

1. 出行准备:
A: Have you packed everything?
B: I think so. I have my passport, tickets, and money.
A: Don’t forget your toothbrush and toiletries.

2. 机场接机:
A: How was your flight?
B: It was good, but a bit long.
A: Did you have any trouble with customs?

3. 酒店入住:
A: Welcome to our hotel. How can I assist you?
B: I have a reservation under the name of Johnson.
A: Here’s your key. Enjoy your stay!

4. 咨询交通:
A: Excuse me, how can I get to the city center?
B: You can take a taxi or the bus.
A: Which bus should I take?

5. 寻找旅游景点:
A: Do you know how to get to the museum?
B: Yes, it’s just a few blocks away from here.
A: Can you give me directions, please?

6. 购物:
A: How much does this souvenir cost?
B: It’s 10 dollars.
A: Can you give me a discount?

7. 就餐:
A: Do you have a table for two?
B: Yes, right this way, please.
A: What do you recommend on the menu?

8. 风景名胜游览:
A: Isn’t the view amazing?
B: Yes, it’s breathtaking!
A: Let’s take some pictures.

9. 向当地人寻求帮助:
A: Excuse me, do you know where the nearest hospital is?
B: Yes, it’s a few blocks away on the left.
A: Thank you for your help.

10. 外币兑换:
A: How much is the exchange rate for dollars to euros?
B: It’s 1 dollar to 0.8 euros.
A: I’d like to exchange 100 dollars, please.

11. 租车:
A: Can I rent a car for a week?
B: Yes, we have cars available. Are you over 21?
A: Yes, I am.

12. 医疗急救:
A: I need a doctor. I’m feeling sick.
B: Don’t worry, there’s a clinic nearby. Let’s go.

13. 购买火车票:
A: I’d like to buy two tickets to Beijing, please.
B: Do you want first class or second class?
A: Second class is fine.

14. 计划行程:
A: What do you want to do tomorrow?
B: Let’s visit the famous temple in the morning and go shopping in the afternoon.
A: Sounds like a plan.

15. 景点导览:
A: Is there a guided tour of the castle?
B: Yes, there’s a tour starting in 15 minutes.
A: Can we join the tour?

16. 遇到紧急情况:
A: Help! My wallet has been stolen!
B: Don’t worry. We’ll report it to the police.

17. 询问当地特色美食:
A: What’s the local specialty dish?
B: You should try the traditional seafood stew.
A: Where can I find a good restaurant?

18. 询问当地文化习俗:
A: What are the customs for greeting people here?
B: People usually shake hands and say “hello”.

19. 赶飞机:
A: We need to hurry. The flight is in 30 minutes.
B: Let’s take a taxi to the airport.

20. 给家人朋友寄明信片:
A: I want to send postcards to my family and friends.
B: There’s a post office near the hotel.

