

Text 1 问路;24词

M: Excuse me. How can I get to the nearest supermarket?

W: It’s on Pennings Road. Go past the post office
and it’s on your left.

1. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a supermarket.

B. In the post office.

C. In the street.

【解析】推理判断题。根据男士的话“How can I get to the nearest supermarket?”和女士的回答“It’s on Pennings Road. Go past the post office and it’s on your left.”可知,男士向女士询问如何到达最近的超市,女士在给男士指路,由此可推断对话最可能发生在大街上,故选C。

Text 2 修理电视机;36词

W: I don’t know how you did it, Carl! But the TV works beautifully now. You should get a medal for your work.

M: It wasn’t hard at all. It was much easier than preparing for the test.

2. What did Carl do?

A. He designed a medal.

B. He fixed a TV set.

C. He took a test.

【解析】推理判断题。根据女士的话“I don’t know how you did it, Carl! But the TV works

beautifully now.”可知,女士表示电视机现在工作得很好,她很惊讶Carl是怎么做到的,故选B。


Text 3 裁剪衣服;36词

M: Good morning, madam. What can I do for you?

W: Well, the sleeves of this jacket are too long. Can you make them shorter?

M: Let me take a look. Okay, I can do it for 20 dollars.

3. What does the man do?

A. He’s a tailor.

B. He’s a waiter.

C. He’s a shop assistant.

【解析】推理判断题。根据女士的话“Well, the sleeves of this jacket are too long. Can you make them shorter?”和男士的话“Let me take a look. Okay, I can do it for 20 dollars.”可知,女士的夹克袖子太长,想让男士裁短,男士表示同意并收取20美元的费用,由此可推断男士应该是一名裁缝,故选A。

Text 4 航班延误;36词

W: Excuse me. Could you tell me what time Flight AF35 gets in?

M: Well, it’s due in at 6:20 p.m. But the announcement said just now that it has a 30-minute delay because of the bad weather.

4. When will the flight arrive?

A. At 18:20.

B. At 18:35.

C. At 18:50.

【解析】推理判断题。根据男士的话“Well, it’s due in at 6:20 p.m. But the announcement said just now that it has a 30-minute delay because of the bad weather.”可知,该航班原本应该在下午6点20分到达,但是广播通知由于天气原因航班延误了30分钟,即在下午6点50分到达,故选C。


①题干中的arrive是材料中get in的同义转述;

②考生需要听出材料中due in at这三个词之间的连读,这是解题的关键点之一;


【重点词句】a 30-minute delay: 延迟30分钟

Text 5 请教老师;45词

M: Ms. Miller, could you tell me how I can improve this article? I got a B plus.

W: It’s quite good, actually. The language use is good and the main points are covered. There’s just too much repetition. You could have said everything within two pages.

5. How can the man improve his article?

A. By deleting unnecessary words.

B. By adding a couple of points.

C. By correcting grammar mistakes.

【解析】推理判断题。根据女士的话“The language use is good and the main points are covered. There’s just too much repetition. You could have said everything within two pages.”可知,女士认为男士的文章语法正确,要点全面,但有太多重复内容,男士本可以在两页纸内写完全部内容,因此,男士应删掉不必要的语句来改进自己的文章,故选A。


You could have said everything within two pages.


Text 6 谈论周末生活;64词

W: So Bill, what do you usually do on the weekend?

M: I often go to the movies with friends on Friday night. How about you, Sarah?

W: Well, I love seeing musical plays on Broadway with my friends. Have you been to many?

M: Not really. I saw one when I moved to New York and another when my parents came to visit, but none ever since.

6. What does Bill often do on Friday night?

A. Visit his parents.

B. Go to the movies.

C. Walk along Broadway.

【解析】事实细节题。根据男士的话“I often go to the movies with friends on Friday night.”可知,男士(Bill)周五晚上经常和朋友一起去看电影,故选B。

7. Who watches musical plays most often?

A. Bill.

B. Sarah.

C. Bill’s parents.

【解析】推理判断题。根据女士的话“I love seeing musical plays on Broadway with my friends. Have you been to many?”以及男士的回答“Not really. I saw one when I moved to New York and another when my parents came to visit, but none ever since.”可知,女士喜欢和朋友去百老汇看音乐剧,而男士只看过两次,一次是搬到纽约时看的,另一次是和父母一起看的,所以最常看音乐剧的最有可能是女士,故选B。

Text 7 打电话留言取消会议;59词

W: Hello, Helen Smith speaking. Can I help you?

