


can, may, must等都可用于表估测,但它们的意义和用法不一样。

must口气最必定,指必定、必定,只用于必定句中。“must+动词原形标明对如今情况的估测;“must + have + done ”标明对曩昔情况的估测。如:

Mum must be cooking supper now.母亲如今必定在做晚饭。

He must have finished his work.他必定结束他的作业了。

May/might 标明或许,可以。如:

Tom may go abroad next year.汤姆下一年可以要出国。

She might have finished the work.她可以已结束这项作业了。

He can’t know the answer.他不可以能晓得这个答案。

can/could 标明可以,会,我用于否定和疑问句中。如:

Could she he at home?她可以在家吗?



Children are lovely, but they can be tiring.

Training by yourself in a game can be highly dangerous.

2case 用法小结



If that’s the case, you’ll have to work much harder.假定是那种景象的话,你将不得不愈加尽力地作业。


There were seven cases of cholera.7起霍乱的病例。

The civil case will be heard in court next week. 这一案子将于下星期审理。


John bought a case of beer.约翰买了一箱啤酒。


in case 意为因为可以发生某事、以防如果,是介词短语,在句中作状语,常可置于句尾;也可用做连词,后跟that从句(that常省掉),标明条件或意图,从句谓语习气用should+动词原形(should常省掉)或陈述口气。


It may rain—you’d better take an umbrella(just)in case(it does).可以下雨——你最佳带把雨伞,以防如果。

In case(=If)he arrives before I get back, please ask him to wait.假定他在我回来之前到,请让他等一下。

He doesn’t dare to leave the house in case(that)he should be recognized.他不敢出门,生怕被认出来。

in that case 意为已然那样、假定果那样的话,用来承受上文。

In that case, you wouldn’t have a pan on fire. You’d have a house on fire!要是那样,你就不但使锅着火,你还会把房子烧起来。

You don’t like the job? In that case why don’t you leave?你不喜爱这份作业?那你怎么不辞掉呢?

He may be late. In that case we ought to wait for him.他可以迟到,因而咱们大约等他。

in any case 意为不管如何、总之

We have to help him to pay the debt in case.咱们不管如何要帮他还账。

in no case 意为在任何景象下决不、不管如何都不,用于句首时语句要进行有些倒装。

In no case shall I forget the expression on her face.我决不会忘掉她脸上的表情。

in case of sth. 意为若发生某事、假定、假定,是短语介词,后接名词、代词、-ing方法作宾语。

In case of fire, ring the alarm bell.遇火灾时当即按警铃。

In case of rain=In case it rains,they can’t go.要是下雨,他们就走不了了。

In case of his being absent, we’ll put off the meeting till next week.假定他缺席,咱们就会把会议推迟到下周。

in the case of 意为至于、就……来说,是短语介词。

In the case of your debt, I’ll pay it off for you.至于你的欠款,我会替你还清的。

3catch fire/ on fire

catch fire 意为着火,标明动作。on fire 意为着火、在燃烧,标明状况。如:

Suddenly a pan of oil catches fire.

Soon the whole floor was on fire and it was impossible for people on the floors above to escape.回来搜狐,查看更多

