number ?他的电话号码是多少?

-It’s 876-9548.是876-9548。




my pen我的钢笔

my red pen我的赤色铜笔

your name你的名字

his mother他的母亲


(1)be动词(am, is, are)这三个动词常用做连系动词,在语句中起联接主语和表语的作用。

This is my mother.这是我的母亲。

I am nine.我九岁了。

You are my good friend.你是我的好兄弟。

(2)be动词三种方法的运用首要取决于主语。主语是第一人称I(我)时,用“am”;主语是第二人称you(你,你们)或名词及代词的复数时用“are”;主语是第三人称奇数“it/ he /she(它/他/她)或名词及代词奇数时,用“is”。

(3)“am , is, are”的意思是“是”,但不能处处翻译成“是”。例:How are you?你好吗?



(1)问询名字:- What’s your name?你的名字是啥? -Alan. 艾伦。

(2)问询某物用英语怎么说:-What’s this in English? -It’s a telephone.这是一部电话。

(3)问询电话号码. -What’s your telephone / phone number? 你的电话号码是多少?

6. 基数词的用法

数词分为两大类:基数词和序数词,标明“多少”的为基数词;标明“第几”的为序数词。基数词有“zero, one, two”等;序数词咱们刚学了一个“first”(第一)。



-What’s two and five? 二加上五等于几?


-How old is it ?它几岁了?

-It’s four.它四岁了。(标下一年纪)

-What’s the date today?今日几月几日?

-It’s October 3. 10月3日。(标明日期)


Lesson One第一课

Unit One第一单元



8: 00 = eight o’clock 8点钟

7. 汉语名字在英语中的写法


例:Zhang Ling张玲 Liu Yifei刘亦菲

Unit 2 This is my sister.


have a good day过得开心

a photo of …. …的相片

in the first photo在第一张相片上

in my family在我的家庭里

the name of …的名字

a photo of my family一张我的全家福

family tree 家族联络图

family photo 全家福


(1)That is my family. 那是我的家庭。

(2)Those are my parents.那是我的父母。

(3)These are my brothers.这些是我的兄弟。

(4)-Who’s she?她是谁?

-She’s my sister. 她是我的姐姐(小妹)。

(5)This is my sister Kate.这是我的小妹凯特。

(6)-Nice to meet you,Jane.见到你很高兴。

-Nice to meet you, too. 见到你我也很高兴!

(7)-Are those your parents?那是你的父母吗?

-Yes, they are.是的,他们是。

(8)Well, have a good day!好吧,祝你们过得开心!

(9)Hi, I’m Jenny. 嗨,我是珍妮。

(10)Hi, my name is Paul.海,我叫保罗!

(11)Here is a photo of my family.这儿有一张我的全家福。

3.指示代词this, that, these, those

(1)指示代词是标明“这个,那个,这些,那些”的代词,其间“this 和these”是指间隔说话人较近的人或许事物,“that和those”是指间隔说话人较远的人或许事物。

(2)指示代词“this, that”作主语时连系动词be用奇数方法is,一起后边的名词用奇数方法;当“these, those”作主语时连系动词be用复数方法are,一起后边的名词用复数方法。

(3)在答复主语是this 或that的一般疑问句或特别疑问句时,在答语顶用it替代句中的this或许that;当答复“these或those”作主语的一般疑问句或特别疑问句时,在答语顶用they替代句中的these或those。


(5)打电话时,说自个是谁用“This is…”,问别人是谁用“Who’s that? ”。



(2)人称的改变:第一人称I变为we;you不发生改变;he / she/it变为they。

I am a teacher.我是一位教师

→We are teachers.咱们是教师。

(3)be动词的改变: am或is变为are.

Is she your sister?她是你的小妹吗?

→Are they your sisters?她们是你的小妹吗?




②以z, s, ch, sh结束的词加es。如watch→watches

③以“o”结束地词加s或许es. 如photo→photos , tomato→tomatoes


⑤以f或fe结束的词,变f或fe为v再加es。如knife →knives

6. Here are two nice photos of my family.这有两张美观的我的全家福。

此句为倒装句,正常的语序大约是“Two nice photos of y family are here.”

当语句以“here, there” 等词最初时,要用倒装句。即“Here /There+谓语动词+主语(名词)”,其间谓语动词的方法要视后边主语而定。后边主语是复数,谓语动词要用复数;后边主语是奇数,谓语动词也要用奇数。

例:Here is the news.这儿有一条消息。


Unit 1 School
and friends

Lesson 1


1.Canada n.加拿大→Canadian adj.加拿大人的;加拿大的;n.加拿大人

2.thanks n.谢谢→thanks for…因为…..而谢谢


3.be from来自…..;从……来


4.-How are you?你好吗?

