
(〃’▽’〃) 不管你在啥时分隔端,重要的是初步之后就不要中止。

Lesson 75 Uncomfortable shoes || 不舒畅的鞋子

一 听音频磨耳朵




二 文章内容与说明

LADY: Do you have any shoes like these? [ 女 士:像这样的鞋子你们有吗? ]

SHOP ASSISTANT: What size? [ 售货员:啥尺码的?]

LADY: Size five. [ 女 士:5号的。]

SHOP ASSISTANT: What colour? [售货员:啥颜色? ]

LADY: Black. [ 女 士:黑的]

SHOP ASSISTANT: I’m sorry. We don’t have any. [ 售货员:对不住,咱们没有。]

LADY: But my sister bought this pair last month. [ 女 士:可是,我姐姐上个月买到了这样的一双。 ]

SHOP ASSISTANT: Did she buy them here? [ 售货员:她是在这儿买的吗?]

LADY: No,she bought them in U.S. [ 女 士:不。她是在美国买的。]

SHOP ASSISTANT: We had some shoes like those a month ago. but we don’t have any
now. [ 售货员:一个月前咱们有那样的鞋。可是如今没有了。 ]

LADY: Can you get a pair for me,please? [ 女 士:您能为我找一双吗? ]


SHOP ASSISTANT: I’m afraid that I can’t. They were in fashion last year and the year before last. But they are not in fashion this year.[ 售货员:恐怕不可。这鞋在上一年和前年时兴,当本年已不盛行了。]

SHOP ASSISTANT: These shoes are in fashion now. [ 售货员:如今盛行的是这种鞋子。]

LADY: They look very uncomfortable. [ 女 士:这种鞋子看上去很不舒畅。 ]

SHOP ASSISTANT: They are very uncomfortable. But women
always wear uncomfortable shoes! [ 售货员:的确很不舒畅。可是女我们老是穿不舒畅的鞋子!]

三 New Word and expressions & 生词和短语

ago adv. 早年;buy(bough) v.买;pair n.双,对;fashion n. (服装的)盛行款式;uncomfortable adj. 不舒畅的;wear v.穿戴;


四 Notes on the text & 课文注释

[1] Do you have any shoes like these? 像这样的鞋你们有吗?

语句中的like these是介词短语作定语,润饰 shoes,意思是“像这样的鞋子”。

[2] We don’t have any.

any后边省掉了black shoes。

[3] ago放在标明时刻长度的短语的后边,常常与标明一般曩昔时的动词连用。举例:a month ago (一个月之前)

[4] in fashion 盛行的,时髦的;I’m afraid …我恐怕…。

[5] What size? 啥尺码的?

省掉句,后边省掉do you want。文章中的 What colour? 也是。 what size一般用来问询服装、鞋子、手套等的标准,即啥号码:

举例:What size do you wear? 你穿几码的?

[6] They are very uncomfortable.的确很不舒畅。


五 Grammar in use & 语法



[1] 一般曩昔常常常和标明切当的曩昔时刻的短语连用。一般是 last+ 标明时刻的名词、一段时刻+ago等。

[1-1] last week/month/year/night(上星期/上个月/上一年/昨晚);

样例:Did you watch the television last night? 你昨晚看电视了吗?


[1-2] two minutes/hours/days/weeks/months/years ago(两分钟/小时/天/周/月/年前):

样例:She bought the shoes two months ago. 她两个月之前买的鞋。

[1-3] in+ 曩昔某一年:

样例:We first met him in 1980. 咱们 1980年头度见到他。

[1-4] yesterday(昨日), yesterday evening(昨日晚上), the week before last(前一个星期), the month before last(前一个月), the year before last(前年), the day before yesterday(前天), the night before last(前天夜里):

样例:She dusted the cupboard the day before yesterday. 她前天打扫了橱柜。

六 Word study & 词汇学习

[1] wear v.

[1-1] 穿戴;戴着;佩戴着:

eg: But women always wear uncomfortable shoes! [可是女我们老是穿不舒畅的鞋子!]

eg: Look at the beautiful silk scarf she’s wearing! [ 瞧她围着的那条秀丽的丝绸围巾!]

eg: She never wears perfume. [她从不必香水。]


Heg: e’s wearing a cheerful smile. [他面带着快活的浅笑。]

eg: He wears his dignity even in great adversity. [他即便身处窘境也仍坚持着自个的庄严。]

[2]uncomfortable adj.


eg: She feels uncomfortable in tight boots. [她穿戴紧的长统靴感到不舒畅。]


eg: You’ll have an uncomfortable feeling if you sit there alone. [假定你单独一人坐在那儿,你会有种不安的感触。]

eg: He often feels uncomfortable with strangers. [与陌生人在一同他一般感到不安适。]


eg: This pair of shoes look very uncomfortable. [这双鞋看上去很不舒畅。]

eg: It’s really an uncomfortable day! [这真是令人难过的一天!]


