
1. Urban: “Urban” 是一个广泛的词汇,通常是用来描述大城市内的社区和人群。例如:“Urban development has brought about many changes in the way we live”.
2. Suburban: “Suburban” 通常指郊区。它可以指城市周围的住宅区,工业区,商业区等。例如:“Suburban areas are becoming more popular for families who want a quieter lifestyle”.
3. Rural: “Rural” 是城市的反义词,描述的是乡村地区。例如:“It is difficult to find good healthcare in rural areas”.
4. Metropolitan: “Metropolitan” 是一个形容词和名词,指大都市或城市。例如:“The metropolitan

area of New York City includes more than 20 million people”.
5. Downtown: “Downtown” 是城市的商业区或中心。例如:“I walked around downtown for hours, enjoying the sights and sounds of the city”.
6. Cityscape: “Cityscape” 是城市的景象或风景。例如:“The cityscape at night is truly breathtaking”.
7. District: “District” 通常是指城市或城市的一部分,通常是由相似的事物,例如建筑物,商业或居住区域组成。例如:“The financial district is the heart of the city’s business world”.
8. Skyline: “Skyline” 是指城市特征的轮廓线,包括高楼大厦和其他建筑物。例如:“The skyline of Shanghai is truly impressive”.
9. Infrastructure: “Infrastructure” 是指一国或地区所拥有的基础设施。例如:“Without proper infrastructure, a city cannot function properly”.
10. Traffic: “Traffic” 是指车辆和行人在道路上的流量,特别是在拥挤的城市地区。例如:“The traffic in Los Angeles is infamous for being congested”.
11. Pedestrian: “Pedestrian” 是指行人,通常在城市步行街上活动。例如:“The city has created a pedestrian-friendly district to

encourage more people to walk”.
12. Commute: “Commute” 是指车程、交通时间或者上下班的路线。例如:“Many people in the city commute to work on public transportation”.
13. Gridlock: “Gridlock” 是指因汽车交通拥堵而处于停滞状态。例如:“The city has had to implement measures to alleviate gridlock during peak hours”.
14. Public transportation: “Public transportation” 是指公共交通系统,包括公交、地铁、电车等。例如:“The city’s public transportation system is well developed and affordable”.