-I’m fine/good/well.我极好。

Lesson 2


1.student n.学生→students(复数)

2.classmate n.同班同学

3.four num.四

4.five num.五

5.over adv.在那儿;在另一处


6.over there在那儿


7.Wang Mei, this is my friend.王梅,这是我的兄弟。

8.And who’s the girl with Mr. Jones?和约翰先生在一同的女孩是谁?

Lesson 3


1.show v.指示;带路

2.around adv. & prep.处处;在邻近

→look around环顾邻近

3.office n.单位;职务

→officer n.军官;警官

4.plan n. & v. 方案

→make a plan拟定一项方案

make plan to do

5.fun n.风趣的事;玩笑

→funny adj.诙谐的

6.classroom n.教室

7.lab n.实验室


8.have lessons 上课

9.show… around带领….赏识

10.have fun玩得开心


11.Welcome to our school.等待来到咱们学校。

12.Our teachers plan their lessons here.咱们的教师在这儿备课。

Lesson 4


1.eraser n.橡皮擦

2.first adv. & num.第一;首要

→first of all首要;第一

3.guess v. 猜测

4.wall n.墙


5.Class,let’s play a guessing game. 同学们,咱们玩猜谜游戏吧。

6.Now it’s your turn.如今轮到你了。

Lesson 5


1.excuse v. 宽恕

→Excuse me.打扰了。

2.OK adj. & adv. &in好;对;不错;可以

→That’s 0K.没联络;不必谢

3.borrow v.借


4.store n.商铺


5.later adv.后来;今后

→See you later.一会儿见。

6.may v. Clx. 可以;可以

7.two num.二

8.three num.三

9.You’re welcome! 不谦让!

Lesson 6


1.thing n.东西;作业

→things (复数)

2.list n.列表;名单;目录

→shopping list 购物单

3.need v. &n. 需要

4.ten num. 十

5.six num. 六

6.seven num.七

7.one num.一

8.nine num.九

9.eight num.8


10.What about your new school?你的新学校怎么样?

11.Here is my list.这是我的清单。


1.go on a trip to+地址 去某地旅行

2.the capital (city) of our country 咱们的首都

3.“too + 描述词或副词+to + 行为动词原型”:标明“太……而不能……”。

4.be busy with/at sth 忙于干某事

5.far (away) from+地址远离某地


①(名词)商铺:go to the shop

②(动词)购物:go shopping / do some shopping

7.live in 居住在

8.work hard in/at 尽力学习(作业)

9.invite sb to do sth 聘请或人干某事

invite sb to +地址 聘请或人去某地

10.want to do sth 想要干某事

want sb to do sth 想要或人干某事(同would like)

11.talk to/with sb 和或人攀谈、和或人说话

talk about sth 谈论某事

12.call 喊、打电话

call sb (on the telephone) 给或人打电话

call sb from sb 从某地打电话给或人

13.leave for 启航去某地

14.stay with sb 和或人住在一同


by bus/bike/car/train/plane/sea/motor bike/boat/taxi

on a bus/bike/train/plane/motor bike/boat

take a bus/bike/car/train/plane/ motor bike/boat/taxi

其它:in a car/ boat/taxi ; on foot; ride a bike

16.“May I……? ”标明恳求

必定答复:Yes, you may /Yes, please /Yes, of course /Sure .

否定答复:No, you may not /No, you can’t/No, you mustn’t .

17.plan (名词)方案:make a plan for sth 为某事拟定方案;

plan (动词)方案:plan (for) sth为某事做方案;

plan to do sth 方案干某事

18.need to do sth 需要去做某事;

19.tell sb about/of sth 告诉或人关于某事

20.go back to sp回到某地

21.pack A with B :把B打包放进A中

Eg:Xiao Ming is packing her bag with her books .

22.给或人写信:write to sb / write sb a letter / write a letter to sb

23.a suit of clothes 一套衣裳;

24.a pair of shoes 一双鞋子;

two pairs of glasses 两副眼镜。


25.Have a good trip ! 旅途开心!

Unit 2 Colours and clothes

Lesson 7


1.sure adv.当然

→make sure保证,有必要

2.blouse n.女衬衣;短上衣

→shirt n.男衬衣

3.really adv. 真实地;的确地;(标明惊奇,置疑等)真的吗?

4.pink adj. &n.粉色(的)


5.Can I get a new one?我能买一条新裙子吗?

Lesson 8


1.paint v.画;绘画;涂;n.涂料;油漆

→painting n. 油画

2.mix v.混合;分配

mix A and B把A和B混合起来

3.out adv. & prep.在外面;在….外面

→come out出书

4.sky n.天空

→in the sky在空中

5.purple adj. &n.紫色(的)


6.look at看


7.No, but I can mix blue and yellow to make green.


