


A: Excuse me, Mrs. Smith. I’m not feeling well today. Can I ask for leave?
B: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Are you feeling really sick?
A: Yes, I’ve got a bad coug
h and a fever.
B: Alright. I’ll write you a leave note. Have a good rest and get well soon!


A: Hi, John. I’m sorry to bother you. I have an emergency and I need to take a day off tomorrow.
B: No problem. Is everything alright? What happened?
A: My grandmother passed away yesterday. I need to attend the funeral.
B: Oh, my condolences. Take the time you need, and let me know if you need any support.


A: Excuse me, Manager. I need to ask for two days off next week.
B: Sure, may I know the reason?
A: My brother is getting married and I’m his best man. We have a lot of preparations to do.
B: That’s great! Congratulations to your brother! Enjoy the wedding and take the time you need.


1. 表达请假:
– Can I ask for leave?(能请假吗?)
– I need to take a day off.(我需要请假一天。)
– I need to ask for [number] days off.(我需要请假[number]天。)

2. 告知请假原因:
– I’m not feeling well today.(我今天身体不舒服。)
– I have an emergency.(我有急事。)
– My grandmother passed away.(我奶奶去世了。)

3. 回应请假请求:
– Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.(哦,听到这个我很遗憾。)
– No problem.(没问题。)
– Take the time you need.(请你需要的时间。)


