
1. 在国外旅游或是工作中,去餐厅用餐是不可避免的,英语口语对话能帮你更好地进行点餐、询问食物详细信息、支付账单等事宜。下面是一个实际的餐厅英语口语对话示例。

2. 顾客:Hello.

I’d like to order some food, please.

服务员:Sure. What would you like to eat?

顾客:I’d like to start with a Caesar salad, and then I would like the steak, medium rare.

服务员:Would you like any sides with your steak, like mashed potatoes or grilled vegetables?

顾客:Yes, I’ll have the roasted vegetables, please.

服务员:Okay. And to drink?

顾客:I’ll have a glass of red wine, please.

服务员:Great. Would you like to see the dessert menu after your meal?

顾客:Yes, please.

3. 以上这个餐厅英语口语对话中,顾客通过英语向服务员点了餐,包括沙拉、牛

排和蔬菜。服务员还询问了顾客是否需要配菜和饮料等,询问得当,服务周到。最后还提供了甜点菜单,顾客也能够很自然地回答”Yes, please.”。这个餐厅口语对话就结束了。