Lesson 9


1.scarf n.围巾;头巾

→scarfs/ scarves(复数)

2.glove n.手套

→a pair of gloves一副手套

3.maybe adv.或许;大约

→may be可所以

4.just adv. 恰恰;差不多;刚刚


5.Maybe they’re Lynn’s gloves.它们或许是琳的手套。

6.They’re just right for me!它们对我来说正适合!

Lesson 10


1.catch v. 染上(疾病);接住;捉住 n.抓球(游戏)

2.ready adj. 预备好的

3.forget v.忘掉

→remember v.记住

4.bright adj.亮堂的;耀眼的

5.T-shirt n.短袖汗衫

6.jacket n.夹克;上衣

7.hat n.帽子

8.so adv.非常;那么;很


9.go back回去

10.put on穿上

11.go well with和….. 很相配;调和

12.take ..all out of把一切…..取出


13.You may catch a cold.你可以会伤风。

14.Danny is ready for school.丹尼预备好去上学了。

Lesson 11


1.world n.世界

→all over / around the world全世界

2.report n. & v.陈述

→make a report做陈述

3.India n.印度

→Indian adj. 印度的;印度人的 n.印度人

4.pretty adj. 秀丽的; 心爱的

5.traditional adj.传统的;常规的


6.These women look so pretty in black and white.这些妇女穿戴是非相间的服装看起来真秀丽。

Lesson 12


1.centre n.中心;中心

→in the centre of 在….中心

2.pair n. 双;对

→a pair of,意为“一……”

3.Saturday n. 星期六

4.will v. aux.即将


5.Let’s go shopping! 咱们去购物吧!


1.argue with sb about sth 因某事和或人争论

2.get on 上车;get off 下车

3.be ready for sth 为某事做预备

4.a ticket to Canada去加拿大的票

5.in +某种言语:用某种言语


6.pardon me 对不住;请重复一遍=Excuse me

7.have to(客观的有必要)=must(片面上的有必要)有必要、不得不、必定得

8.look out of 从……向外看

out of sth 某物的外面

9.here and there 处处、四处

10.point to 指向

point at指着

point out 指出

11.at the top of 在……的顶端

at the bottom of在……的底部

12.try to do sth 尽力、设法干某事

13.be from spl.= come from spl. 来自某地

14.Of course. / Sure. / Ok. 当然!

15.place of interest /the interesting place 名胜奇迹

16.enjoy doing sth 喜爱干某事

17.hope to do sth 期望干某事

hope+宾语从句 期望……

18.It’s time for sth ./ It’s time to do sth ./It’s time for sb to do sth. 该干某事的时分了

19.wait for sb/sth 等候或人、某物

wait for (sb) to do sth 等候(或人)干某事

20.find out 查出、查明

fing sb doing sth 发现或人正在干某事

21.feel+描述词/ be +描述词:感触怎么样

22.a bowl of /a bottle of /a glass of /a cupof / a can of pop 一碗/ 一瓶/ 一杯/ 一听汽水

23.be quiet 恬静keep quiet 坚持恬静

24.play a word game 玩一个单词游戏

play with sb 和或人一同玩

play with sth 捉弄某物

如:Don’t play with fire ! 不要玩火!

play + 球类名词(不要the)

play+the +乐器名词(必需要the)

如:play the piano

25.watch TV / a football match / a movie see a film 看影片

26.show sb sth=show sth to sb 给或人看某物

27.take care of = look after 照看、照顾、照看

28.look for 寻找


Module 1 Classmates

1.be from = come from来自

I am from China. = I come from China.我来自我国。

Where are you from? = Where do you come from? 你来自哪儿?

2.-What’s your name?/ What’s his name?/ What’s her name?

-My name is Tom. / I’m Tom.

-His name is Daming.

-Her name is Lingling.

3.-How old are you?

-How old is he/ she?

-I’m 15 years old.

-He /She is 14 years old.

4.-What class are you in?

-What class is he in?

-I am in Class 1, Grade 7.

-He is in Class 1, Grade 7.

5.Good to see you. = Nice to see you. = Glad to see you.见到你很高兴。

6.What about you?= How about you? 怎么样?(问询)

What / How about your school life?

7.the capital of… …的首都

Beijing is the capital of China.

8.a very big city一个非常大的城市

Shanghai is a very big city.

9.first name = given name名字

last name = family name姓

10.welcome to sp.等待来到某地

Welcome to China.等待来到我国。

11.I am from China. l am Chinese. I can speak Chinese.

I’m from England. I am English. I can speak English.

12.I am from China, too. I can also speak English.

13.Is everyone here today?今日我们到齐了吗?


I am Chinese.我是一位我国人。

I am a Chinese girl. 我是一名我国女孩。


I am English. 我是英国人。

I am an English girl.我是一名英国女孩。

作文1 About myself

My name is Tom. /I’m Tom. I’m a student in No. 3 Middle School. I am 15 years old. I’m from China and I am Chinese. I can speak English , too. I am in Class 1, Grade 7. I like sports. I like doing sports. My favorite sport is basketball. Playing basketball is my favorite sport.

