



1. Hello, professor. How are you today? —— 你好,教授。您今天好吗?

2. Could you please explain this concept again? —— 请您再解释一下这个概念好吗?

3. I have a question about the reading assignment. —— 我对阅读作业有一个问题。

4. Can you give me some feedback on my presentation? —— 能给我一些关于我的演讲的反馈吗?

5. I’m having some difficulties with grammar. Can you help me? —— 我对语法有些困难,你能帮我吗?

6. How can I improve my listening skills? —— 我应该如何提高听力技巧呢?

7. Sorry, could you please repeat what you just said? —— 对不起,请您再重复一遍刚才说的话好吗?

8. What are the key points of this chapter? —— 这章的要点是什么?

9. Could you recommend some additional reading materials? —— 可以向我推荐一些额外的阅读材料吗?

10. I need some help with preparing for the upcoming exam. —— 我需要一些关于备战即将到来的考试的帮助。

11. Can I schedule a meeting with you to discuss my progress? —— 我能预约个时间与您讨论我的进展情况吗?

12. What are your expectations for this research project? —— 对于这个研究项目,您有什么期望?

13. I’m interested in joining the English club. How can I sign up? —— 我对参加英语俱乐部感兴趣。我应该如何报名?

14. Is there any recommended software for language learning? —— 有没有推荐的语言学习软件?

15. Could you suggest some effective learning strategies? —— 您可以给我一些建议有效的学习策略吗?

16. I’m struggling to understand this passage. Can you give me some guidance? —— 我不太理解这一段。您能给我一些指导吗?

17. Are there any additional resources I can use to enhance my understanding of the subject? —— 我还有没有其他资源可以加深我对这个主题的理解?

18. What are the requirements for the final project? —— 最后的项目有哪些要求?

19. I’m having difficulty managing my time. Do you have any tips? —— 我对时间管理有些困难。您有什么建议吗?

20. Could you recommend some online language exchange platforms? —— 可以向我推荐一些在线语言交流平台吗?

21. I would like to improve my pronunciation. How can I do that? —— 我想改善我的发音。我应该怎么做?

22. What are the best ways to practice speaking English? —— 练习英语口语的最佳方法是什么?

23. I’m interested in learning more about the culture of English-speaking countries. Any suggestions? —— 我对了解英语国家的文化很感兴趣。有什么建议吗?

24. Can you recommend some English movies or books for me to enjoy in my spare time? —— 你能推荐一些英语电影或书籍供我在闲暇时欣赏吗?

25. I would like to enroll in an English language course. Can you provide some recommendations? —— 我想报名参加一门英语课程。您有什么推荐吗?

26. What are the main differences between American English and British English? —— 美式英语和英式英语的主要区别是什么?

27. Do you have any advice on how to overcome the fear of speaking in front of others? —— 对于如何克服在他人面前讲话的恐惧,您有什么建议吗?

28. How can I stay motivated to continue learning English? —— 我应该如何保持学习英语的动力?

29. Could you recommend some language learning apps for self-study? —— 可以向我推荐一些自学语言的应用程序吗?

30. Thank you for your help and guida
nce. —— 谢谢您的帮助和指导。