M: Hello, this is David. Could I speak to Mike, please?

W: I’m afraid he’s not available at the moment. Would you leave a message?

M: Yes. I’m calling to cancel a meeting we scheduled for this afternoon.

W: Okay. Let me take this down. Could I have your name again?

M: Certainly. It’s David Stone.

8. Why does David want to speak to Mike?

A. To invite him to a party.

B. To discuss a schedule.

C. To call off a meeting.

【解析】事实细节题。根据男士的话“I’m calling to cancel a meeting we scheduled for this afternoon.”可知,男士打电话是为了取消原定于今天下午的会议,故选C。

【点拨】call off是对cancel的同义转述。

9. What do we know about the speakers?

A. They are colleagues.

B. They are close friends.

C. They’ve never met before.

【解析】推理判断题。根据对话中男士打电话要找Mike,女士说Mike不在,问男士是否可以留言,及对话最后女士的问话“Could I have your name again?”和男士的回答“Certainly. It’s David Stone.”可知,女士不知道男士的名字,因此他们之前应该从来没见过面,故选C。

Text 8 购买摄影机;155词

W: Can I help you, sir?

M: I’d like to buy a camera.

W: Right. We have ordinary cameras, movie cameras and video cameras. They’re all digital.

M: Well, I am thinking of a video camera.

W: Let’s see. How much do you want to spend, sir?

M: Oh, I’m not really sure. What is the price?

W: Well, that depends on the model and anything else you want to have with it.

M: I see.

W: How about this one? It has one of the new memory sticks, and a protective case for filming underwater so you can take it when you go diving.

M: Does it have auto-focus?

W: No, it doesn’t.

M: That’s okay. The underwater filming is important for me, actually. How much is this?

W: It costs 650 euros.

M: Oh, that’s a bit expensive for me. Have you got anything similar but less expensive?

W: Well, here is the sale of the week. It’s excellent for the price, only 470 euros, and it includes…

10. What kind of camera does the man want?

A. A TV camera.

B. A video camera.

C. A movie camera.

【解析】事实细节题。根据女士的话“Can I help you, sir?”及男士的回答“I am thinking of a video camera.”可知,女士问男士需要什么帮助,男士说想要一款相机,然后女士介绍了相机的种类,男士回答想买一款视频摄像机,故选B。

11. Which function is the man most interested in?

A. Underwater filming.

B. A large memory.

C. Auto-focus.

【解析】事实细节题。根据男士的话“The underwater filming is important for me, actually.”可知,实际上水下摄影对男士来说很重要,所以他最感兴趣的功能是水下摄影,故选A。

12. How much would the man pay for the second camera?

A. 950 euros.

B. 650 euros.

C. 470 euros.

【解析】事实细节题。根据男士的话“Oh, that’s a bit expensive for me. Have you got anything similar but less expensive?”及女士的回答“Well, here is the sale of the week. It’s excellent for the price, only 470 euros, and it includes…”可知,男士觉得第一款摄像机有点贵,他想要一款类似但是价格便宜一点的摄像机,女士说正好有款摄像机本周有折扣,价格非常划算,只要470欧元,故选C。

Text 9 采访著名插画家;229词

W: A big dog celebrates a big birthday this year. Clifford, the big red dog, first appeared 50 years ago along with Emily Elizabeth, a little girl who loves him. Today, we have Norman Bridwell, to talk with NPR’s reporter on his dog’s 50th birthday. So, Norman, tell us how it all started.

M: Well, it was 1962, and I was a struggling, not very successful artist in New York. My wife suggested that I try my hand at painting for children’s books. So I did ten paintings and took them to publishers. I was turned down everywhere, except at one publisher, where a young woman told me I wasn’t very good. So if I wanted to paint for a book, I’d need to write one on my own.

W: So you did?

M: Umm…the woman pointed to a painting I’d done, of a little girl with a big red dog, and she said, “Maybe that’s a story”. And I went home, and over that weekend I wrote the story Clifford the Big Red Dog, and was shocked when it was accepted for publication, because I’d never written anything before.

W: I see. How wonderful!

M: Yes, it was! My wife was also in shock when she did realize it wasn’t a dream. But, it was just luck.

W: But that luck turned into 90 Clifford books that have sold 126 million copies in 13 languages.