范文2.My friend

This is my friend. His name is Tom. He is from America. Now he is in Beijing. He is 13 years old. He’s in No. 14 Middle School. He is in Class One, Grade One. We’re in the same class. His father is a teacher. He teaches English. His mother is a teacher ,too. His parents are in the same school. But his parents aren’t in our school.

Module2 My family


(1)family:father -mother

dad (daddy) -mum ( mom)/mummy












(2)job: a driver, a farmer, a worker, a manager, a teacher, a student, a doctor, a nurse, a singer, a writer, an actor, an actress, a policeman, a policewoman

(3)place: at a bus station; in a hospital; in a hotel; at a theatre; on a farm; at school; in the shop; in a factory


1.I have an elder brother.我有一个哥哥。

She has a younger little sister.我有一个小妹。

2.This is a photo of my family.这是一张我的全家福。

My family is a big one.我家是一个我们庭。

This is Jim’s family tree. 这是吉姆的家谱。

My family are watching TV now.我家人正在看电视。

3.on the left在左面

on the right在右边

on the left /right 在…的左面/右边

4.next to在…周围,紧挨着= beside = near

5.in front of在. . .前面(相对独立)

in the front of在…前部(在. ..内部)

There is a tree in front of the house.

There is a blackboard in the front of the classroom.

6. at the bus station在公共轿车站

at school在学校

at the same hospital在同一所医院

at a police station在警局

7.(be) in hospital患病;住院

in the hospital在医院

Tom is ill in hospital because he is ill. Tom’s father works in the hospital.

8.in the photo相片上

There is a big house in the photo.

9.a manager of a theater = a theater manager.个剧院司理

10.a manager of a hotel = a hotel manager个旅馆司理

11.a bus driver一位公共轿车司机

a farm worker一位农场工人

a shop worker 一名店员

an English teacher一位英语教师



a woman doctor一women doctors女医生

a man doctor-men doctors

teacher-men teachers男教师

There are three men teachers in the office.

13.-Is this/that your family? -Yes, it is. /No, it isn’ t.

-Are these/those your parents? -Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

14.-Who is this?

Who is this boy?

Who are the boy and the girl?

-They are my friends.


What is your mother? = What does your mother do? = What is your mother’s job?


What be +名词(主语)?/ What do /does+主语+do? /What be one’ s job?


(1)This is a photo of my family.

(2)I have a big /small family.

(3)There are_ 数量_ people in my family. They are ….

(4)This is … and this is …

(5)My father /mother is a … in a …

(6)I love my family very much./I have a happy family.

范文: My family

I have a big and happy family. There are six people in my family. They are my grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, my brother and me. This is my grandfather Henry. He is 65 years old. And Maria is my grandmother. She is 63 years old this year. These are my parents. My father is George, He is 37 years old. He is a doctor. My mother’s name is Sandra. She is 34 years old. My brother is Tom. He is an eight-year-old boy. My name is Lily and I am 12 years old. I love my family.


Unit 1 Making friends


listen to music 听音乐

play basketball 打篮球

read books读书

be from=come from 来自…

live in住在…

live with跟…一同住

close to 接近

go to school上学

be good at +v-ing 擅长

make friends with 交兄弟

all over the world全世界

be far away from离…很远

want to 想要

would like to情愿

draw pictures=paint pictures 画画

pay attention to留心

start with 以…初步

take a bath洗澡

on the Internet上网

lots of 许多

in free times在空闲的时刻

best wishes 最夸姣的祝福


(1)-What does…mean? …是啥意思?

-It means…它的意思是…

(2)-How do you go to school? 你怎么去上学的?

-I go to school by bus/car /on foot.我坐公交车/轿车/步行上学。

(3)My dream is to be a/an +作业.=I want to be a/an+作业. 我的愿望是变成一名…

(4)What’s your favorite subject?=What subjects do you like best?你最喜爱哪一科?

(5)What does your father/mother do?=What is your father/mother?你爸妈做啥作业?

Unit 2 Daily life


junior high school初级大学

on foot 步行

take part in=join in参加

have a good time=enjoy one’s self过得开心

go to bed/sleep 睡觉

talk about 谈论

brush teeth 刷牙

watch TV看电视

ride a bicycle/bike骑单车

play the piano弹钢琴

wash clothes 洗衣裳

in the morning在早上

have break 歇息


at night=in the evening在晚上

at school 在学校

get up起床

senior high schoo高档大学

have breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner 吃早/午/晚/正餐

keep a dairy写日记

think of思考

do morning exercises做早操



例: How short it is!

(2)When the bell rings,.. . 铃动态起的时分,…

(3)-Is your school close to your home?

-Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.

(4)When does the school day usually begin/start/end?



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