

A: Hi, Tom. How are you feeling today?
B: Hi, Jack. I’m not feeling well. I think I’ve caught a cold.
A: Oh no! I’m sorry to hear that. Have you seen a doctor yet?
B: Not yet. I’m going to make an appointment today.
A: That’s a good idea. You should take care of yourself.

A: Hi, Lisa. You look pale. Are you okay?
B: No, I’m not. I’ve been having a headache and feel dizzy since yesterday.
A: Maybe you should see a doctor. It could be something serious.
B: You’re right. I’ll call the clinic right away.

A: Hey, John. You don’t look too good today. Anything wrong?
B: I feel really tired and have a sore throat. I might be getting a flu.
A: You should rest and drink some warm water. Maybe you’ll f
eel better.
B: I’ll try that. Thanks for your advice.

A: Hi, Sarah. Is everything okay? You seem a bit down.
B: No, I’m not feeling well. I have a high fever and I feel weak.
A: You should stay home and get some rest. Don’t forget to take some medicine.
B: I’ll do that. Hopefully, I’ll get better soon.

A: Hi, Peter. You don’t look so good. Are you feeling alright?
B: Not really. I have a cough and a runny nose. I think I have caught a flu.
A: You should drink more warm water and take some medicine. You’ll recover soon.
B: Thanks for your advice. I will definitely take care of myself.


