
A: Hi, my name is Sarah. What’s your name?
B: Nice

to meet you, Sarah. My name is Jack.
A: Nice to meet you too, Jack. Are you from around here?
B: Yeah, I grew up in this area. How about you?
A: I’m originally from London, but I moved here a few years ago. What do you do for a living?
B: I work as a software engineer. How about you?
A: I’m a teacher at the local high school.
B: That’s great! Do you like it there?
A: Yes, I love teaching and working with young people. What about you? How do you like your job?
B: It’s pretty good. I love working with computers and solving technical problems.
A: That’s interesting! What kind of software do you work on?
B: Right now, I’m working on a project to develop a new mobile app for our company.
A: Sounds like a challenging project. I’m not very tech-savvy myself, but I’m always looking for new apps to try out.
B: Yeah, it’s definitely keeping me busy. What do you like to do in your free time?
A: I enjoy reading and going for walks in the park. How about you?
B: I like to play sports and watch movies in my free time. Do you have any favorite books or movies?
A: One of my favorite books is “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen, and I love the movie “The Shawshank Redemption.” What about you?
B: I’m a big fan of science fiction, so I love books like “Dune” and movies like “The Matrix.”
A: Interesting! I’ve never been much of a sci-fi person myself, but I can definitely see the appeal.
B: Yeah, it’s definitely not for everyone. Do you have any plans for the weekend?
A: Not yet, but I’m thinking about going to the farmer’s market on Saturday. How about you?
B: I’m planning on going to a concert on Saturday night. Have you heard

of the band “The National”?
A: Yes, I’ve heard of them. I haven’t listened to a lot of their music, but I’ve heard they’re really good live.
B: Yeah, I’ve seen them once before and they were amazing. Would you like to come with me?
A: That sounds like fun! I’d love to go.
B: Great! Let me know if you need any help getting tickets.
A: Thanks, Jack. I really appreciate it. It was nice meeting you.
B: Nice meeting you too, Sarah. Have a great day!
