


1. 在餐厅点餐

A:Good evening! Welcome to our restaurant. How many people are in your party?


B:There are four of us.

A:Great! Would you like to sit indoors or outdoors?

B:Indoors, please.

A:Alright, here is your table. Please take a seat. Can I get you some drinks first?

B:Yes, I would like a cola, and my friends would like a lemonade, an iced tea, and a mineral water, please.

A:Sure, I’ll bring them to you right away. Have a look at our menu, and let me know when you’re ready to order.


2. 在商店购物

A:May I help you?

B:Yes, I’m looking for a pair of sneakers.

A:Sure, we have a wide range of sneakers. What style are you looking for?

B:I prefer something casual and comfortable.

A:How about these ones? They are made of breathable mesh material and have a cushioned sole for extra comfort.

B:They look great! Do you have them in size 8?

A:Yes, we do. Let me check the stock for you. Please wait a moment.


3. 在旅行中向路人问路

A:Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the nearest subway station?

B:Of course! It’s just a few blocks away. Go straight along this street, and you’ll see it on your left.

A:Thank you! Is it within walking distance?

B:Yes, it’s about a 10-minute walk from here.

A:Is there any landmark I should look out for?

B:Yes, there’s a big shopping mall next to the subway station. You won’t miss it.



