


1. 请问我可以在哪里办理登机手续?
2. I’d like to check in, please.
3. 请出示您的护照和机票。
4. Here’s my passport and ticket.
5. 这是您的登机牌。
6. Here’s your boarding pass.
7. 我的行李是托运还是随身携带?
8. Is my baggage checked or carry-on?
9. 请问行李托运的最大重量是多少?
10. What’s the maximum weight for checked luggage?
11. 我需要过安检吗?
12. Do I need to go through security check?
13. 这里是安检口。
14. Here’s the security gate.
15. 请把电子设备取出来单独放在托盘中。
16. Please take out your electronic devices and put them in a separate tray.
17. 我需要将腰带和钥匙放在托盘中吗?
18. Do I need to put my belt and keys in the tray?
19. 请协助检查我的行李。
20. Could you please help me with my luggage inspection?
21. 我们将要登机,请问登机口在哪里?
22. We’re boarding soon. Where is the boarding gate?
23. 请到值机柜台办理登机手续。
24. Please proceed to the check-in counter for boarding pass.
25. 我能托运这个行李箱吗?
26. Can I check in this suitcase?
27. 我的航班是否准点?
28. Is my flight on time?
29. 我要改签到另一个航班。
30. I’d like to reschedule to another flight.
31. 我需要在转机时过海关吗?
32. Do I have to go through customs during my layover?
33. 我需要换登机牌吗?
34. Do I need to change my boarding pass?
35. 请问这个机场有免税店吗?
36. Are there any duty-free shops in this airport?
37. 我能用信用卡支付吗?
38. Can I pay with credit card?
39. 请问有Wi-Fi可用吗?
40. Is there Wi-Fi available?
41. 我错过了我的航班。
42. I missed my flight.
43. 请问我应该去哪个柜台办理延误航班的手续?
44. Which counter should I go to for rebooking my delayed flight?
45. 我的行李丢失了。
46. My luggage is missing.
47. 请问我应该去哪个柜台报失行李?
48. Which counter should I go to report my lost luggage?
49. 我的护照掉了。
50. I lost my passport.
51. 我需要办理紧急护照。
52. I need to apply for an emergency passport.
53. 我的航班延误了吗?
54. Is my flight delayed?
55. 请问这个登机口是通往什么地方的?
56. Where does this boarding gate lead to?
57. 我的登机口在哪个方向?
58. Which direction is my boarding gate?
59. 请问我应该坐哪个航空公司的班机?
60. Which airline should I take?
61. 行李丢失怎么办?
62. What should I do if my luggage is lost?
63. 我的行李晚点了。
64. My luggage is delayed.
65. 我能带这个液体上飞机吗?
66. Can I bring this liquid on the plane?
67. 我能在这里兑换外币吗?
68. Can I exchange foreign currency here?
69. 我可以要一杯水吗?
70. Can I have a glass of water, please?
71. 我的航班号是多少?
72. What’
s my flight number?
73. 我的座位号在哪里?
74. Where is my seat number?
75. 我有特殊饮食需求。
76. I have special dietary requirements.
77. 我需要办理登机手续吗?
78. Do I need to go through check-in?
79. 请问这个航班是否需要转机?
80. Does this flight require a layover?
81. 我的登机牌在哪里?
82. Where is my boarding pass?
83. 我需要填写入境卡吗?
84. Do I need to fill out an immigration form?
85. 我可以携带外币入境吗?
86. Can I bring foreign currency into the country?
87. 我需要办理签证吗?
88. Do I need to apply for a visa?
89. 我的签证还有效吗?
90. Is my visa still valid?
91. 是哪个时间段登机?
92. What’s the boarding time?
93. 我是否需要登机前取票?
94. Do I need to pick up my ticket before boarding?
95. 我可以在飞机上使用手机吗?
96. Can I use my cellphone on the plane?
97. 我能用这个充电器充电吗?
98. Can I charge my devices with this charger?
99. 请问这个机场有免费接送服务吗?
100. Is there a free shuttle service at this airport?

