


howoften doyouattend networking events?

what doyou hope toachieve whenyougointo a networking event?

what are your strengths and weaknesses asa networker?


hello andwelcome back tobusiness skills 360.i’m tim simmons,andi’m glad youcould join me fortoday’s show on networking.

okay, back tonetworking. now,i’m not going to tellyou how toconnectcomputers… this isabout business networking, talking topeople, makingconnections… and today we’re going to discuss goal-setting in networking events.you need togointo theseevents with a clear objective so that youcanmake goodu查找引擎优化ftheopportunity. weset goals foreverything else,sowhy not networking?

firstoff, what doi mean bynetworking event? perhaps it’s a mixer for all businesspeople in your community,ormaybe it’s a conference where youhave the chanceto meet people in your field. these are important opportunities, andit’simportantthat you useyour timewisely. the fact is, atmany networking events, 75%ofthepeople stand around waiting forthe other 25%tomake something happen. it’simportant for youtobein that 25%group.be proactive. you can’t just stand in thecorner and expect everyone towalk across theroom tointroduce themselves.

so… tobeanactive andsuccessful networker, it’sa very good idea to setgoalsbefore the event. what kindofgoals? we’ll talk about issue-based goals andhuman-based goals.

let’s start with issues. before the event, sit down andgive some thought to yourcurrent situation.what issues are youcurrently dealing within your business orwork? are youfacing specific problems or obstacles that youneed help with? doyou have certain needs? writethesethings down, then rank them in order ofimportance. forexample, your list might say… “number 1:our project meetingslack focus. number2: our computer servers are unreliable. and number 3: mydepartment is spending toomuchon office supplies.” great. it’s good tohave a topthree. toomany and you’ll lose focus.

now, keep your top three issues in mind asyouhead into the networking event.remember, the goal ofyour networking is tosolve theseproblems, get help solvingthem, or simply getsome ideasabout how to dealwith them. youmay not meetsomeone whocanactually solve these, but you may meet someone whohasencountered them before. steerthe conversation towardthese issues. they mayhelp yougetover that awkward situation in which you’ve introduced yourselves andaren’t sure what more totalkabout.you cansay something like… “so,you folks doa lot of project work… how doyoufind your meetings?” or “what kind ofservers doyou run in there?”

now, let’s think about human-based goals. the purpose ofnetworking is, ofcourse,to build a human network. youtalk to people,andyournetwork grows. you talk tomore people, andyournetwork growsevenmore. that’sgreat,but ifyour purpose of heading into a networking event is very general,like “talking topeople,” thenhowdoyouknow whetheryou’ve been successful? setting specific goals will help yougetmore done andmeasure yoursuccess, especially ifyoufeel you’re not verygood atnetworking.

put numbers toyour goals. set targets, justasyoumight for sales or otherimportant business basics. for example, perhaps youdecide that youwill makethree soft contacts andone excellent contact. or maybe you decide totell fivepeople about your company’s new product. or maybe youaim simply to pass out10 business cards. whatever the specific goal is, itwill help youfocus yourefforts.chatting for 30 minutes about baseball witha former co-worker may qualify as”talking to people,” but it’s not necessarily the best u查找引擎优化f your networking time.

right. that’s all for today.happy networking, andifyou’d like totest yourself ontoday’s episode, check out thewww.mybeonline.com website.you’ll find somevocab explanations, discussion questions, and a quiz. and don’t forget totuneinnextweek,when we’ll have a look atnetwork maintenance. fascinating stuff. byefornow.


networking – developing andusing business contacts; “johnisgood atnetworking, so hehasmany people tocall on whenheneeds solutions in his business.”树立并打开商业人脉联络,交际

mixer – aninformalevent or party for people tomeet and mingle; “onthursday evening, the chamber ofcommerce is hosting a mixer for local business people.”非正式交际集会

field – a specific areaof work or business; “after 15 years in the field ofeducation, brettdecided tochange careers.” 领域

proactive – acting tocause things tohappen rather than waiting and reacting; “toavoid any problems, we need tobeproactive in monitoring the production process.”活泼主动的

issue-based goals – objectives oraimsthataretied to specific problems; “one ofvictor’s issue-based goals atthe conference was tofind a way toreduce his company’s overhead.” 根据疑问的方针

human-based goals – objectives or aims that are tied topeople; “george went into thenetworking even with thehuman-based goal ofmaking three solid contacts in thenew media industry.”根据人的方针

to encounter – tomeet,especially unexpectedly; “hilary felt rather uncomfortable when sheencounteredher ex-husband atthe fundraiser.”遇见(意外的)

to steer the conversation – tolead a discussion toward a particular subject; “i decided not to see jane againafter shespent our entire first date trying tosteer theconversation back toher family problems.”关于某个主题主导/控制说话

awkward – uncomfortable, embarrassing, or embarrassed; “ryan felt very awkward when hearrived attheformal party in jeans and a t-shirt.” 为难的

“you folks” – youpeople; “the comedian opened his act byasking the audience: ‘how are youfolks doing this evening?’”你们

soft contacts – casual professional acquaintances; “charlie has a lot ofsoft contacts in the advertising industry but nobody he can call a close associate.”弱联络


好了,回到建立网络。如今我要讲的可不是怎么联接电脑。。它关于商务上的网络建立,联络到人,树立联络… 今日,咱们要谈论的是在交际活动中如何树立方针。你要带着清楚的方针去参加那些活动,这样才干真实地把机缘使用好。咱们对任何作业都设置方针,为啥交际不能呢?







好了,今日就到这儿。享受交际吧,假定你想对今日的课程自我查验的话,翻开www.mybeonline.com 网址。你会找到一些词汇说明,谈论题,现已查验题。不要忘了下周回到这儿,咱们将学习如何维护交际联络。非常有意思。再会。

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