

首先,当我们与客户进行收入与成本的谈判时,客户可能会很自然地问及我们公司的利润。此时,我们需要用英语向客户解释我们的利润很低。我们可以这样说:“Our profit is currently lower than we expected due to unexpected circumstances that have affected our business.”或者我们可以说,“Our profits were affected by a recent market downturn, and we are now working to bring them back to their previous levels.”

其次,我们需要确保我们的回答与客户保持透明度。我们可以向客户传达我们正在采取的行动,包括削减成本和添加更多的收入来源。我们可以这样说:“We are working to improve our profits by reducing operating costs and exploring new revenue streams.”

第三,在向客户解释我们的利润很低时,我们需要使用专业词汇和行业术语,以向客户传达我们的专业知识和经验。我们可以这样说:“Due to a decrease in sales volume and a rise in production costs, our profit margins have been impacted.”

和重视。我们需要向客户展示我们正在努力改进我们的业务,并寻找更好的解决方案。我们可以这样说:“We understand and appreciate your concerns, and we are working hard to improve our financial performance and ensure a better return on investment for our clients.”

最后,我们需要以一种积极的语气结束对话。我们可以再次强调我们正在采取措施,以提高利润和创造更大价值。我们可以这样说:“We are confident that with the changes we are making and the ongoing support of our clients, we will be able to improve our profit margins and continue to deliver quality service and products.”

