


外教:Can you share with me a funny or embarrassing moment you had with chocolate?
学生:Sure! One time, I was eating a chocolate bar and accidentally dropped it into my cup of hot tea. I thought it would melt, but it didn’t. So, I ended up with a gooey mess of chocolate floating in my tea!
外教:Haha, that sounds really funny! Did you still drink the tea afterwards?
学生:No, I couldn’t bring myself to drink it. I had to start over with a fresh cup of tea.

外教:What is your favorite animal and why?
学生:I love cats because they are so cute and funny. They always make me laugh with their silly behaviors. I have a pet cat at home and we have so much fun together. I even taught him some tricks!
外教:That’s great! Cats can be very entertaining. What tricks did you teach your cat?
学生:I taught him how to give me a h
igh five and how to play dead. It’s really funny to see him pretend to be asleep when I say “Bang!”

外教:Do you have any embarrassing moments with pronunciation?
学生:Yes, one time I was trying to order a sandwich at a restaurant, but I mispronounced the word “mayonnaise” and ended up ordering “man-ease” instead. The waiter looked really confused and I felt so embarrassed!
外教:Haha, that’s a funny story! Pronunciation can be tricky sometimes, but don’t worry, it’s all part of the learning process.

外教:Have you ever lost something important?
学生:Yes, one time I lost my keys and I searched everywhere for them. I was late for school because of that. It turned out that they were in my pocket the whole time!
外教:Oh no! That must have been frustrating. But it’s a good reminder to always double-check before assuming something is lost.

外教:Have you made any embarrassing translation mistakes?
学生:Yes, once I tried to translate “I’m excited to meet you” into English, but I accidentally said “I’m excrement to meet you” instead. It was so awkward and everyone started laughing!
外教:Haha, that’s definitely a funny mistake. Translation can be challenging, but it’s always good to learn from these experiences.