13. Who is Clifford?

A. A little girl.

B. The man’s pet.

C. A fictional character.

【解析】推理判断题。根据对话开头女士的话“Clifford, the big red dog…”和后面Norman的话“the woman pointed to a painting I’d done, of a little girl with a big red dog…and over that weekend I wrote the story Clifford the Big Red Dog…”并结合上下文内容可知,Norman在讲述自己如何成为一名插画家的经历,契机是他为自己的一张画作编写了一个故事,而故事的主角就是Clifford,所以Clifford是故事中虚拟的一个角色,故选C。如果学生没有听懂后面的内容,这一题很容易被女士的话误导而选B。

【重点词句】fictional character: 虚拟角色

14. Who suggested that Norman paint for children’s books?

A. His wife.

B. Elizabeth.

C. A publisher.

【解析】事实细节题。根据Norman的话“My wife suggested that I try my hand at painting for children’s books.”可知,Norman的妻子建议他尝试为儿童图书画插画,故选A。

【重点词句】try one’s hand at doing sth.: 着手尝试做某事

15. What is Norman’s story based on?

A. A book.

B. A painting.

C. A young woman.

【解析】事实细节题。根据Norman的话“the woman pointed to a painting I’d done, of a little girl with a big red dog…and over that weekend I wrote the story Clifford the Big Red Dog…”可知,Norman写的这个故事是在他的一幅画的基础上创作的,故选B。

16. What is it that shocked Norman?

A. His unexpected success.

B. His efforts made in vain.

C. His editor’s disagreement.

【解析】推理判断题。根据Norman的话“I wrote the story Clifford the Big Red Dog, and was shocked when it was accepted for publication”和女士的话“But that luck turned into 90 Clifford books that have sold 126 million copies in 13 languages.”可知,Norman创作的关于Clifford的图画故事书为他带来了意想不到的成功,这让他比较震惊,故选A。

【重点词句】in vain: 徒劳,无结果


Text 10 关于陌生人之间寒暄的演讲;180词

M: Hello, everyone. Today I’m going to talk about small talk, that is, short conversations people often have with strangers they meet. Such exchanges occur at bus stops, on buses, while waiting in line, almost anywhere that strangers gather close together. As a matter of fact, these short conversations are a good way for people to say hello and express friendliness. Such conversations usually cover a wide range of topics. The topics may include weather, customer service, movies, TV shows, local sports or latest news. But you should always keep it in your mind that private questions about salaries, family life, religious beliefs and politics should be avoided during these conversations. Besides, it’s better to ask open-ended questions. If you ask visitors, “Do you like our city?” They may say simply, “Yes”. On the other hand, if you ask, “What do you think of our city?” They will have more freedom in answering. This type of question also shows that you are interested in them. If you appear interested in what people are saying, they’d feel more comfortable talking with you.


17. Who would like to make small talk according to the speaker?

A. Relatives.

B. Strangers.

C. Visitors.

【解析】推理判断题。根据独白中的“Today I’m going to talk about small talk, that is, short conversations people often have with strangers they meet.”可知,说话者今天要谈论的是陌生人碰面时常会进行的简单寒暄,故选B。

18. Why do people have small talk?

A. To express opinions.

B. To avoid arguments.

C. To show friendliness.

【解析】事实细节题。根据独白中的“As a matter of fact, these short conversations are a good way for people to say hello and express friendliness.”可知,这些简单的寒暄是人们问好及表达友好的一种方式,故选C。

19. Which of the following is a frequent topic in small talk?

A. Politics.

B. Movies.


C. Salaries.

【解析】事实细节题。根据独白中的“The topics may include weather, customer service, movies, TV shows, local sports or latest news.”可知,寒暄中常见的话题包含天气、客户服务、电影、电视节目、当地的体育活动或最新的新闻,故选B。

20. What does the speaker recommend at the end of his lecture?

A. Asking open-ended questions.

B. Feeling free to change topics.

C. Making small talk interesting.

【解析】事实细节题。独白中“Besides, it’s better to ask open-ended questions.”及接下来举出的例子可知,说话者在演讲的最后建议大家寒暄时问一些开放性的问题,这样会让对方感觉聊天很舒服,故选A。

【重点词句】open-ended questions; 开放式问题

【点拨】根据题干中的at the end of his lecture对答案进行定位是解题的关键。
