
机场常用英语口语50句语音: 为您带来流利沟通的秘诀


1. Hello! 你好!
2. Welcome to the airport! 欢迎来到机场!
3. Do you have a passport? 你有护照吗?
4. Here is my passport. 这是我的护照。
5. Where is the check-in counter? 值机柜台在哪里?
6. How many bags are you checking in? 你要托运几件行李?
7. My flight is at 10 am. 我的航班是上午10点。
8. Is there any delay for my flight? 我的航班有延误吗?
9. Can I get extra legroom seats? 我可以选择额外的腿部空间座位吗?
10. Can I have a window seat? 我可以要一个靠窗的座位吗?
11. Is my carry-on bag allowed on board? 我的随身行李可以带上飞机吗?
12. Do I need to take off my shoes at the security check? 安检时需要脱鞋吗?
13. Where is the boarding gate? 登机口在哪里?
14. Can I have a coffee before boarding? 登机前我可以喝杯咖啡吗?
15. Can I upgrade my ticket to business class? 我可以将机票升级到公务舱吗?
16. How long is the layover time? 转机时间有多长?
17. Is there free Wi-Fi in the airport? 机场有免费Wi-Fi吗?
18. Where can I exchange currency? 哪里可以换外币?
19. How much is the parking fee per hour? 每小时停车费是多少?
20. Can I get a luggage cart? 我可以拿一个行李推车吗?

21. Could you please help me with my luggage? 您可以帮我处理行李吗?
22. Is there a duty-free shop in the airport? 机场有免税店吗?
23. Can I bring food on the plane? 我可以带食物上飞机吗?
24. Can I smoke in the designated smoking area? 我可以在规定的吸烟区吸烟吗?
25. Can I have a receipt for my purchase? 我可以要一张购物收据吗?
26. Is there a lost and found office in the airport? 机场有失物招领处吗?
27. Can I use my phone during the flight? 飞行期间我可以使用手机吗?
28. Can I have a blanket and pillow? 我可以要一条毯子和一个枕头吗?
29. Is there a baby-changing facility in the airport? 机场有换尿布的设施吗?
30. Can I have a vegetarian meal on the plane? 飞机上有素食餐吗?

31. Could you please provide me with a wheelchair? 您可以提供给我一把轮椅吗?
32. Can I have a refund for my ticket? 我可以退票吗?
33. Can I have a copy of the boarding pass? 我可以要一份登机牌副本吗?
34. Is there an ATM in the airport? 机场里有ATM机吗?
35. Can I print my boarding pass at the airport? 我可以在机场打印登机牌吗?
36. What is the maximum weight for checked baggage? 托运行李的最大重量是多少?
37. Can I bring my pet on the pl
ane? 我可以带宠物上飞机吗?
38. Can I have an aisle seat? 我可以要一个过道的座位吗?
39. Can I have a refund for my unused airport tax? 我可以退还未使用的机场税吗?
40. Where can I find a taxi? 哪里可以找到出租车?

41. Is there a bus to the city center? 去市中心有巴士吗?
42. Can I pay the airport tax in cash? 我可以用现金支付机场税吗?
43. Is there a pharmacy in the airport? 机场有药店吗?
44. Can I bring a stroller for my baby? 我可以带婴儿推车吗?
45. Where can I find the immigration office? 护照处在哪里?
46. Can I bring my laptop on board? 我可以携带笔记本电脑上飞机吗?
47. Can I use my credit card for payment? 我可以用信用卡支付吗?
48. Is there a hotel shuttle service? 有酒店班车服务吗?
49. Can I have a refund for my excess baggage fee? 我可以退还超重行李费吗?
50. Thank you for your assistance! 谢谢您的帮助!

