


1. Hello, I’m here to catch a flight. 你好,我是来赶飞机的。
2. Where is the check-in counter for international flights? 国际航班的办理柜台在哪里?
3. Could you please tell me where the departure gate is? 请问登机门在哪里?
4. How much baggage am I allowed to take? 我可以带多少行李?
5. Is there a weight limit for the check-in baggage? 携带行李有重量限制吗?
6. Can I take my carry-on baggage onto the plane? 我可以带随身手提行李上飞机吗?
7. Is there a security check before boarding? 登机前需要安全检查吗?
8. What is the maximum liquid allowance for carry-on baggage? 随身行李的液体限制是多少?
9. Excuse me, where can I find the duty-free shops? 对不起,请问免税店在哪里?
10. How long does it usually take to go through customs? 通关一般需要多长时间?
11. I’m a vegetarian. Do you have any vegetarian meals on the flight? 我是素食主义者,请问航班上有素食餐吗?
12. Can I have a window seat, please? 我可以要一个靠窗的座位吗?
13. Is there in-flight entertainment available on this flight? 这个航班有座位上的娱乐设施吗?
14. Excuse me, can I have some extra blankets? 对不起,请问我可以要一些额外的毯子吗?
15. Is there any wifi service on board? 飞机上有无线网络服务吗?
16. How long is the flight from here to London? 从这里到伦敦的飞行时间有多长?
17. Can I change my seat after boarding? 登机后可以更换座位吗?
18. Is there any snack or meal service on this flight? 这个航班提供零食或餐食服务吗?
19. Could you please help me find my gate? 你能帮我找到登机门吗?
20. Is there an ATM where I can withdraw cash? 有提款机可以取现金吗?
21. Excuse me, where can I exchange currency? 对不起,请问哪里可以兑换货币?
22. How can I get to the city center from the airport? 如何从机场去市中心?
23. Do I need to fill out any customs declaration forms? 我需要填写任何海关申报表格吗?
24. Excuse me, where can I collect my baggage? 对不起,请问哪里可以取行李?
25. Is there a taxi stand outside the airport? 机场外有出租车站吗?
26. How much is the taxi fare to downtown? 去市中心的出租车费用是多少?
27. Excuse me, is there a shuttle bus to the city? 对不起,请问有去市区的班车吗?
28. Can I use my credit card to pay for the taxi? 我可以用信用卡支付出租车费用吗?
29. Is there a nearby hotel within walking distance? 有靠近的步行可达的酒店吗?
30. Could you please call a hotel for me? 你能帮我叫一辆出租车吗?
31. Do I need to show my passport at the hotel check-in? 在酒店办理入住时需要出示护照吗?
32. Could you recommend any local attractions to visit? 你能推荐一些本地的旅游景点吗?
33. Is there a tourist i
nformation center in the airport? 机场有旅游咨询中心吗?
34. How do I get to the train station from the airport? 从机场怎么去火车站?
35. Can I buy a SIM card at the airport? 我可以在机场买手机卡吗?
36. Is there a pharmacy in the airport? 机场有药房吗?
37. Excuse me, can you help me with this heavy luggage? 对不起,请问你能帮我拿这个沉重的行李吗?
38. Is there a lost and found office in the airport? 机场里有失物招领处吗?
39. How can I connect to the airport wifi? 如何连接机场的无线网络?
40. Could I please have the boarding pass for my connecting flight? 我能拿到我接下来航班的登机牌吗?
41. Is there a business lounge for passengers with a long layover? 对于长时间的候机,是否有商务休息室?
42. Can I pre-book a taxi for my arrival at the destination airport? 我能在目的地机场预订出租车吗?
43. Is there an information desk where I can ask for directions? 有问路处可以向他们询问指示吗?
44. How can I claim the tax refund for my purchases? 我如何申请购物退税?
45. Could you please help me fill in this arrival card? 你能帮我填写这张抵达卡吗?
46. Is there a baggage storage service in the airport? 机场有行李寄存服务吗?
47. How can I get to the domestic terminal from the international terminal? 如何从国际航站楼到达国内航站楼?
48. Can I bring my pet in the cabin? 我能把宠物带进机舱吗?
49. Is there a smoking area in the airport? 机场有吸烟区吗?
50. Excuse me, where can I find a restroom? 对不起,请问洗手间在哪里?

